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  1. Székesfehérvár (Hungarian: [ˈseːkɛʃfɛheːrvaːr] ⓘ; German: Stuhlweißenburg [ʃtuːlˈvaɪsn̩bʊʁk] ⓘ; Latin: Alba Regia; Croatian: Stolni Biograd; Serbian: Стони Београд; Slovak: Stoličný Belehrad), known colloquially as Fehérvár (lit. 'white castle'), is a city in central Hungary, and the country's ninth-largest ...

  2. Székesfehérvár merupakan sebuah kota yang terletak di Hungaria bagian tengah, terletak 65 km barat daya Budapest. Kota ini memiliki jumlah penduduk 106.346 jiwa (2001) dan merupakan pusat administrasi kabupaten Fejér dan pusat regional Transdanubia Tengah.

  3. Székesfehérvár (latinul: Alba Regia, németül: Stuhlweißenburg, további nevek), megyei jogú város a Dunántúlon, a Közép-Dunántúl régió központja, Fejér vármegye és a Székesfehérvári járás székhelye, továbbá a Székesfehérvári egyházmegye székvárosa.

  4. Hungaria (bahasa Hungaria: Magyarország) adalah sebuah negara terkurung daratan di Eropa tengah. Negara ini terletak pada Cekungan Karpatia dan berbatasan dengan Austria di sebelah barat, Slovakia di sebelah utara, Ukraina di sebelah timur, Rumania di sebelah tenggara, Kroasia dan Serbia di sebelah selatan, Slovenia di sebelah barat daya.

  5. Székesfehérvár is the largest city and the county seat of Fejér county, Hungary. It's roughly 60 km southwest of Budapest, and is considered Hungary's first, as this was the royal seat of King Szent István (also known as Saint Stephan).

  6. Székesfehérvár (Hungarian pronunciation: [ˈseːkɛʃfɛheːrvaːr] ; German: Stuhlweißenburg, pronounced [ʃtuːlˈvaɪ̯sn̩bʊʁk] ), known as Fehérvár ("white castle"), is a city in Székesfehérvár, a district in Hungary.

  7. Szekesfehervar, city with county status and seat of Fejer county, west-central Hungary. One of the oldest cities in Hungary, it is located on the northeastern fringe of the Bakony Mountains, southwest of Budapest. The city is the site of a medieval cathedral where many Hungarian kings were crowned.

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