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Società per azioni (S.p.A. or spa) is a form of corporation in Italy, meaning 'company with shares' (although often translated as ' joint-stock company ', which may or may not be a limited liability entity). It is more or less equivalent to S.A. or public limited company (PLC) in other countries. The other common form of corporation in Italy ...
Drilling and Assembly Italian Public Limited Company) is an Italian multinational oilfield services company and one of the largest in the world. Until 2016 it was a subsidiary of Italian oil and gas supermajor Eni, which retains approximately 30% of Saipem's shares.
Barilla is distributed in the UK by Euro Food Brands Ltd. Barilla's Italian production facilities are located in Parma, Foggia, Marcianise, Castiglione delle Stiviere, Cremona, Melfi, Rubbiano, Novara, Muggia [10] and Ascoli Piceno. [11] Its plant in Greece (near Thiva) is the third largest in Europe. [12]
La società per azioni (sigla italiana S.p.A., inglese Ltd. e Inc., francese, spagnola e portoghese S.A., tedesca AG e olandese N.V.) è una società di capitali dotata di personalità giuridica e una autonomia patrimoniale perfetta, nella quale le partecipazioni dei soci sono rappresentate da titoli trasferibili, le cosiddette azioni suddivise in più tipi, e nella quale la gestione è ...
Società per Azioni (S.p.A.) A Società per Azioni is a public limited company by shares. This form of corporation better suits the needs of large businesses requiring a significant amount of capital Share Capital and Shares S.p.A. share capital may not be lower than € 50,000.00, and is divided into “shares”, which can be physically [..Read more..]
In Italy, two common forms of capital companies are the “S.p.A.” (Società per Azioni) and the “S.r.l.” (Società a Responsabilità Limitata). Here are the main characteristics and differences between them: Legal Structure – S.p.A. is a public limited company that can offer its shares to the public. It is subject to more stringent ...
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What is a società per azioni?
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La società per azioni è disciplinata da un complesso impianto normativo che, sullo sfondo delle disposizioni generali dettate nel codice civile con riferi-mento all’istituto societario (artt. 2247-2250 c.c.), trova il suo nucleo centrale nel Titolo V, Capo V, del Libro V (artt. 2325 ss. c.c.).