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  1. 1. What did Jesus and the Samaritan woman say to each other? 2. Jesus crossed racial prejudice lines when he spoke to a Samaritan, and he violated Jewish tradition when he spoke to a woman about spiritual things. Why did Jesus violate the customs of his people and go through Samaria, and talk with a Samaritan woman? 3.

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  2. The Samaritan Woman The Woman Caught in Adultery The Woman with a Hemorrhage . Day 1 The Samaritan Woman. Read John 4:1-18 1. From John 4:4-8 describe: Where was this event located? Why was Jesus there? Who was there? Who wasn’t there? When was this happening? What was happening? 2. How did Jesus connect with the woman of Samaria?

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  3. Samaritan woman. First, the Samaritan Israelites defined their own existence in exclusively Israelite terms. The Samaritans called themselves – “the sons of Israel” and “the keepers” - Shomrim. Jewish sources refer to the Samaritans as Kutim. The term is most likely related to a location in Iraq from which the non-Israelite exiles

  4. SAY: In today’s story of “The Samaritan Woman,” Jesus talked to a woman who was different from him. Even though she was different, Jesus still showed her God’s love. ASK: Why do you think Jesus showed the Samaritan woman love? What are some ways that we can show love and acceptance to our friends, family, and members of our community?

  5. 1. What did Jesus ask of the Samaritan woman? 2. What did Jesus say he could give her? 3. Did the people of Samaria believe Jesus’s word? 4. Did the Samaritan woman find it odd when Jesus asked her for water?

  6. Help the Samaritan woman find the way to the well. "If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water."

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  8. Jesus and the Samaritan Woman. Main Point: Jesus came to give new life to ALL people who put their trust in Him. Key Verse: I am not ashamed of the good news. It is God's power. And it will save everyone who believes. It is meant first for the Jews. It is meant also for those who aren't Jews. - Romans 1:16.

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