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  1. Apr 6, 2021 · Une des rares Françaises à avoir fait carrière à Hollywood, la productrice Sophie Mas (H.04) vit et travaille à Paris, entre un café avec Scorsese et un tournage avec Brad Pitt. Et tout a commencé à HEC…

  2. The French reflexive pronouns are me, te, se, nous, vous, and se. They always agree with the subject they refer to and correspond to the English words myself, yourself etc. Learn about reflexive pronouns with Lingolia, then test yourself in the free exercises.

  3. Mar 31, 2022 · Ne te le lave pas, dans trois jours j’arrive,” Napoléon supposedly wrote to Josephine. There are many versions of it in both English and French. You can add the number of days you want.

  4. You can also indicate possession by using a possessive adjective, the equivalent of “my,” “her,” “our,” etc. Possessive adjectives are used before the noun and must agree in gender and number with the noun they modify. Thus , if the noun is feminine, the possessive article must be feminine.

  5. May 29, 2024 · The French greeting “ça va” (pronounced sah-vah) in English literally means “it goes” or “that goes”. Ça va is used commonly in everyday informal French greetings.

  6. El orden en el que debes usar los pronombres de la primera, segunda y tercera persona más la forma se es: se + 2.ª pers. + 1.ª pers. + 3.ª pers. Las formas “me se” y “te se” son, por tanto, incorrectas y de uso vulgar. La forma correcta de usar estos pronombres es: se me y se te.

  7. Oct 21, 2020 · Né congiunzione negativa. Né, scritto con l’accento acuto sulla e (che indica la pronuncia della vocale con suono chiuso), è una congiunzione copulativa correlativa negativa. Il termine né viene dal latino nec e significa «e non».

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