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  1. Great white shark facts. 1) Great white sharks can be found throughout the world’s oceans, mostly in cool waters close to the coast. 2) These super swimmers are the largest predatory fish (fish that eat other fish or animals) on our planet.

  2. Young great white sharks eat fish (including other sharks) and rays. As they grow, the sharks’ favorite prey becomes sea mammals, especially sea lions and seals. Sharks count on the element...

  3. The great white is an epipelagic fish, observed mostly in the presence of rich game, such as fur seals (Arctocephalus ssp.), sea lions, cetaceans, other sharks, and large bony fish species. In the open ocean, it has been recorded at depths as great as 1,200 m (3,900 ft).

    • tetsuya chiba - the great white sea lion species facts for children pictures1
    • tetsuya chiba - the great white sea lion species facts for children pictures2
    • tetsuya chiba - the great white sea lion species facts for children pictures3
    • tetsuya chiba - the great white sea lion species facts for children pictures4
    • tetsuya chiba - the great white sea lion species facts for children pictures5
    • Great White Shark Profile
    • Interesting Great White Shark Facts
    • Related Shark Facts

    Great white sharks(carcharodon carcharias) are the world’s biggest predatory fish, measuring on average 4.5m (15ft) in length. The largest recorded is thought to be 7m (23ft) weighing 2.5 tonnes. They were made infamous by Steven Spielberg’s Jaws movie, which depicts a ferocious man-eating shark. In reality, they rarelyattack humans and there has b...

    1. Great Whites are the largest predatory fish on earth.

    They are on average around 4.5m long, with the largest ones on record measuring in at a massive 7m. They are the fourth biggest shark in the world, and the largest predatory shark in world.

    2. They are almost everywhere.

    They can be found in all major oceans and the only place in the world they don’t hunt and live is Antarctica.

    3. Sharks are much older than dinosaurs.

    Sharks, in some form or another, have been around for over 400 million years, making an incredible evolutionary achievement. 1

    Maisey JG, Troll R. Voracious Evolution | Natural History Magazine.Published 1998. Accessed January 2, 2021.
    Shark Senses | The Shark Trust. Accessed January 2, 2021.
    King B, Hu Y, Long JA. Electroreception in early vertebrates: survey, evidence and new information. Palaeontology. 2018;61(3):325-358. doi:10.1111/pala.12346
    • Coastal waters
    • Females: 4.6-5m, Males: 3.4-4.1m
    • 70 years
    • 520-1,100 kg
  4. Depending on their size and age, great white sharks target crustaceans, mollusks, sea birds, sea turtles, and marine mammals, including sea lions, seals, dolphins, and even some whales.

  5. The great white shark is the world's largest known predatory fish. It has 300 teeth, yet does not chew its food. Sharks rip their prey into mouth-sized pieces which are swallowed whole.

  6. Everything you should know about the Great White Shark. The Great White Shark is an apex predator shark, with a large head, and cone-shaped snout.