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    • Feelings Thermometer. A feelings thermometer will allow kids to gauge their feelings using a scale. This allows them to become more aware of where they are emotionally and how they can manage themselves and act constructively, given their feelings.
    • Feelings Check In. Checking in with your kids on how they are feeling can benefit everyone involved. This increases emotional awareness and encourages kids to talk about their emotions more freely.
    • Feelings List. Identifying and naming feelings can increase a child’s well-being. This handout provides kids with a list of emotions that they can identify with, whether they’re positive or negative.
    • Feelings Wheel. Often, kids may act out because they cannot describe exactly what they’re feeling. This tool is designed to help kids figure out exactly what they feel to understand the cause of that emotion and learn how to respond or cope.
    • The Happiness Planner
    • The Power of Planning
    • Activity

    Even if the day ahead seems gloomy or dull you can still plan it to include some bright and happy things to look forward to. You are the designer, the painter and the sculptor of your own life to a large extent and it is super helpful to know this.

    As you plan your day think about balance – some of your happy activities might be social, some sporty, some might be relaxing. Do try to get a good balance of things in your day, Also plan when you are you going to do these activities rather than leaving it open and vague. Having definite time slots and a thought out plan will stop you putting thin...

    Each morning for the next week, right after breakfast, try sitting down and filling in your happiness goals for the day. Write in 3 things every day that you KNOW will make you happy and commit to doing them. Ideas could include phoning your best friend, playing your happy music playlist, taking your dog for a long walk or watching your favourite T...

  1. Celebrate childrens achievements and participation in The Happiness Project. Find out how to have conversations about happiness with children and top tips for teachers on how to use the activities.

  2. 50 Ways to Feel Happy is an action-packed, illustrated book that helps children build happiness skills and develop helpful habits for their daily lives. * 50 great activities and projects to do at home and in schools. * Promotes well-being, self-confidence, resilience and emotional stability.

    • superhuman happiness chart for kids1
    • superhuman happiness chart for kids2
    • superhuman happiness chart for kids3
    • superhuman happiness chart for kids4
    • superhuman happiness chart for kids5
  3. Happy people make happiness the goal and remind themselves of the desire for change towards happiness when little stuff like traffic or paperwork or people get on our last nerve.

    • 479KB
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  4. Free! How to use these Emotions Charts chart with kids. In this two-page chart, the first page includes a list of emotions with some vocabulary words from soft to intense, so that your kids will be able to figure out what they’re feeling and also develop a good emotional vocabulary.

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  6. Dec 29, 2020 · Happiness builder for kids. This happiness builder for kids printable features three pages that place a focus on: “I am Amazing Because”. Each page has speech bubble for your children to fill in – with ideas, pictures, or words for why they are feeling the way they are.

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