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  1. Sidney Goldstein (August 4, 1927 – August 5, 2019) was an American demographer. He was George Hazard Crooker University Professor at Brown University from 1977 to 1993.

  2. Orang Vietnam-Amerika merupakan etnis Vietnam terbesar dari segi jumlah yang berada diluar negara Vietnam. Jumlah etnis Vietnam-Amerika mencapai lebih dari setengah populasi orang diaspora Vietnam (bahasa Vietnam: Người Việt hải ngoại) di seluruh dunia.

  3. Sirkulasi dalam konteks mobilitas total di Asia Tenggara / Sidney Goldstein ; diterjemahkan oleh Nin Bakdisoemanto, Ida Bagoes Mantra: Judul Asli: Sirculation in the context of total mobility in Southeast Asia: Judul Seragam: Pengarang: Goldstein, Sidney Ida Bagoes Mantra Nin Bakdisumanto Universitas Gadjah Mada. Pusat Penelitian dan Studi ...

  4. Beginning with analyses of migration in the United States and Denmark, his focus shifted to less developed countries, including Thailand, China, Vietnam, Ethiopia, Guatemala, and South Africa.

  5. Aug 6, 2019 · H-Judaic mourns the passing of Professor Sidney Goldstein (1927-2019), George Hazard Crooker University Professor Emeritus at Brown University, and widely acknowledged as the "dean" of Jewish demographers.

  6. Dec 17, 2020 · The then-Second Lieutenant Goldstein was assigned to lead a small force of infantrymen to take a hill from German soldiers. Despite heavy enemy fire and some casualties, Goldstein and his men advanced up the slope, capturing at first four, then 42 more, then 16 more in their successful action.

  7. Sidney S Goldstein – Rhode Island Heritage Hall of Fame. Inducted: 2017. Born: 1929. Died: 1995. Founders of Rhode Island, Philanthropists. Some individuals have been recognized for Hall of Fame induction because of the success and prominence of their business creations.

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