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  1. The glory is the manifested presence of God. And this glory is shown throughout the Bible, this glory is manifested in many different ways. The Hebrew and Greek definitions for glory are similar. The glory is a splendor, a brightness, or shining light – Referring to effulgence (the outshining from a luminous source).

  2. The Glory of God The following is a selection of comments on the word "glory", δοκσος (doksos), as used in the Bible. Glory is used to describe the essence of God: ROM. 3:23; EPH. 1:17; DEUT. 5:24; PS. 21:5; MT. 16:27: LUKE 2:9. The Lord Jesus Ch rist is said to possess glory: MK. 10:37 . Glory is used to describe the edification

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  3. We hope you’ll find them valuable for studying God’s Word and that your walk will be strengthened by the life-changing Truth you’ll encounter each day. Living for God’s Glory STUDY GUIDE. Published by Precept Ministries of Reach Out, Inc. P. O. Box 182218 Chattanooga, TN 37422. ISBN–13: 978-1-62119-004-2.

    • A Peculiar Glory
    • Introduction
    • The Scriptures
    • The Glory of the God Who Speaks
    • In the End We Know by Sight, Not Inference
    • My Story: Held by the Bible
    • Standing in the Sway of What We Don’t Know?
    • The Bible Is More Like a Letter Than an Equation
    • How Will the Creator Communicate?
    • Not So Much Holding a View as Being Held
    • The View: Clarified, Brightened, Deepened
    • When the Clouds Part
    • Here I Stand
    • Which Books Are in the Book?
    • Old Testament
    • New Testament
    • The Canon of the Old Testament
    • Why Is the Christian Old Testament Ordered Differently?
    • New Authority Comes into the World, the Living Word
    • Paul and the Twelve
    • The New Scriptures
    • Discerning Which Books Were Apostolic
    • Apostolicity as Supernatural Communication
    • Jesus Thought That Words Matter
    • An Illustration of the Importance of Nonextant Original Documents
    • Original Manuscripts Have Objective Historical Reality
    • Controversy and Consensus
    • A Personal Story from Graduate School
    • The Muslim Counterclaim
    • The Old Testament
    • Jesus’s Estimate of the Old Testament as a Litmus Test of Spiritual Sight
    • His Estimate Is Supreme
    • The Authority of the Apostles
    • Jonathan Edwards
    • Verbally Inspired, Infallible, without Error
    • Nonhistorians Are Not Expected to Leap into the Dark
    • Faith Arises from Seeing What Is Really There
    • The Painter and the God Who Speaks
    • The Meaning of Texts Is Where the Glory Shines
    • The Artistic Sensitivities of the Beholder Make a Difference
    • The Light of God Brings All Truth to Light
    • Pondering Pascal’s Wager
    • How Do I Have Confidence in My Wife?
    • The Wager as Simple and Misleading
    • The Wager as Complex and Challenging
    • Unnamable Experiences and Serious Doubts
    • Authentic Faith Is Not a Wager
    • Sharing Billy Graham’s Burden
    • The Internal Testimony of the Spirit, Not the Testimony of the Church
    • How Does It Work?
    • The Witness Is Not Added to Scripture
    • World and the Word
    • Well-Grounded Knowledge of Truth for Everyone
    • Stunning, Self-Evident Things That I Cannot Not Know
    • The Difference between Knowing God by the World and by the Word
    • The Peculiar Glory in Jesus Christ
    • That God Is Glorious and How God Is Glorious
    • He Is Glorious as Many Ways as the Diamond Has Facets
    • The Glory of Isaiah’s God
    • Majesty Expressed through Meekness
    • In the Fulfillment of Prophecy
    • In the Miracles of Jesus
    • Peculiar Glory on Display
    • In the People the Word Creates
    • Are We Made New by the Word or the Spirit?
    • We Are Made New by the Word in the Hand of the Spirit
    • Historical Reasoning
    • Persuasion by Reason and Persuasion by the Spirit
    • The Mental Work of Preserving and Interpreting Texts
    • The Only Pathway to Seeing Glory Is Human Thinking
    • The Path of Apologetics Is the Path to Light
    • The Life of Paul as a Compelling Creation of the Word of God
    • Pursuing Paul’s Way of Arguing Further
    • Conclusion
    • An Understandable Obstacle
    • A Massive Foundation
    • For the Simplest Person
    • Volume 2

    How the Christian Scriptures Reveal Their Complete Truthfulness

    Is the Bible true? I am not asking if there is truth in it, say, the way there is truth in Moby Dick, or Plato’s Republic, or The Lord of the Rings. Aspects of truth can be found virtually everywhere. What I am asking is this: Is the Bible completely true? All of it. Is it so trustworthy in all that it teaches that it can function as the test of al...

    Fourth, how are we to know that the Christian Scriptures are the word of God? The argument of this book is that the answer to this question is the same as the answer to the three preceding questions. In and through the Scriptures we see the glory of God. What the apostles of Jesus saw face-to-face they impart to us through their words. “That which ...

    Another way to describe what I am aiming at is to distinguish the ar-gument for our confidence in Scripture from the argument that simply says, “We believe the Scriptures because God says they are his word, and God should be believed.” My problem with this sentence is not that it is false but that it is ambiguous. There are false prophets who say, ...

    The argument of this book is that the final step of certainty concern-ing the Scriptures is the step of sight, not inference. The pathway that leads to sight may involve much empirical observation, and historical awareness, and rational thought (see chapter 17). But the end we are seeking is not a probable inference from historical reasoning but a ...

    Everyone stands somewhere, even if we sometimes don’t know where we stand. This is true geographically and theologically. You might be blindfolded, and driven around town in a car for an hour, and then let out. You would be standing somewhere but may not know where. I did this with my wife on her fortieth birthday so she would not know where I was ...

    This is true about the Bible. We all stand somewhere in relation to the Bible. A few of us grew up in a Bible-believing home, and we came to believe and love the Bible for ourselves. We stand on it. We believe what it says is true, and we try to bring our lives into harmony with it. But that is not the rule. My university professors in Germany stoo...

    Likening the Bible to a mathematical equation is not strikingly pro-found. You can live your whole life with relative happiness, and then die, without regretting that you never knew a single one of those equa-tions. Even though they describe how you walk and breathe and fly, knowing the particular formula doesn’t matter. The Bible isn’t like that. ...

    This raises the question of whether and how the Creator aims to com-municate with the persons he created in his image. Everyone stands somewhere in relation to that question. Not to think about it is a standing place. To say, “No, he doesn’t,” is a standing place. To say, “He does, through all religions,” is a standing place. And to say, “Yes, uniq...

    It may sound strange, but “holding onto my view” was never the way I experienced it—at least not as I can remember. It felt more like my view of the Bible was holding onto me. Or, as I believe today, God was hold-ing onto me by clarifying and brightening and deepening my view of him in the Bible. I believe that’s why the view I received from my par...

    Now I need to be careful here, or I am going to create the wrong im-pression. What I just wrote could sound very intellectual and could give the impression that what was really happening is that I was becoming smarter. I suppose I was learning more and more about presupposi-tions, and about the logical flaws of certain arguments, and about the misu...

    Here’s an analogy—a living parable—for how it worked. One of those seven days rafting 190 miles down the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon, it began to rain. That didn’t matter much, since we were already wet from the rapids. We were dressed for it. The frustrating part was that it was lunchtime, and there are only so many small beaches where...

    This is where I stand with hope and joy and love. This is the window of the Word through which the vision of God has exerted its compelling power. I do not merely hold a view of Scripture. I am held. The glory of God shining through his Word has been an irresistible treasure. Noth-ing in this world comes close to the beauty and the value of God and...

    So the specific question is: What Bible are you talking about? The an-swer in our Afirmation of Faith is “the Bible, consisting of the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments.” If you are new to the Bible, those terms may be new to you. You will discover when you look at the table of contents in the Bible that there are two parts. The first i...

    2 Chronicles Daniel Exodus Leviticus Ezra Nehemiah Hosea Joel Numbers Deuteronomy Esther Job Amos Obadiah Joshua Judges Ruth Samuel Samuel Kings Kings Chronicles Psalms Proverbs Ecclesiastes Song of Solomon Isaiah Jeremiah Lamentations Ezekiel Jonah Micah Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah Haggai Zechariah Malachi 1 When I refer to “our,” I mean “Protestant,...

    Ephesians Philippians Colossians Thessalonians Thessalonians Timothy Timothy Titus Philemon Hebrews James Peter Peter John John John Jude Revelation You can see that the Bible is a book of “books”—history, prophecy, poetry, proverbs, letters, and more—from various human authors across fifteen hundred years. It is astonishing that sixty-six such var...

    There are several important things to know about the formation of the Old Testament canon. The first is that the list of thirty-nine books in our Old Testament are the same books that make up the Jewish Bible, which they call the Tanach (a word built on the first letters of three groupings of the sixty-six books, Torah, Nebiim, Chetuvim, which are ...

    Interestingly, the reason our organization of the Old Testament books is different from the Jewish Hebrew Bible is that the Christian organi-zation was based on the widely used Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible. This translation is called the Septuagint and is often abbreviated LXX (the Roman numeral for seventy) because the tradition is that i...

    But what changed everything was the uniqueness of Jesus Christ him-self. God did not send a new book into the world first. He sent his Son into the world. As one New Testament book puts it, “Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the proph-ets, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son” (Heb. 1:1–2). What ...

    The apostle Paul was not one of the original twelve apostles. But he wrote thirteen of the twenty-seven books that are now our New Testa-ment. The place of his foundational authority in the early church, along with the Twelve, was fully established during his lifetime. But it was not unchallenged. How did he come to have this apostolic authority? P...

    That is what the apostles were authorized by Jesus to make plain: Who is this Jesus Christ? What did he accomplish in his life, death, resur-rection, and ascension? What is he doing now in his universal reign as Lord? What will he do when he comes again? And what is the mission of his church, the way of salvation for the world, and the way his peop...

    The rise of heretical teachings and the emergence of spurious books that claimed apostolic origin spurred the process of canonization. How did that happen? From what we have seen so far, it is not surprising that the dominant characteristic of a writing in establishing its authority 3 Ibid., 333. in the early church was its link with the authority ...

    Therefore, apostolicity is not merely a historical connection with Jesus or his emissaries. Apostolicity is the supernatural transmission of natu-rally incomprehensible reality to spiritually discerning people (“those who are spiritual,” 1 Cor. 2:13), through writing that is “taught by the Spirit.” This means that the recognition by the church of t...

    Words matter. Jesus, according to the Gospel of John, makes this clear. For example, after the resurrection of Jesus, he was with the apostles, and John tells us of this exchange between Jesus and Peter: When Peter saw [John], he said to Jesus, “Lord, what about this man?” Jesus said to him, “If it is my will that he remain until I come, what is th...

    Suppose I wrote you a letter (the old-fashioned way, on real paper) with careful instructions about how to get to my house for an important meeting. And suppose I asked you to share this information with oth-ers who need to come to the meeting. So (imagine yourself living in the 90s!) you scan the letter into a computer twice on two different days....

    There is a strange cynicism that often accompanies the assertion that afirming the inerrancy of the original manuscripts doesn’t really matter. It is sometimes expressed with rhetorical questions such as: “Don’t you think the Bible in your hand today is inerrant?” And thus this question postures as a higher view of inerrancy. The answer to the ques...

    If you join me in this great purpose, our work—our joy—is just begin-ning. Now we have a lifetime—or what’s left of it—to read the Book and see the countless ways the marvelous light is refracted in the Scrip-tures. Is there a way to read the Bible that lets in more light than other ways? Does the thesis of this book carry with it implications for ...

    If you join me in this great purpose, our work—our joy—is just begin-ning. Now we have a lifetime—or what’s left of it—to read the Book and see the countless ways the marvelous light is refracted in the Scrip-tures. Is there a way to read the Bible that lets in more light than other ways? Does the thesis of this book carry with it implications for ...

    If you join me in this great purpose, our work—our joy—is just begin-ning. Now we have a lifetime—or what’s left of it—to read the Book and see the countless ways the marvelous light is refracted in the Scrip-tures. Is there a way to read the Bible that lets in more light than other ways? Does the thesis of this book carry with it implications for ...

    If you join me in this great purpose, our work—our joy—is just begin-ning. Now we have a lifetime—or what’s left of it—to read the Book and see the countless ways the marvelous light is refracted in the Scrip-tures. Is there a way to read the Bible that lets in more light than other ways? Does the thesis of this book carry with it implications for ...

    If you join me in this great purpose, our work—our joy—is just begin-ning. Now we have a lifetime—or what’s left of it—to read the Book and see the countless ways the marvelous light is refracted in the Scrip-tures. Is there a way to read the Bible that lets in more light than other ways? Does the thesis of this book carry with it implications for ...

    If you join me in this great purpose, our work—our joy—is just begin-ning. Now we have a lifetime—or what’s left of it—to read the Book and see the countless ways the marvelous light is refracted in the Scrip-tures. Is there a way to read the Bible that lets in more light than other ways? Does the thesis of this book carry with it implications for ...

    If you join me in this great purpose, our work—our joy—is just begin-ning. Now we have a lifetime—or what’s left of it—to read the Book and see the countless ways the marvelous light is refracted in the Scrip-tures. Is there a way to read the Bible that lets in more light than other ways? Does the thesis of this book carry with it implications for ...

    If you join me in this great purpose, our work—our joy—is just begin-ning. Now we have a lifetime—or what’s left of it—to read the Book and see the countless ways the marvelous light is refracted in the Scrip-tures. Is there a way to read the Bible that lets in more light than other ways? Does the thesis of this book carry with it implications for ...

    If you join me in this great purpose, our work—our joy—is just begin-ning. Now we have a lifetime—or what’s left of it—to read the Book and see the countless ways the marvelous light is refracted in the Scrip-tures. Is there a way to read the Bible that lets in more light than other ways? Does the thesis of this book carry with it implications for ...

    If you join me in this great purpose, our work—our joy—is just begin-ning. Now we have a lifetime—or what’s left of it—to read the Book and see the countless ways the marvelous light is refracted in the Scrip-tures. Is there a way to read the Bible that lets in more light than other ways? Does the thesis of this book carry with it implications for ...

    If you join me in this great purpose, our work—our joy—is just begin-ning. Now we have a lifetime—or what’s left of it—to read the Book and see the countless ways the marvelous light is refracted in the Scrip-tures. Is there a way to read the Bible that lets in more light than other ways? Does the thesis of this book carry with it implications for ...

    If you join me in this great purpose, our work—our joy—is just begin-ning. Now we have a lifetime—or what’s left of it—to read the Book and see the countless ways the marvelous light is refracted in the Scrip-tures. Is there a way to read the Bible that lets in more light than other ways? Does the thesis of this book carry with it implications for ...

    If you join me in this great purpose, our work—our joy—is just begin-ning. Now we have a lifetime—or what’s left of it—to read the Book and see the countless ways the marvelous light is refracted in the Scrip-tures. Is there a way to read the Bible that lets in more light than other ways? Does the thesis of this book carry with it implications for ...

    If you join me in this great purpose, our work—our joy—is just begin-ning. Now we have a lifetime—or what’s left of it—to read the Book and see the countless ways the marvelous light is refracted in the Scrip-tures. Is there a way to read the Bible that lets in more light than other ways? Does the thesis of this book carry with it implications for ...

    If you join me in this great purpose, our work—our joy—is just begin-ning. Now we have a lifetime—or what’s left of it—to read the Book and see the countless ways the marvelous light is refracted in the Scrip-tures. Is there a way to read the Bible that lets in more light than other ways? Does the thesis of this book carry with it implications for ...

    If you join me in this great purpose, our work—our joy—is just begin-ning. Now we have a lifetime—or what’s left of it—to read the Book and see the countless ways the marvelous light is refracted in the Scrip-tures. Is there a way to read the Bible that lets in more light than other ways? Does the thesis of this book carry with it implications for ...

    If you join me in this great purpose, our work—our joy—is just begin-ning. Now we have a lifetime—or what’s left of it—to read the Book and see the countless ways the marvelous light is refracted in the Scrip-tures. Is there a way to read the Bible that lets in more light than other ways? Does the thesis of this book carry with it implications for ...

    If you join me in this great purpose, our work—our joy—is just begin-ning. Now we have a lifetime—or what’s left of it—to read the Book and see the countless ways the marvelous light is refracted in the Scrip-tures. Is there a way to read the Bible that lets in more light than other ways? Does the thesis of this book carry with it implications for ...

    If you join me in this great purpose, our work—our joy—is just begin-ning. Now we have a lifetime—or what’s left of it—to read the Book and see the countless ways the marvelous light is refracted in the Scrip-tures. Is there a way to read the Bible that lets in more light than other ways? Does the thesis of this book carry with it implications for ...

    If you join me in this great purpose, our work—our joy—is just begin-ning. Now we have a lifetime—or what’s left of it—to read the Book and see the countless ways the marvelous light is refracted in the Scrip-tures. Is there a way to read the Bible that lets in more light than other ways? Does the thesis of this book carry with it implications for ...

    If you join me in this great purpose, our work—our joy—is just begin-ning. Now we have a lifetime—or what’s left of it—to read the Book and see the countless ways the marvelous light is refracted in the Scrip-tures. Is there a way to read the Bible that lets in more light than other ways? Does the thesis of this book carry with it implications for ...

    If you join me in this great purpose, our work—our joy—is just begin-ning. Now we have a lifetime—or what’s left of it—to read the Book and see the countless ways the marvelous light is refracted in the Scrip-tures. Is there a way to read the Bible that lets in more light than other ways? Does the thesis of this book carry with it implications for ...

    If you join me in this great purpose, our work—our joy—is just begin-ning. Now we have a lifetime—or what’s left of it—to read the Book and see the countless ways the marvelous light is refracted in the Scrip-tures. Is there a way to read the Bible that lets in more light than other ways? Does the thesis of this book carry with it implications for ...

    If you join me in this great purpose, our work—our joy—is just begin-ning. Now we have a lifetime—or what’s left of it—to read the Book and see the countless ways the marvelous light is refracted in the Scrip-tures. Is there a way to read the Bible that lets in more light than other ways? Does the thesis of this book carry with it implications for ...

    If you join me in this great purpose, our work—our joy—is just begin-ning. Now we have a lifetime—or what’s left of it—to read the Book and see the countless ways the marvelous light is refracted in the Scrip-tures. Is there a way to read the Bible that lets in more light than other ways? Does the thesis of this book carry with it implications for ...

    If you join me in this great purpose, our work—our joy—is just begin-ning. Now we have a lifetime—or what’s left of it—to read the Book and see the countless ways the marvelous light is refracted in the Scrip-tures. Is there a way to read the Bible that lets in more light than other ways? Does the thesis of this book carry with it implications for ...

    If you join me in this great purpose, our work—our joy—is just begin-ning. Now we have a lifetime—or what’s left of it—to read the Book and see the countless ways the marvelous light is refracted in the Scrip-tures. Is there a way to read the Bible that lets in more light than other ways? Does the thesis of this book carry with it implications for ...

    If you join me in this great purpose, our work—our joy—is just begin-ning. Now we have a lifetime—or what’s left of it—to read the Book and see the countless ways the marvelous light is refracted in the Scrip-tures. Is there a way to read the Bible that lets in more light than other ways? Does the thesis of this book carry with it implications for ...

    If you join me in this great purpose, our work—our joy—is just begin-ning. Now we have a lifetime—or what’s left of it—to read the Book and see the countless ways the marvelous light is refracted in the Scrip-tures. Is there a way to read the Bible that lets in more light than other ways? Does the thesis of this book carry with it implications for ...

    If you join me in this great purpose, our work—our joy—is just begin-ning. Now we have a lifetime—or what’s left of it—to read the Book and see the countless ways the marvelous light is refracted in the Scrip-tures. Is there a way to read the Bible that lets in more light than other ways? Does the thesis of this book carry with it implications for ...

    If you join me in this great purpose, our work—our joy—is just begin-ning. Now we have a lifetime—or what’s left of it—to read the Book and see the countless ways the marvelous light is refracted in the Scrip-tures. Is there a way to read the Bible that lets in more light than other ways? Does the thesis of this book carry with it implications for ...

    If you join me in this great purpose, our work—our joy—is just begin-ning. Now we have a lifetime—or what’s left of it—to read the Book and see the countless ways the marvelous light is refracted in the Scrip-tures. Is there a way to read the Bible that lets in more light than other ways? Does the thesis of this book carry with it implications for ...

    If you join me in this great purpose, our work—our joy—is just begin-ning. Now we have a lifetime—or what’s left of it—to read the Book and see the countless ways the marvelous light is refracted in the Scrip-tures. Is there a way to read the Bible that lets in more light than other ways? Does the thesis of this book carry with it implications for ...

    If you join me in this great purpose, our work—our joy—is just begin-ning. Now we have a lifetime—or what’s left of it—to read the Book and see the countless ways the marvelous light is refracted in the Scrip-tures. Is there a way to read the Bible that lets in more light than other ways? Does the thesis of this book carry with it implications for ...

    If you join me in this great purpose, our work—our joy—is just begin-ning. Now we have a lifetime—or what’s left of it—to read the Book and see the countless ways the marvelous light is refracted in the Scrip-tures. Is there a way to read the Bible that lets in more light than other ways? Does the thesis of this book carry with it implications for ...

    If you join me in this great purpose, our work—our joy—is just begin-ning. Now we have a lifetime—or what’s left of it—to read the Book and see the countless ways the marvelous light is refracted in the Scrip-tures. Is there a way to read the Bible that lets in more light than other ways? Does the thesis of this book carry with it implications for ...

    If you join me in this great purpose, our work—our joy—is just begin-ning. Now we have a lifetime—or what’s left of it—to read the Book and see the countless ways the marvelous light is refracted in the Scrip-tures. Is there a way to read the Bible that lets in more light than other ways? Does the thesis of this book carry with it implications for ...

    If you join me in this great purpose, our work—our joy—is just begin-ning. Now we have a lifetime—or what’s left of it—to read the Book and see the countless ways the marvelous light is refracted in the Scrip-tures. Is there a way to read the Bible that lets in more light than other ways? Does the thesis of this book carry with it implications for ...

    If you join me in this great purpose, our work—our joy—is just begin-ning. Now we have a lifetime—or what’s left of it—to read the Book and see the countless ways the marvelous light is refracted in the Scrip-tures. Is there a way to read the Bible that lets in more light than other ways? Does the thesis of this book carry with it implications for ...

    If you join me in this great purpose, our work—our joy—is just begin-ning. Now we have a lifetime—or what’s left of it—to read the Book and see the countless ways the marvelous light is refracted in the Scrip-tures. Is there a way to read the Bible that lets in more light than other ways? Does the thesis of this book carry with it implications for ...

    If you join me in this great purpose, our work—our joy—is just begin-ning. Now we have a lifetime—or what’s left of it—to read the Book and see the countless ways the marvelous light is refracted in the Scrip-tures. Is there a way to read the Bible that lets in more light than other ways? Does the thesis of this book carry with it implications for ...

    If you join me in this great purpose, our work—our joy—is just begin-ning. Now we have a lifetime—or what’s left of it—to read the Book and see the countless ways the marvelous light is refracted in the Scrip-tures. Is there a way to read the Bible that lets in more light than other ways? Does the thesis of this book carry with it implications for ...

    If you join me in this great purpose, our work—our joy—is just begin-ning. Now we have a lifetime—or what’s left of it—to read the Book and see the countless ways the marvelous light is refracted in the Scrip-tures. Is there a way to read the Bible that lets in more light than other ways? Does the thesis of this book carry with it implications for ...

    If you join me in this great purpose, our work—our joy—is just begin-ning. Now we have a lifetime—or what’s left of it—to read the Book and see the countless ways the marvelous light is refracted in the Scrip-tures. Is there a way to read the Bible that lets in more light than other ways? Does the thesis of this book carry with it implications for ...

    If you join me in this great purpose, our work—our joy—is just begin-ning. Now we have a lifetime—or what’s left of it—to read the Book and see the countless ways the marvelous light is refracted in the Scrip-tures. Is there a way to read the Bible that lets in more light than other ways? Does the thesis of this book carry with it implications for ...

    If you join me in this great purpose, our work—our joy—is just begin-ning. Now we have a lifetime—or what’s left of it—to read the Book and see the countless ways the marvelous light is refracted in the Scrip-tures. Is there a way to read the Bible that lets in more light than other ways? Does the thesis of this book carry with it implications for ...

    If you join me in this great purpose, our work—our joy—is just begin-ning. Now we have a lifetime—or what’s left of it—to read the Book and see the countless ways the marvelous light is refracted in the Scrip-tures. Is there a way to read the Bible that lets in more light than other ways? Does the thesis of this book carry with it implications for ...

    If you join me in this great purpose, our work—our joy—is just begin-ning. Now we have a lifetime—or what’s left of it—to read the Book and see the countless ways the marvelous light is refracted in the Scrip-tures. Is there a way to read the Bible that lets in more light than other ways? Does the thesis of this book carry with it implications for ...

    If you join me in this great purpose, our work—our joy—is just begin-ning. Now we have a lifetime—or what’s left of it—to read the Book and see the countless ways the marvelous light is refracted in the Scrip-tures. Is there a way to read the Bible that lets in more light than other ways? Does the thesis of this book carry with it implications for ...

    If you join me in this great purpose, our work—our joy—is just begin-ning. Now we have a lifetime—or what’s left of it—to read the Book and see the countless ways the marvelous light is refracted in the Scrip-tures. Is there a way to read the Bible that lets in more light than other ways? Does the thesis of this book carry with it implications for ...

    If you join me in this great purpose, our work—our joy—is just begin-ning. Now we have a lifetime—or what’s left of it—to read the Book and see the countless ways the marvelous light is refracted in the Scrip-tures. Is there a way to read the Bible that lets in more light than other ways? Does the thesis of this book carry with it implications for ...

    If you join me in this great purpose, our work—our joy—is just begin-ning. Now we have a lifetime—or what’s left of it—to read the Book and see the countless ways the marvelous light is refracted in the Scrip-tures. Is there a way to read the Bible that lets in more light than other ways? Does the thesis of this book carry with it implications for ...

  4. The Spirit and The Glory Study Guide T here is a God-designed, vibrant pathway of life intended for every oneof His beloved children — a way of: •Fullness (overflowing of the Spirit) •Fruitfulness (service to others), and •Fulfillment (joy through relationship) THE PATHWAY… once you know Jesus, the pathway to a life in the full-

  5. We are awed and astonished at the wondrous “Having the glory of God.”--. As a precious jewel, Himself -- like the face of Jesus. We stand indeed, veil, that preparation takes place for all beyond. learn to live with God, learn to live with the It is in this place we learn to live with the love. One of our English hymns contains these words ...

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  7. Welcome to The Glory of God, part of the Spirit-Led Bible Study series. We are delighted that you have made the decision to dig deeper into God’s Word. This course is designed as a stand-alone biblical study on the theme of God’s glory. The study may be completed independently by individual students or may be used in a group setting, such ...

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