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  1. Title: Blue Sincerely Reunion. Synopsis: After attempting to get Megan safely out of Reykjavík, Cassie fears she's being framed for murder when two bodies are found in Echo Park. Written by: Natalie Chaidez and Haruna Lee. Directed by: Jennifer Phang. Date premiered: 28 Apr 2022.

  2. May 6, 2022 · Blue Sincerely Reunion Episode 4 of The Flight Attendant Season 2 does not mark just Cassie and Megan’s reunion; it also brings Miranda back for the first time this season. Cassie texted her for help in the last episode.

  3. Apr 27, 2022 · Police have discovered a horrific scene. Two bodies are being recovered from the bottom of Echo Park Lake. Both victims were found wrapped in tarps and weighted down by heavy chains.

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    "Blue Sincerely Reunion" is the fourth episode of the second season of HBO Max's The Flight Attendant. It released on April 28, 2022 on HBO Max alongside the third episode, "The Reykjavik Ice Sculpture Festival Is Lovely This Time of Year."

    After attempting to get Megan safely out of Reykjavík, Cassie fears she's being framed for murder when two bodies are found in Echo Park.

    The Queen of Long Island

    At the Blue Sincerely, Megan shoos patrons out of the bar, telling them that they're closing early. She tells Cassie that she sincerely hopes nobody followed her and Cassie replies that nobody did, that she's better than that. She asks why she's freaking out. Megan shouts that she's not, then calms down a bit, telling her that it's good to see her, but it's not good for her to be there. Cassie asks what she means, that she told her she needed help. "When did I ever say that?" asks Megan and Cassie explains her interpretation of the emoji chain, that it said to bring the puffin keychain to the "Queen of Long Island." Megan tells her that she's not the Queen of Long Island, that she was asking her to bring it to their friend Cherri, of the Queen Strip Club of Long Island. "You just overshot by a few thousand miles," she tells her and Cassie agrees that her explanation is better. Megan tells her that the key is for a lockbox where she stashed evidence against the North Koreans. Cassie asks why she didn't bring the box with her. Megan replies that she wanted to use it to try make a deal of some sort. She tells Cassie she doesn't know how much longer she can stay safe living on the land. A woman, Charlie, comes in. Megan tells Cassie she's lucky to have Charlie, that she basically saved her. She introduces Cassie, and Charlie asks what she's doing there. Cassie explains about the message. Megan tells Cassie that Charlie sells black market fishing boats. Cassie thanks Charlie for keeping Megan safe and Charlie says she has a crush on Megan, but to not tell anybody. "We just dance," Megan tells Cassie. She continues that she has a half million bounty on her head, that there's a a man from North Korea hunting her. Cassie says that she of course does, that she's top-shelf. Megan calls it the nicest thing Cassie's ever said to her. Cassie then finds herself in her mind palace. "Top shelf is right," comments sparkly Cassie, tossing around bills and saying that Megan is living it up like a pirate lady. "That should be me," she comments and young Cassie says if that were so, then the scary guy would be after her. Sparkly Cassie replies that Megan has a sugar mama, asking Cassie just how many black market boats Marco owns. Cassie says that she's sparkly too, that she doesn't need dirty money and Megan needs her help. "Seems like you kind of need her to need your help," points out young Cassie. She sys it's easier to do that than focus on her own stuff. "March 21, March 23," comments sparkly Cassie. Cassie asks what she means, that they're just dates. Sparkly Cassie says they're doing shots, but Cassie tells her they aren't and exits the mind palace. Back in the real world, Charlie is pouring shots. Cassie tells her she can't have it, that she isn't drinking. She tells her it's generous. Megan says she's being rude to her host, asking if she can just playing sober. Cassie tells her she's been sober for a year, AA sober. "Really?" asks Megan, seeming impressed. Charlie tells Megan that "it's ready." Cassie asks about the man hunting Megan and Megan tells her that he's relentless. Cassie says they have to get out, that she has a plan. Megan, however, says that they already have their own plan to stop him for good. Cassie asks what this means. Megan details the plan, that he's been coming in every night and they're going to spike his favorite cocktail with poison mushrooms. Cassie asks if they're really going to do this tonight. Just then, Hak shows up at the door.

    "Miss me?"

    Cassie and Megan hide and watch. Charlie pours Hak his drink. She mixes in the mushroom powder, telling him to drink slowly. He says she looks a little different, asking if she has something going on. He starts to drink, but just then, Cassie's smartphone rings. It's Jenny calling. Hak turns and looks over. He sets down the drink and goes over to where Cassie and Megan are hiding. He pulls a gun on them, then suddenly someone stabs him in the back. As he falls forward, the face of Miranda Croft is revealed. "Sorry if he was one of your friends," she comments. "Anyhoo, miss me?" she asks. "Who are you?" whispers Megan and Cassie does a quick introduction. Megan thanks her, saying it was supposed to go down with poison mushrooms. "I'm here because of poison mushrooms?" asks Miranda and Cassie explains the whole situation with Megan. She says that she thought Miranda was going to send someone else, a business associate. Miranda tells Cassie that she got bored being boss. Miranda stomps Cassie's phone, telling her to pat Hak down and get his ID. Cassie does so while Miranda puts in a call to her colleague, Cecilia. Miranda tells her that she just stabbed a North Korean spy and she's sure there'll be plenty more. "We will not be exiting out the front," she tells her. Cecilia says it's way above her pay grade, but Miranda tells her that she'll give her a contingency fee. They head out, dodging shots and boarding a bus. Back at Cassie's place in Los Angeles, Annie wakes up to see Gabrielle Diaz staring down at her. "Cass, is that you?" she asks, but it most certainly isn't. "They're waking up," Gabrielle tells Esteban, who tells her not to worry about it, saying they'll dose them again if needed. Gabrielle says that she almost had Cassie at LAX, only for her to disappear. "I'm not getting fucked over by a fucking flight attendant," she tells Esteban. He tells her to stay focused. Meanwhile, Max has woken up too. They chat to each other and Annie asks Max if those are the neighbors. "Yeah," Max agrees. He notes that Gabrielle's hair is blonde and they wonder if she could be the double. Max then risses to a sitting position, saying that he's going to cut his zipties with his shoelaces. Annie asks how he knows that's a thing and he tells her he saw it on YouTube. Annie quips that YouTube is a "super-reliable source" and he shoots back that slipping off zip-ties isn't as easy as slipping off a ring. She asks if he's joking, if he really wants to talk about this now. "No," he starts, "but if I did, I'd tell you..." and Esteban comes over and slaps him in the head, shouting at them. Annie screams and he tells them that they're looking all over and not finding anything. He asks them where Cassie is and Annie tells him she's on a flight. He replies that it can't be, that they checked every manifest and found nothing. He asks if they'd like to be bruised up for their wedding pictures. "Dude, I wouldn't hold my breath for that," gasps Max. It's the wrong thing to say, as Esteban tugs at him and makes a fist. Annie pleads with him not to hit him, saying they don't know where Cassie is. Gabrielle comes in, telling him to stop, that he's going to hurt his hand. "We have tools for that," she tells him. He agrees it's a good point.

    Big time with the mob

    In Iceland, Cassie looks out the window for pursuers. Miranda has been shot and is applying a tourniquet to her leg. Megan complains that she's hot. Cassie asks how she can possibly be hot. "Cassie, when a woman reaches a certain age..." quips Charlie. Miranda asks Cassie how she is and Cassie tells her about her double troubles. "Somebody's committing crimes as you and you flew to Iceland?" asks Miranda. Cassie tells her it's tough, but that's she's handling. "How exactly?" asks Miranda and just then Cassie gets a call. She says she has to take this call from Jenny, that it's part of the process of AA. Jenny starts up about her podcast and Cassie asks her to please tell her this isn't why she's been calling incessantly. She tells her she can't do a podcast, that it's a bad time. Cassie promises to text her. "Cassie if anyone asks you do to a podcast about this, you'd better say no," Megan tells her. Cassie agrees she won't be telling anyone about this. Back in LA, Esteban and Gabrielle start preparing tools to interrogate Annie and Max. Esteban says to Gabrielle that the bounty won't wait forever, that there are "other people looking for her." Gabrielle tells him that everyone talks. She walks over to Annie and Max with a set of knives and a taser. Max says that they're psychos, but she replies that they're fully sane, that they just care more about money than Annie and Max's comfort. She tells them that the taser's output is 50,000 volts, but if you turn it down, it'll really hurt. She tases Max and Annie tells him she loves him. She apologizes for being bad at feelings and he tells her they'll be okay. She says if they die, she's not okay with things, and what their future looks like. She says something about having worked for the mob and Gabrielle asks just what she means. Annie hesitates, then tells her she was "big time" with the mob, Max picking up the thread and agreeing. Gabrielle recognizes it as "obviously a bluff." She says she doesn't care about any of it and moves to tase Max again when Esteban comes in, saying that he found something. "She's in Iceland," he tells Gabrielle, holding up the keychain envelope. Back in Iceland, the group arrives at a place called Sky Lagoon, only for a car with North Korean agents to suddenly pull up. Miranda has them take off running and Cassie asks how they even found them there. "I can solve that little mystery" comments Miranda, calling Cecilia and asking her if she cares to explain. Cecilia replies that she has a baby on the way and the bounty on Megan Briscoe's head pays way more than she does. Miranda asks if she's really asking for a raise and Cecilia replies that she's not dodging bullets at what she pays. Miranda tells her to stick to plan B and they'll talk and hangs up. She tells the others that Cecilia has betrayed them, but that it'll all be fine. Suddenly, they find themselves face-to-face with the North Korean agents. They take off running again, only to find themselves in a sauna. They search frantically for an agent and then a woman comes at them with a gun. Miranda manages to disarm her, then the two fight. The woman manages to get the jump on Miranda and begins choking her to death, only for Cassie to cover her head with a towel and pull her away. This allows Miranda to punch her out and then they take off running again. Cassie asks just what they're supposed to do now. Megan says that running isn't working and Miranda tells them they need to steal a boat. So they do. In LA, Gabrielle and Esteban chat, Gabrielle asking Esteban if they should let the North Koreans know they have a lead. Esteban says they need eyes on Megan Briscoe first. They search info on flights to Iceland as Annie wonders why they're interested in Megan. She wonders if maybe they're not even after Cassie. Max tells her that he doesn't know who they're after, but that they're sitting ducks. He tries again and manages to break his zip-ties. He grabs his phone and secretly takes photos of Esteban and Gabrielle. Gabrielle then comes over, saying that she knows she hasn't known them long, but they have some serious relationship stuff to work out. "So long lovebirds," comments Esteban, saying that if they call the police, they'll kill them. They exit, grinning. Max exhales in relief and hugs Annie. She apologizes for taking off the ring and he tells her he's sorry she took off the ring too, telling her to just stay there. He closes and locks the door. Annie asks that if Esteban and Gabrielle are just using Cassie to find Megan, then why blow up a car? Max replies that they may not have had anything to do with the bombing, that they didn't seem that focused on Cassie. Annie wonders who the double is if not Gabrielle. Meanwhile, said double is shown walking through a park, a baggie in her hand.


    •Kaley Cuoco as Cassandra "Cassie" Bowden •Zosia Mamet as Annie Mouradian •Deniz Akdeniz as Max •Mo McRae as Benjamin Berry •Callie Hernandez as Gabrielle Diaz •Griffin Matthews as Shane Evans •J.J. Soria as Esteban Diaz and •Rosie Perez as Megan Briscoe

    Guest starring

    •Margaret Cho as Utada •Michelle Gomez as Miranda Croft •Jessie Ennis as Jenny •Bruce Baek as Hak Oh-Seong •Briana Cuoco as Cecilia •Shohreh Aghdashloo as Brenda •Audrey Grace Marshall as Young Cassie Bowden •Erik Passoja as Jim Jones


    Special thanks to Monette Moio, Kaley Cuoco's stunt double, body double and acting double. •Erica Ibsen as Cassie Double #2 •Kate Cochran as Cassie Double #3 •Peipei Alena Yuan as North Korean Henchwoman •Kunsang Dhondupsson as North Korean Henchman

    •The song played during the closing credits is "Only You Know" by Beach House from the album Once Twice Melody.

    "Cassie, Cassie, Cassie. Alrighty. I find you fascinating. I seriously, honestly, I do. But no more Miranda Ex Machina."

    - Miranda Croft

  4. Apr 28, 2022 · Blue Sincerely Reunion: Directed by Jennifer Phang. With Kaley Cuoco, Zosia Mamet, Deniz Akdeniz, Mo McRae. After attempting to get Megan safely out of Reykjavík, Cassie fears she's being framed for murder when two bodies are found in Echo Park.

    • (839)
    • Comedy, Drama, Mystery
    • Jennifer Phang
    • 2022-04-28
  5. Apr 28, 2022 · Miranda is back! A recap of ‘Blue Sincerely Reunion,” episode 4 of season 2 of HBO Max’s ‘The Flight Attendant.’

  6. Blue Sincerely Reunion: Cassie tries to get Megan out of Reykjavik, but realises she's being framed for murder when two bodies are discovered. (S2, ep 4 of 8)

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