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  1. The earliest tradition from the A.D. 2nd century states the brothers and sisters of Jesus were children of Joseph from a previous marriage. According to the great 4th-century biblical scholar St. Jerome the siblings were cousins of Jesus by Joseph’s brother Clopas and his wife Mary.

  2. The Shillelagh Sisters were a British female group composed of Jacquie O'Sullivan (vocals), Lynder Halpin (double bass), Patricia "Trisha" O'Flynn (saxophone) and Maria "Mitzi" Ryan (drums). [1]

  3. Jan 31, 2024 · If Jesus was the first-born of Mary, did she and Joseph have more children after Jesus? The gospel writers often mention His brothers and sisters. But can we know for sure if Jesus had siblings and if so, how many and who were they?

  4. Feb 3, 2024 · While none of Jesus’ other brothers or sisters is mentioned by name, it would seem from Acts that several, if not all of them, became part of the Jesus-following community along with Jesus’ mother Mary.

  5. Mar 3, 2024 · What does Jesus mean by, ‘receive the kingdom of God like a child’? What aspect of childlikeness does Jesus have in mind? There have been many suggestions. Is it the way children receive gifts? Children just rip the paper off in their excitement.

    • Tim Thorburn
  6. Though they shared no direct biological connection to Jesus, these children came to be called Jesus’s “brothers and sisters,” making them Jesus’s step-siblings. One other tradition argues that Jesus’s “brothers and sisters” are more rightly identified as his cousins.

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  8. Mar 26, 2018 · He and his wife, Shauna, are the parents of six children. The scriptures are relatively silent regarding the life of Jesus Christ between birth and the age of 12 and again between 12 and the beginning of His formal ministry at age 30.

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