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  1. Characters In The Mikado: The Mikado, Or, The Town of Titipu Burton D. Fisher,2000 A comprehensive guide to Gilbert and Sullivan s THE MIKADO featuring Principal Characters in the opera Brief Story Synopsis Story Narrative with Music Highlight Examples

  2. PRINCIPAL CHARACTERS. Most of the principal roles double as the characters of Gilbert, Sullivan, D’Oyly Carte and members of the D’Oyly Carte company. These historical figures appear in the prologue, and then become the characters in the operetta.

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  3. › mikado › mk_libTHE MIKADO

    • ACT I
    • wandering minstrel I –
    • NANK.
    • (Exeunt CHORUS.) (Enter POOH-BAH.)
    • NANK. and PISH. ALL.
    • POOH.
    • SOLO — KO-KO.
    • POOH.
    • NANK. Modified rapture! But why do you not refuse him?
    • Were you not to Ko-Ko plighted,
    • KO-KO.
    • KO. Is it absolutely certain that you are resolved to die?
    • NANK. True.
    • FINALE.
    • ALL.
    • CHORUS.
    • SOLO – POOH-BAH.
    • ALL. PITTI. ALL.
    • ACT II
    • CHORUS.
    • SONG – YUM-YUM.
    • NANK. Like that? (He does so. KO-KO much affected.)
    • KO.
    • KO-KO.
    • NANK. Why not?
    • NANK. Certainly; at once.
    • KAT.
    • CHORUS.
    • KO.
    • POOH. It is.
    • MIK. Nanki-Poo.
    • POOH. I wasn’t there.
    • MIK. But there isn’t.
    • POOH. But how about your big right arm?
    • ALL.
    • SONG.
    • Come, tell me why, When hope is gone, Dost thou stay on?
    • – just as his education was on the point of completion? Oh, where shall I find another?
    • SONG – KO-KO.
    • KO. Yes.
    • KO. At once.
    • DUET – KATISHA and KO-KO.
    • BOTH.
    • FINALE.
    • ALL.

    THE MIKADO OF JAPAN NANKI-POO (his Son, disguised as a wandering minstrel, and in love with YUM-YUM) KO-KO (Lord High Executioner of Titipu) POOH-BAH (Lord High Everything Else) PISH-TUSH (a Noble Lord) GO-TO (a Noble Lord) YUM-YUM PITTI-SING Three Sisters — Wards of Ko-Ko. PEEP-BO KATISHA (an elderly Lady, in love with NANKI-POO) Chorus of School-...

    SCENE. – Courtyard of KO-KO’S Palace in Titipu. Japanese nobles discovered standing and sitting in attitudes suggested by native drawings. (Enter NANKI-POO CHORUS OF NOBLES. If you want to know who we are, We are gentlemen of Japan: On many a vase and jar – On many a screen and fan, We figure in lively paint: Our attitude’s queer and quaint – You’r...

    Gentlemen, I pray you tell me Where a gentle maiden dwelleth, Named Yum-Yum, the ward of Ko-Ko? In pity speak – oh, speak, I pray you! Why, who are you who ask this question? Come gather round me, and I’ll tell you. SONG AND CHORUS – NANKI-POO.

    thing of shreds and patches, Of ballads, songs and snatches, And dreamy lullaby! My catalogue is long, Through every passion ranging, And to your humours changing I tune my supple song! Are you in sentimental mood? I’ll sigh with you, Oh, sorrow, On maiden’s coldness do you brood? CHORUS. NANK. CHORUS.

    CHORUS. NANK. I’ll do so, too Oh, sorrow, sorrow! I’ll charm your willing ears With songs of lovers’ fears, While sympathetic tears My cheeks bedew Oh, sorrow, sorrow! But if patriotic sentiment is wanted, I’ve patriotic ballads cut and dried; For where’er our country’s banner may be planted, All other local banners are defied! Our warriors, in se...

    NANK. Ko-Ko, the cheap tailor, Lord High Executioner of Titipu! Why, that’s the highest rank a citizen can attain! POOH. It is. Our logical Mikado, seeing no moral difference between the dignified judge who condemns a criminal to die, and the industrious mechanic who carries out the sentence, has rolled the two offices into one, and every judge is ...

    Will wend her way, And homeward come, With beat of drum And a rum-tum-tum, To wed the Lord High Executioner! And the brass will crash, And the trumpets bray, And they’ll cut a dash On their wedding day. She’ll toddle away, as all aver, With the Lord High Executioner! And the brass will crash, etc. She’ll toddle away, etc. NANK. and PISH. ALL. NANK.

    It’s a hopeless case, As you may see, And in your place Away I’d flee; But don’t blame me – I’m sorry to be Of your pleasure a diminutioner. They’ll vow their pact Extremely soon, In point of fact This afternoon. Her honeymoon With that buffoon At seven commences, so you shun her! And the brass will crash, etc. She’ll toddle away, etc. (Exit PISH-T...

    Behold the Lord High Executioner! personage of noble rank and title – dignified and potent officer, Whose functions are particularly vital! Defer, defer, To the Lord High Executioner! (Enter KO-KO attended.)

    Taken from the county jail By a set of curious chances; Liberated then on bail, On my own recognizances; Wafted by a favouring gale As one sometimes is in trances, To a height that few can scale, Save by long and weary dances; Surely, never had a male Under such-like circumstances So adventurous a tale, Which may rank with most romances. CHORUS. Ta...

    Comes a train of little ladies From scholastic trammels free, Each a little bit afraid is, Wondering what the world can be! Is it but a world of trouble – Sadness set to song? Is its beauty but a bubble Bound to break ere long? Are its palaces and pleasures Fantasies that fade? And the glory of its treasures Shadow of a shade? Schoolgirls we, eight...

    I think you ought to recollect You cannot show too much respect Towards the highly titled few; But nobody does, and why should you? That youth at us should have its fling, Is hard on us, Is hard on us; To our prerogative we cling – So pardon us, So pardon us, If we decline to dance and sing. Tra la la, etc. (Dancing.)

    But youth, of course, must have its fling, etc. (Exeunt all but YUM-YUM.) (Enter NANKI-POO.) NANK. Yum-Yum, at last we are alone! I have sought you night and day for three weeks, in the belief that your guardian was beheaded, and I find that you are about to be married to him this afternoon! YUM. Alas, yes!

    YUM. What good would that do? He’s my guardian, and he wouldn’t let me marry you! NANK. But I would wait until you were of age! YUM. You forget that in Japan girls do not arrive at years of discretion until they are fifty. NANK. True; from seventeen to forty-nine are considered years of indiscretion. YUM. Besides – a wandering minstrel, who plays a...

    would say in tender tone, ‘Loved one, let us be united – Let us be each other’s own!’ would merge all rank and station, Worldly sneers are nought to us, And, to mark my admiration, would kiss you fondly thus – (Kisses her.) He I would kiss you you fondly thus – (Kiss.) He me But as I’m engaged to Ko-Ko, To embrace you thus, con fuoco, Would dist...

    My brain it teems With endless schemes Both good and new. For Titipu; But if I flit, The benefit That I’d diffuse The town would lose! Now every man To aid his clan Should plot and plan As best he can, And so, Although I’m ready to go, Yet recollect ’Twere disrespect Did I neglect

    am so proud, If I allowed My family pride To. be my guide, I’d volunteer To quit this sphere Instead of you, In a minute or two. But family pride Must be denied, And set aside, And mortified. And so, Although wish to go, And greatly pine To brightly shine, And take the line PISH-TUSH. heard one day A gentleman say That criminals who Are cut in two ...

    NANK. Absolutely! KO. Will nothing shake your resolution? NANK. Nothing. KO. Threats, entreaties, prayers – all useless? NANK. All! My mind is made up. Ko . Then, if you really mean what you say, and if you are absolutely resolved to die, and if nothing whatever will shake your determination – don’t spoil yourself by committing suicide, but be behe...

    KO. Life without Yum-Yum – why, it seems absurd! NANK. And yet there area good many people in the world who have to endure it. KO. Poor devils, yes! You are quite right not to be of their number. NANK. (suddenly). I won’t be of their number! KO. Noble fellow! NANK. I’ll tell you how we’ll manage it. Let me marry Yum-Yum tomorrow, and in a month you...

    (Enter CHORUS, POOH-BAH, and PISH-TUSH.) CHORUS. With aspect stern And gloomy stride, We come to learn How you decide. Don’t hesitate Your choice to name, A dreadful fate You’ll suffer all the same. To ask you what you mean to do we punctually appear. Congratulate me, gentlemen, I’ve found a Volunteer! The Japanese equivalent for Hear, Hear, Hear! ...

    KO. ALL. ’Tis Nanki-Poo! Hail, Nanki-Poo! I think he’ll do? Yes, yes, he’ll do! KO. He yields his life if I’ll Yum-Yum surrender. Now I adore that girl with passion tender, And could not yield her with a ready will, Or her allot, If I did not Adore myself with passion tenderer still! (Enter YUM-YUM, PEEP-BO, and PITTI-SING.) ALL. Ah, yes! He loves ...

    The threatened cloud has passed away, And brightly shines the dawning day; What though the night may come too soon, There’s yet a month of afternoon! NANKI-POO, POOH-BAH, PISH-TUSH, YUM-YUM, PITTI-SING,

    PITTI-SING. YUM. POOH. PITTI-SING. ALL. CHORUS. CHORUS. and PEEP-BO. Then let the throng Our joy advance, With laughing song And merry dance, With joyous shout and ringing cheer, Inaugurate our brief career! A day, a week, a month, a year – Or far or near, or far or near, Life’s eventime comes much too soon, You’ll five at least a honeymoon! Then l...

    As in a month you’ve got to die, If Ko-Ko tells us true, ’Twere empty compliment to cry ‘Long life to Nanki-Poo!’ But as one month you have to live As fellow-citizen, This toast with three times three we’ll give (Exit POOH-BAH.) ‘Long life to you – till then!’ May all good fortune prosper you, May you have health and riches too, May you succeed in ...

    Towards the person you accuse Does not concern us! For he’s going to marry Yum-Yum — Yum-Yum! Your anger pray bury, For all will be merry, I think you had better succumb – Cumb – cumb! And join our expressions of glee. On this subject I pray you be dumb – Dumb – dumb. You’ll find there are many Who’ll wed fora penny – The word for your guidance is ...

    The hour of gladness Is dead and gone; In silent sadness I live alone! The hope I cherished All lifeless lies, And all has perished Save love, which never dies! Oh, faithless one, this insult you shall rue! In vain for mercy on your knees you’ll sue. I’ll tear the mask from your disguising! NANK. (aside). Now comes the blow! KAT. Prepare yourselves...

    The threatened cloud has passed away, And brightly shines the dawning day; What though the night may come too soon, We’ve years and years of afternoon! Then let the throng Our joy advance, With laughing song And merry dance, With joyous shout and ringing cheer, Inaugurate our new career! Then let the throng, etc. CURTAIN

    The threatened cloud has passed away, And brightly shines the dawning day; What though the night may come too soon, We’ve years and years of afternoon! Then let the throng Our joy advance, With laughing song And merry dance, With joyous shout and ringing cheer, Inaugurate our new career! Then let the throng, etc. CURTAIN

    The threatened cloud has passed away, And brightly shines the dawning day; What though the night may come too soon, We’ve years and years of afternoon! Then let the throng Our joy advance, With laughing song And merry dance, With joyous shout and ringing cheer, Inaugurate our new career! Then let the throng, etc. CURTAIN

    The threatened cloud has passed away, And brightly shines the dawning day; What though the night may come too soon, We’ve years and years of afternoon! Then let the throng Our joy advance, With laughing song And merry dance, With joyous shout and ringing cheer, Inaugurate our new career! Then let the throng, etc. CURTAIN

    The threatened cloud has passed away, And brightly shines the dawning day; What though the night may come too soon, We’ve years and years of afternoon! Then let the throng Our joy advance, With laughing song And merry dance, With joyous shout and ringing cheer, Inaugurate our new career! Then let the throng, etc. CURTAIN

    The threatened cloud has passed away, And brightly shines the dawning day; What though the night may come too soon, We’ve years and years of afternoon! Then let the throng Our joy advance, With laughing song And merry dance, With joyous shout and ringing cheer, Inaugurate our new career! Then let the throng, etc. CURTAIN

    The threatened cloud has passed away, And brightly shines the dawning day; What though the night may come too soon, We’ve years and years of afternoon! Then let the throng Our joy advance, With laughing song And merry dance, With joyous shout and ringing cheer, Inaugurate our new career! Then let the throng, etc. CURTAIN

    The threatened cloud has passed away, And brightly shines the dawning day; What though the night may come too soon, We’ve years and years of afternoon! Then let the throng Our joy advance, With laughing song And merry dance, With joyous shout and ringing cheer, Inaugurate our new career! Then let the throng, etc. CURTAIN

    The threatened cloud has passed away, And brightly shines the dawning day; What though the night may come too soon, We’ve years and years of afternoon! Then let the throng Our joy advance, With laughing song And merry dance, With joyous shout and ringing cheer, Inaugurate our new career! Then let the throng, etc. CURTAIN

    The threatened cloud has passed away, And brightly shines the dawning day; What though the night may come too soon, We’ve years and years of afternoon! Then let the throng Our joy advance, With laughing song And merry dance, With joyous shout and ringing cheer, Inaugurate our new career! Then let the throng, etc. CURTAIN

    The threatened cloud has passed away, And brightly shines the dawning day; What though the night may come too soon, We’ve years and years of afternoon! Then let the throng Our joy advance, With laughing song And merry dance, With joyous shout and ringing cheer, Inaugurate our new career! Then let the throng, etc. CURTAIN

    The threatened cloud has passed away, And brightly shines the dawning day; What though the night may come too soon, We’ve years and years of afternoon! Then let the throng Our joy advance, With laughing song And merry dance, With joyous shout and ringing cheer, Inaugurate our new career! Then let the throng, etc. CURTAIN

    The threatened cloud has passed away, And brightly shines the dawning day; What though the night may come too soon, We’ve years and years of afternoon! Then let the throng Our joy advance, With laughing song And merry dance, With joyous shout and ringing cheer, Inaugurate our new career! Then let the throng, etc. CURTAIN

    The threatened cloud has passed away, And brightly shines the dawning day; What though the night may come too soon, We’ve years and years of afternoon! Then let the throng Our joy advance, With laughing song And merry dance, With joyous shout and ringing cheer, Inaugurate our new career! Then let the throng, etc. CURTAIN

    The threatened cloud has passed away, And brightly shines the dawning day; What though the night may come too soon, We’ve years and years of afternoon! Then let the throng Our joy advance, With laughing song And merry dance, With joyous shout and ringing cheer, Inaugurate our new career! Then let the throng, etc. CURTAIN

    The threatened cloud has passed away, And brightly shines the dawning day; What though the night may come too soon, We’ve years and years of afternoon! Then let the throng Our joy advance, With laughing song And merry dance, With joyous shout and ringing cheer, Inaugurate our new career! Then let the throng, etc. CURTAIN

    The threatened cloud has passed away, And brightly shines the dawning day; What though the night may come too soon, We’ve years and years of afternoon! Then let the throng Our joy advance, With laughing song And merry dance, With joyous shout and ringing cheer, Inaugurate our new career! Then let the throng, etc. CURTAIN

    The threatened cloud has passed away, And brightly shines the dawning day; What though the night may come too soon, We’ve years and years of afternoon! Then let the throng Our joy advance, With laughing song And merry dance, With joyous shout and ringing cheer, Inaugurate our new career! Then let the throng, etc. CURTAIN

    The threatened cloud has passed away, And brightly shines the dawning day; What though the night may come too soon, We’ve years and years of afternoon! Then let the throng Our joy advance, With laughing song And merry dance, With joyous shout and ringing cheer, Inaugurate our new career! Then let the throng, etc. CURTAIN

    The threatened cloud has passed away, And brightly shines the dawning day; What though the night may come too soon, We’ve years and years of afternoon! Then let the throng Our joy advance, With laughing song And merry dance, With joyous shout and ringing cheer, Inaugurate our new career! Then let the throng, etc. CURTAIN

    The threatened cloud has passed away, And brightly shines the dawning day; What though the night may come too soon, We’ve years and years of afternoon! Then let the throng Our joy advance, With laughing song And merry dance, With joyous shout and ringing cheer, Inaugurate our new career! Then let the throng, etc. CURTAIN

    The threatened cloud has passed away, And brightly shines the dawning day; What though the night may come too soon, We’ve years and years of afternoon! Then let the throng Our joy advance, With laughing song And merry dance, With joyous shout and ringing cheer, Inaugurate our new career! Then let the throng, etc. CURTAIN

    The threatened cloud has passed away, And brightly shines the dawning day; What though the night may come too soon, We’ve years and years of afternoon! Then let the throng Our joy advance, With laughing song And merry dance, With joyous shout and ringing cheer, Inaugurate our new career! Then let the throng, etc. CURTAIN

    The threatened cloud has passed away, And brightly shines the dawning day; What though the night may come too soon, We’ve years and years of afternoon! Then let the throng Our joy advance, With laughing song And merry dance, With joyous shout and ringing cheer, Inaugurate our new career! Then let the throng, etc. CURTAIN

    The threatened cloud has passed away, And brightly shines the dawning day; What though the night may come too soon, We’ve years and years of afternoon! Then let the throng Our joy advance, With laughing song And merry dance, With joyous shout and ringing cheer, Inaugurate our new career! Then let the throng, etc. CURTAIN

    The threatened cloud has passed away, And brightly shines the dawning day; What though the night may come too soon, We’ve years and years of afternoon! Then let the throng Our joy advance, With laughing song And merry dance, With joyous shout and ringing cheer, Inaugurate our new career! Then let the throng, etc. CURTAIN

    The threatened cloud has passed away, And brightly shines the dawning day; What though the night may come too soon, We’ve years and years of afternoon! Then let the throng Our joy advance, With laughing song And merry dance, With joyous shout and ringing cheer, Inaugurate our new career! Then let the throng, etc. CURTAIN

    The threatened cloud has passed away, And brightly shines the dawning day; What though the night may come too soon, We’ve years and years of afternoon! Then let the throng Our joy advance, With laughing song And merry dance, With joyous shout and ringing cheer, Inaugurate our new career! Then let the throng, etc. CURTAIN

    The threatened cloud has passed away, And brightly shines the dawning day; What though the night may come too soon, We’ve years and years of afternoon! Then let the throng Our joy advance, With laughing song And merry dance, With joyous shout and ringing cheer, Inaugurate our new career! Then let the throng, etc. CURTAIN

    The threatened cloud has passed away, And brightly shines the dawning day; What though the night may come too soon, We’ve years and years of afternoon! Then let the throng Our joy advance, With laughing song And merry dance, With joyous shout and ringing cheer, Inaugurate our new career! Then let the throng, etc. CURTAIN

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  4. The Mikado plot summary, character breakdowns, context and analysis, and performance video clips.

  5. Apr 24, 2015 · The Mikado by Gilbert and Sullivan. You are here: Archive Home > Mikado. C19 D'Oyly Carte Poster. The most popular Gilbert and Sullivan opera, and arguably the most popular opera ever written. This opera has delighted audiences for more than a century, and spawned a number of imitations.

  6. Apr 7, 2022 · Harry Norris, conductor. Recorded in London, November - December, 1926. from Pearl analogue transfer (GEMM CDS 9025) Remaster & digital transfer by F. Reeder. Widely agreed to be Gilbert and Sullivan’s masterpiece, The Mikado is said to be the most popular operetta ever written.

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  8. › wiki › The_MikadoThe Mikado - Wikipedia

    The Mikado; or, The Town of Titipu is a comic opera in two acts, with music by Arthur Sullivan and libretto by W. S. Gilbert, their ninth of fourteen operatic collaborations.

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