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- Action genre. Action Movie genres. Action Movie Genre List. Action Genre. Movies in the action genre are defined by risk and stakes. While many movies may feature an action sequence, to be appropriately categorized inside the action genre, the bulk of the content must be action-oriented, including fight scenes, stunts, car chases, and general danger.
- Animation Genre. Animation Movie Genres. Types of Animation Movies. The animation genre is defined by inanimate objects being manipulated to appear as though they are living.
- Comedy genre. Comedy Movie Genres. List of Comedy Film Genres. Comedy Genre. The comedy genre is defined by events that are intended to make someone laugh, no matter if the story is macabre, droll, or zany.
- Crime Genre. Crime Movie Genres. Crime Film Genre List. The crime genre deals with both sides of the criminal justice system but does not focus on legislative matters or civil suits and legal actions.
- Action
- Animation
- Comedy
- Crime
- Documentary
- Drama
- Fantasy
- History
- Horror
- Music Film and Musical
The action genre is all about excitement: think edge-of-your-seat chases, explosive stunts, and nail-biting danger. It's a realm where movies are defined by their high-energy scenes, often branching into subgenres like martial arts or military adventures. Known for their big budgets, action films are where you'll find jaw-dropping explosions and in...
Animation is a diverse movie genre, where the magic lies in bringing inanimate objects to life through various techniques, each forming a unique subgenre. 1. CGI (Computer-Generated Imagery): Dominating modern animation, CGI creates vibrant worlds through advanced computer rendering. These films, often significant in production time and cost, inclu...
The comedy genre, with its wide range of humor, from simple dad jokes to sophisticated satire and dark wit, is one of the most versatile film genres. The comedy genre is a playground for creativity, offering filmmakers the flexibility to blend humor with other themes and styles. 1. Black or Dark Comedy: This subgenre tackles taboo topics like death...
The crime movie genre delves into the world of criminal activities, legal battles, and moral complexities. It explores themes from the classic good vs. evil to the gray areas of morality, often making heroes out of underdogs or even the 'bad guys' in gangster films. 1. Cop Movies: These focus on police protagonists, sometimes paired with partners, ...
Documentaries are the non-fiction storytellers of cinema, educating and informing through real-life events and facts. As a movie genre, they come in various styles and subgenres, each offering a unique perspective on the world. 1. Expository Documentary: These straightforward documentaries present information directly, often narrated, combining his...
Dramas, known for their deep exploration of conflict and emotions, truly shine in the drama genre, offering a vivid reflection of human experiences and complexities. They bring to life pivotal moments with a focus on authenticity and human nature, rather than relying on sensational action. 1. Docudrama: Merging drama with documentary, these films r...
The fantasy genre, with its boundless imagination, stands out in the cinematic world. It brings to life the incredible, featuring fictional universes, magical elements, and mythical beings. This genre is a canvas for the extraordinary, where anything is possible, and the fantasy genre continually captivates audiences with its unique blend of escapi...
Among movie genres, the historical genre stands out for its blend of truth and fiction, taking viewers back in time to real or accurately depicted settings and eras. 1. Historical Film: These films can span various styles, from drama to action or romance. They often center around significant historical events, periods, or figures, providing context...
Within the diverse array of movie genres, the horror genre uniquely captivates with its blend of terrifying events, creatures, and stories. Horror films continually evolve, with filmmakers exploring new ways to unsettle and frighten audiences, pushing the boundaries of what can be achieved in this spine-chilling genre. 1. Ghost: In horror films fea...
Musicals stand out for their unique blend of storytelling, song, and dance. When characters spontaneously burst into song, often accompanied by a chorus and elaborate dance numbers, you're watching a musical film. This movie genre ranges from adaptations of beloved Broadway shows to original creations filled with dazzling choreography and special e...
The Top Rated Movie list only includes feature films. Shorts, TV movies, and documentaries are not included. The list is ranked by a formula which includes the number of ratings each movie received from users, and value of ratings received from regular users.
Feb 26, 2015 · Whether it’s a modern-day Babylon or a dream factory, movies about Hollywood are striking both for their cynicism and star-struck naiveté.
- 'Weekend' (2011) Heady but grounded in pragmatic reality, ecstatically romantic but marbled with sobering veins of melancholy, Andrew Haigh’s immersive account of a steamy hookup between two gay Nottingham men unfolds over 48 hours in what feels almost like real time.
- 'Black Panther' (2018) Navigating the Marvel Cinematic Universe — or is it a Multiverse now? — requires, for many of us, a certain tolerance for green or LED screens, mass destruction, snarky dialogue and cosmic shtick.
- 'Time' (2020) Garrett Bradley’s documentary observes the brutality of the American carceral system from an uncommon vantage point. The filmmaker jettisons the expository soundbites of talking heads and the contextual support of charts and numbers, choosing instead to construct an impressionistic portrait of one family’s specific experience.
- 'Bright Star' (2009) It’s the story of an unconsummated love affair in the final years of John Keats’ short life. Catnip for English majors? No question.
Rotten Tomatoes staff presents 300 essential movies to watch now, whether you're a film buff or just starting your journey into cinema!
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