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Summary of Mijbil the Otter. Chapter 8 of Class 10 English textbook, ‘First Flight’, consists of a prose piece titled Mijbil the Otter, written by Gavin Maxwell. It is a story that describes the beautiful bond between him and his pet otter, Mijbil. Here, we present you a summary of the prose in the form of CBSE English Notes Class 10. CBSE ...
Sep 14, 2024 · In ‘Mijbil the Otter, ’ Gavin Maxwell, a British writer living in Scotland, decides to keep an otter as a pet after his dog dies. While in Southern Iraq, a friend gives him an otter from the Tigris marshes. Maxwell names the otter Mijbil, later discovered as a species new to science.
- Mijbil The Otter Class 10 Summary, Explanation
- Mijbil The Otter Class 10 English (First Flight) Lesson 6
- Mijbil The Otter Introduction
- Theme of The Lesson
- Mijbil The Otter Summary
- Mijbil The Otter Summary in Hindi
- Mijbil The Otter Lesson Explanation
- Mijbil The Otter Question Answers
- Mijbil The Otter Extract Based Questions
Mijbil the Otter Class 10 Summary from First Flight BookDetailed explanation of the lesson along with meanings of difficult words. Also, the explanation is followed by a Summary of the lesson. All the exercises and Question and Answers given at the back of the lesson has been covered. By Ruchika Gupta 1. Mijbil the Otter Introduction 2. Theme of th...
by Gavin Maxwell Gavin Maxwell lives in a cottage in Camusfearna, in the West Highlands in Scotland. When his dog Jonnie died, Maxwell was too sad to think of keeping a dog again. But life without a pet was lonely…
In this lesson, the author tells us how his life changed after he decided to domesticate an otter after he lost his pet dog. He takes us through his journey of adjusting, playing and travelling with Mijbil (or Mij) the otter, from Iraq to London and how during this journey, he developed an inseparable bond with him. Top
The lesson Mijbil the otter talks about the relationship between a master and his pet. It gives the message that one should be friendly towards the pet and take good care of it. We keep pets by choice and if we have one, then we treat it as a family member. Top
The story begins with the author travelling to Basra along with his friend. During their journey, the author expresses his desire to domesticate an otter because after he had lost his pet dog, life had become lonely for him. His friend suggested that he should get one from the Marshes along river Tigris in Iraq. When they reached the destination, t...
कहानी की शुरुआत लेखक द्वारा अपने मित्र के साथ बसरा की यात्रा से होती है। उनकी यात्रा के दौरान, लेखक एक ऊदबिलाव को पालतू बनाने की इच्छा व्यक्त करता है क्योंकि उसके पालतू कुत्ते को खोने के बाद, उसके लिए जीवन एकांत हो गया था। उसके दोस्त ने सुझाव दिया कि उसे इराक में टाइग्रिस नदी के किनारे दलदल से एक प्राप्त करना चाहिए। जब वे गंतव्य पर पहुंचे, तो उन्हो...
Passage: EARLY in the New Year of 1956 I travelled to Southern Iraq. By then it had crossed my mind that I should like to keep an otter instead of a dog, and that Camusfearna, ringed by water a stone’s throw from its door, would be an eminently suitable spot for this experiment. Word meaning : Crossed my mind- (a thought) came into my mind A stone’...
Q1. What ‘experiment’ did Maxwell think Camusfearna would be suitable for? A. Maxwell thought that as Camusfearna was close to water, it was suitable for an experiment to domesticate an otter. Q2. Why does he go to Basra? How long does he wait there, and why? A. He had gone to Basra to the Consulate-General to receive and answer his mail from Europ...
The creature that emerged from this sack on to the spacious tiled floor of the Consulate bedroom resembled most of all a very small, medievally conceived, dragon. From the head to the tip of the tail he was coated with symmetrical pointed scales of mud armour, between whose tips was visible a soft velvet fur like that of a chocolate-brown mole. He ...
Mijbil the Otter summary in English. The story starts with the writer travelling to Basra along with his pal. At some point in their journey, the author expresses his choice to domesticate an otter because after he had lost his pet dog, he feels lonely.
The major theme of the story is Love for Animals. Maxwell decided to adopt Mijbil after the death of his beloved pet dog, Jonnie. The loss of Jonnie left a void in Maxwell’s life, which influenced his decision to adopt Mijbil. Maxwell’s deep love for Mijbil is evident throughout the story.
Mijbil the Otter Summary CBSE Class 10. ‘Mijbil the Otter’ is a pet domesticated by the narrator Maxwell, the writer, of this story. The narrator was sad at losing his pet dog and wanted another pet to replace the dead dog.
Summary of Mijbil the Otter in English. Gavin Maxwell lived in a cottage in Camusfearna, in the West Highlands in Scotland. He was fond of keeping pets. After the death of his pet dog Jennie, he was too sad to think of a dog again. The author was in Basra city of Iraq on a visit.