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  1. Nov 27, 2020 · King James, the First: Dæmonologie (1597). by James I, King of England, 1566-1625

  2. Jun 29, 2008 · The beginning of "Daemonologie" sets the stage by addressing the widespread fear of witches during James I's reign, as the author outlines his intent to debunk opposing views that deny the existence of witchcraft and the power of the devil.

    • James I, King of England, 1566-1625
    • Daemonologie.
    • English
  3. Jun 29, 2008 · Title: Daemonologie. Author: King James I Release Date: June 29, 2008 [Ebook #25929] Language: English Character set encoding: UTF-8 ***START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK DAEMONOLOGIE.***

  4. Download PDF - The Demonology Of King James I: Includes The Original Text Of Daemonologie And News From Scotland [PDF] [78a40g8si740]. Written by King James I and published in 1597, the original edition of Demonology is widely regarded as one of the most ...

    • THE PREFACE to the Reader.
    • PERIVS, HEMMINGIVS, two late
    • NELIVS Agrippa, and in VVIERVS, whom-
    • Proven by the Scripture^ that these vnlawfull artes in genere, haue bene and may be put in practise,
    • BVt
    • How farre the v sing of Charme sis law full orvnlawfull: The description of the formes of Circkles and Coniura- tiones.And what causeth the Magicianes themselues to wearie thereof
    • INdeede
    • ‘BOOKE OF T>jE-
    • COme
    • FOrsooth
    • BVt
    • Phi. But will neuer their master come to visite
    • HAth
    • 'BOOKE OF T>M-
    • TDialog ue.
    • The
    • NOW
    • Then
    • Declaring the Damna^
    • Which ‘DoUori»as regejler to theTDiuell
    • Difeouering how they pretended
    • To the Trader.
    • With a particuler recitall of their examinati¬

    HE Damonologie of King James, the Sixth of Scotland and First of England, was written, as the Royal author states in his Preface, to prove that ‘the assautes of Sathan are most certainly prac¬ tized, & that the instrumentes thereof, merits most severly to be punished.’ Such work has more than a passing interest. It gives the student of history and ...

    belief, the conclusions are not illogical. King James makes many shrewd observations, and the twentieth- century medium would probably confirm ‘that there are twentie women giuen to that craft, where ther is one man.’ The explanation (given on pp. 43-4) would not, perhaps, be as readily accepted. The Newes from Scotland^ which is also included in t...

    Vll Harrington, describing an audience which he had with the King. ‘Soon upon this, the Prince his Highnesse did enter, and in muche goode humour askede, “If I was cosen to lorde Haryngton of Exton?” I humblie repliede,—“His Majestie did me some honour in enquiringe my kin to one whome he had so late honourede and made a barone;” and moreover did a...

    HE fearefull ahoundinge at this time in this countries ojthese detestable slaues of the Deuill^ the Witches or enchaunters^ hath moved me{belouedreader) to dis¬ patch inpost^ this follow¬ ing treatise of mine^ not in any wise {as I protest) to serue for a shew of my learning ^ ingine^ but onely {mooued of conscience) to preasse / thereby^ so farre ...

    error of the Sadducees^ in denying of spirits. The other called VVIERVS, a German Phisition^ sets out a puhlick apologie for' al these craftes- folkes^ whereby^ procuring for their impunitie^ he plainely hewrayes himselfe to haue bene one of that profession. And for to make this treatise the more pleasaunt and facill^ I haue put it in forme of a Di...

    XV then written with judgement^ together with their confessions^ that haue bene at this time appre- hened. If he would know what hath bene the opinion of the Aunci- / entes^ concerning their power: he shall see it wel descrybed by HY-

    Germaine writers : Besides innumerable other neoterick Theologues^ that writes largelie vpon that subject: And if he woulde knowe what are the particuler rites^ ^ curiosities of these black arts {which is both vnnecessarie and perilous j) he will finde it in the fourth book of COR-

    of I spak. And so wishing my pains in this Treatise {beloued Reader') to be effectual^ in arming al them that reades the same^ against these aboue mentioned erroures^ and recom¬ mending my good will to thy friendly acceptation^ I bid thee hartely fare-welL lAMES R.

    Philomathes and Epistemon reason the matter. Philomathes. AM surely verie glad to haue mette with you this daye, for I am of opinion, that ye can bet¬ ter resolue me of some thing, wherof I stand in great doubt, nor anie other whom-with I could haue mette. Epi. In what I can, that ye like to speir at me, I will willinglie and freelie tell

    my opinion, and if I proue it not sufficiently, I am heartely content that a better reason carie it away then. Phi. What thinke yee of these strange newes, which now onelie furnishes purpose to al men at their meeting: I meane of these Witches ? Epi. Surelie they are wonderfull : And I think so cleare and plaine confessions in that pur¬ pose, haue ...

    yet it is evident by the text, that how sone that once that vnclean spirit was fully risen, shee called in vp- on Saul. For it is saide in the text, that Saule knew him to be Samuel, which coulde not haue bene, by the hearing tell onely of an olde man with an mantil, since there was many mo old men dead in Israel nor Samuel'. And the common weid of...

    Chap. II. argv. What kynde of sin the practi’z.ers of these vnlawfull artes committes. The division of these artes. And quhat are the meanes that allures any to practice them. Philomath Es. I thinke it very strange, that God should % BVT permit anie man-kynde (since they beare his owne Image) to fall in so grosse and filthie a de¬ fection. Epi. Alt...

    farre in his snares, as it may be vnable to them there¬ after (suppose they would) to rid themselues out of the same. Phi. Then this sinne is a sinne against the holie Ghost. Epi. It is in some, but not in all. Phi. How that? Are not all these that runnes directlie to the Devill in one Categorie. Epi. God forbid, for the sin against the holie Ghost...

    Epi. Even by these three passiones that are vv^ithin our selues: Curiositie in great ingines: thrist of revenge, for some tortes deeply apprehen¬ ded: or greedie appetite of geare, caused through great pouerty. As to the first of these, Curiosity, it is onelie the inticement of Magictens, or Necroman- ciers'. and the other two are the allureres of ...

    And this word Necromancie is a Greek word, com¬ pounded of Nf Kptuv & fiavTeia^ which is to say, the Pro- phecie by the dead. This last name is given, to this black & vnlawfull science by the figure Synedoche^ because it is a principal part of that art, to serue them selues with dead carcages in their diuinations. Phi. What difference is there betw...

    to giue themselves over to the same : Which two meanes, I call the Divels schoole, and his rudi- mentes. The learned haue their curiositie wakened vppe; and fedde by that which I call his schoole: this is the Astrologie judiciar. For divers men ha¬ ving attained to a great perfection in learning, & yet remaining overbare (alas) of the spirit of re¬...

    Philomathes. II pray you likewise forget not to tell what are the Deuilles rudimentes. Epi. His rudimentes, I call first in generall, all that which is called vulgarly the vertue of worde, herbe, & stone: which is vsed by vnlawful charmes, without naturall causes. As likewise all kinde of practicques, freites, or other like extraordinarie a- ctione...

    eyes, by knitting roun-trees, or sundriest kinde of herbes, to the haire or tailes of the goodes: By cu¬ ring the Worme, by stemming of blood, by hea¬ ling of Horse-crookes, by turning of the riddle, or doing of such like innumerable things by wordes, without applying anie thing, meete to the part of¬ fended, as Mediciners doe; Or else by staying m...

    haue obserued from the beginning, in the science of the Heauenlie Creatures, the Planets, Starres, and such like: The one is their course and ordinary motiones, which for that cause is called Astrono- mia: Which word is a compound of vofiog & aoTEpojv that is to say, the law of the Starres: And this arte indeed is one of the members of the Mathema-...

    lerem. lO, Geomantiey Hydromantiey Arithmantie, Physiognomie: Sc a thousand others: which were much practised. Sc holden in great reuerence by the Gentles of olde. And this last part of Astrologie whereof I haue spo¬ ken, which is the root of their branches, was called by them pars fortune. This parte now is vtterlie vn- lawful to be trusted in, or...

    Philomathes. , Ye haue said far inough in that argu- :nt. But how prooue ye now that these

    charmes or vnnaturall practicques are vnlawfull: For so, many honest & merrie men & women haue publicklie practized some of them, that I thinke if ye would accuse them al of Witch-craft, ye would affirme more nor ye will be beleeued in. Epi. I see if you had taken good tent (to the na¬ ture of that word, whereby I named it,) ye would not haue bene ...

    Phi. Ye haue reason forsooth; for as the com¬ mon Prouerbe saith: They that suppe keile with the Deuill, haue neede of long spoones. But now I praie you goe forwarde in the describing of this arte of Magie. Epi. Fra they bee come once vnto this per¬ fection in euill, in hauing any knowledge (whether learned or vnlearned) of this black art: they the...

    circles, or in the holines of the names of God blas- phemouslie vsed: nor in whatsoeuer rites or ce¬ remonies at that time vsed, that either can raise any infernall spirit, or yet limitat him perforce within or without these circles. For it is he onelie, the fa¬ ther of all lyes, who hauing first of all prescribed that forme of doing, feining himse...

    apparitiones, that that craftie spirit illudes them with, and of all such particulars in that action, I re¬ mit it to ouer-manie that haue busied their heades in describing of the same; as being but curious, and altogether vnprofitable. And this farre onelie I touch, that when the conjured Spirit appeares, which will not be while after manie circum...

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

    Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless re- served. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the librarian who will be glad to help yon. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accrniug on the 4 same. A'

  5. AbouttheBook "Thefirsttext awide-rangingd sion,demons,we Socraticdialogue accountofScottish citedbyMargaret thesehistorical attemptat documentsexem tionsusedto scannedfroman justify AbouttheAuthor KingJames I(1566 "JamesVIand I (ScotsasJamesVI James I.Heruled whenhewason QueenofScots, endedofficiallyin hisgovernmentu succeededthe ElizabethI,who ...

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