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Top Critics. All Audience. Verified Audience. Ryan Larson Ghastly Grinning. The Lodgers is subtle in it's horror, and in it's beauty, a fantastic period piece that's well worth the watch. Full...
- The Lodgers - Rotten Tomatoes
A family curse confines orphaned twins Rachel and Edwards to...
- The Lodgers - Rotten Tomatoes
- Love Wedding Repeat
- Rebecca
- Luther: The Fallen Sun
- Wicked Little Letters
- Enola Holmes
- The Dig
- I Came by
- Tell Me Who I Am
- Monty Python’s Life of Brian
- Monty Python and The Holy Grail
‘Love Wedding Repeat‘ is a delightful romantic comedy directed by Dean Craig. The film takes a whimsical spin on a wedding day gone awry, as Jack (Sam Claflin) navigates unexpected challenges to ensure his sister’s big day goes smoothly. With a chaotic blend of chance encounters, misplaced sedatives, and an eccentric ensemble cast, including Olivia...
In the 2020 adaptation of ‘Rebecca,’ directed by Ben Wheatley, a young bride, played by Lily James, arrives at her wealthy widower husband’s (Armie Hammer) imposing estate, Manderley. There, she encounters the haunting presence of his first wife, Rebecca, whose legacy casts a dark shadow over the household. As the newlywed tries to navigate her new...
Directed by Jamie Payne, ‘Luther: The Fallen Sun’ is a standalone sequel to the famous psychological crime series ‘Luther.’ Both projects feature Idris Elba as police detective John Luther. The film pins Luther against a vicious serial killer named David Robey, played by Andy Serkis, who sends him to prison after managing to dig up illegal activiti...
A black comedy drama directed by Thea Sharrock, ‘Wicked Little Letters’ is based on a bizarre true story. Set in 1920s Littlehampton, England, the film revolves around two women, the elderly and conservative Edith Swan (Olivia Colman) and the young, rowdy, and foul-mouthed Rose Gooding (Jessie Buckley). When the residents of the town start receivin...
‘Enola Holmes,’ directed by Harry Bradbeer, is a lively and empowering mystery film centered around the teenage sister of Sherlock Holmes, played by Millie Bobby Brown. Enola Holmes embarks on a quest to find her missing mother. The film combines wit, adventure, and a touch of feminist spirit, with Brown delivering a charismatic performance. As she...
‘The Dig’ is a poignant historical drama directed by Simon Stone, offering a compelling narrative set against the backdrop of World War II. The film follows the excavation of Sutton Hoo, a significant archaeological site in England, and centers on the unearthing of an ancient ship burial. Featuring stellar performances from Carey Mulligan and Ralph...
This British crime thriller has been directed by Babak Anvari and tells the story of retired High Court Judge/serial killer Sir Hector Blake (Hugh Bonneville) and how two boys/graffiti artists (George MacKay and Percelle Ascott) try to bring his crimes to light. While one of the boys is killed by Blake, the other one is successful in subduing him. ...
Based on a true story and a 2013 book written by Joanna Hodgkin in association with the twins in the movie and directed by Ed Perkins, ‘Tell Me Who I Am’ revolves around twins Alex and Marcus Lewis, who share a close bond. Unfortunately, Alex finds himself in a terrifying motorcycle accident that wipes his memory. The only thing he can recall is th...
Starring and written by the comedy group Monty Python and directed by Terry Jones, the film revolves around Brian Cohen (Graham Chapman), a Jewish-Roman man born on the same day as Jesus Christ. Born right next door to Jesus Christ, Brian is mistaken for the messiah himself, which ensues a comedy of hilarious errors. Parodying almost every incident...
Another Monty Python project, directed by Terry Gilliam and Terry Jones, this film showcases the Arthurian legend and the hilarious experiences of King Arthur of Camelot (Graham Chapman) and his followers in their search for the Holy Grail that God has ordered them to find. One of the experiences includes being interrogated by the police. In this w...
A family curse confines orphaned twins Rachel and Edwards to their home as punishment for their ancestors' sins. Bound to the rules of a haunting childhood lullaby, the twins must never let any ...
- (43)
- Brian O'malley
- R
- Charlotte Vega
Jun 18, 2018 · 1920, rural Ireland. Anglo Irish twins Rachel and Edward share a strange existence in their crumbling family estate. Each night, the property becomes the domain of a sinister presence…. Note: I’ve put big spoilers and the ending at the bottom of the page, past the trailer. Enjoy!
- Brian O'malley
- 2018
The best thriller films on Netflix that are guaranteed to get your pulse rate up and make your palms clammy. Wednesday 25 September 2024. Written by Matthew Singer.
The Lodgers. 2018 92 min Horror. A gothic supernatural thriller about twins Edward and Rachel who are forbidden from leaving their haunted home. They must face the deadly outcome when Rachel falls for an outsider and rebels against their family curse.
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What happens in 'the lodgers' based on a true story?
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Dec 29, 2019 · If you're looking for something to watch as we say goodbye to 2019, here are the best Netflix original movies of the year. The streaming service continues to heavily invest in original TV shows and films, and this year released numerous awards season contenders. has been visited by 1M+ users in the past month
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