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  1. The characters from the medieval fantasy television series Game of Thrones are based on their respective counterparts from author George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series of novels.

  2. Explore the characters George R.R. Martin created throughout his series of books, 'A Song of Ice and Fire:' the Game of Thrones realm.

    • Overview
    • Biography
    • Quotes
    • Behind the scenes
    • In the books
    • Appearances
    • References

    Arya Stark: "You said I could be your apprentice. You said you'd teach me how to be a Faceless Man."

    Jaqen H'ghar: "A man teaches a girl. 'Valar Dohaeris.' All men must serve. Faceless Men most of all."

    — Jaqen H'ghar instructs Arya Stark

    "Jaqen H'ghar" is the alias assumed by one of the Faceless Men of Braavos, a feared order of mysterious assassins with the ability to change their appearance at will. He was first introduced as a Lorathi criminal - who was arrested and put in the dungeons of King's Landing, before being recruited by Yoren to join the Night's Watch. He is in Yoren's party as the latter smuggles Arya Stark out of King's Landing. He travels with them to the lands south of Harrenhal, where they are captured by Lannister forces.


    Jaqen is surprisingly calm in the face of danger, yet courteous. Hailing from Lorath, he uses speech patterns in which he refers to people using the third person indefinite, e.g., saying "a man thanks a girl" when he is directly addressing Arya and expressing his own thanks.

    Game of Thrones: Season 1

    Jaqen is a criminal from the Free Cities, arrested by the City Watch and thrown into the dungeons of the Red Keep in King's Landing. When looking for fresh recruits for the Night's Watch, Yoren was given permission by Eddard Stark, Hand of the King, to go through the dungeons and take any criminals who would swear to take the black. He chose H'ghar as a potential candidate, as well as two other murderers Biter and Rorge from the black cells, where the worst criminals are kept. Jaqen H'ghar is in the party led by Yoren that leaves King's Landing for the Wall, along with Hot Pie, Lommy, Gendry, and Arya, who is being smuggled out to be returned to Winterfell. Because Yoren is traveling so far with so few men, the worst three are kept in a locked barred cell on the back of a wagon.

    Game of Thrones: Season 2

    Jaqen calls over "Arry" (who is actually Arya Stark). He asks her to fill a tankard with water and tells her that he has not drunk for a day and a night, always referring to himself as “a man” and her as “a boy”. Rorge, one of the other prisoners, rattles the cage and threatens Arya. Jaqen asks Arya for forgiveness and tells her that he has not chosen his companions. He confirms her identity as Arry and introduces himself, saying that he comes from Lorath. Rorge demands beer and insults Arya. She says that he should have asked nicely, drops all but one of her sticks and uses it to hit his hand. He recoils and then tries to grab her through the cage. Biter moves up behind Rorge and hisses as Rorge threatens Arya again. Jaqen smiles and tells Arya that she has more courage than sense as she backs away. The group is resting in a barn, when they are roused to arms by Yoren and told they are being attacked. As they rush outside, one man trips and drops his torch, setting a fire near the prisoner wagon. They are met by Ser Amory Lorch and a force of men loyal to House Lannister. Lorch points out the Gold Cloaks with him and says that they have come for Gendry, a royal bastard. Lorch orders Yoren and the recruits to drop their weapons. Yoren remains defiant and Lorch orders him shot. Seeing their leader killed, Gendry and many of the other recruits join the fight. Arya is distracted by Jaqen calling for help as the flames lick the bars of his cage. She hands him an axe before rushing to join the fray. Gendry is overwhelmed and knocked down. As Arya runs round a corner she is knocked over and taken prisoner along with the other survivors. Jaqen does not fight against the Lannister men, though he's surprised that Arya helped him. The prisoners are taken to Harrenhal, one being picked each day by Ser Gregor Clegane to be tortured and killed under the supervision of a man called the Tickler. Tywin arrives and ends the pointless brutality, choosing Arya as his cupbearer. After being told to fetch water by Tywin, Arya meets Jaqen again; however, he is dressed in a Lannister uniform. She accuses him of being "one of them now", but he counters her, questioning for whom she is fetching water. Jaqen says he always knew she was a girl, but she was entitled to her secret. He then informs her of the debt he, Rorge, and Biter owe her. Because she saved three lives, she has taken three lives from the Red God. He says that they must be given back and that she is to name three people who will be killed to repay the debt. Arya names the torturer known as the Tickler. The Tickler is found dead in the courtyard, under the windows of a raised walkway. Arya goes to the body and looks up to see Jaqen staring down. He touches his cheek with one finger, indicating that the first death has been repaid. Jaqen is approached by a panicked Arya, who desperately requests her second death: Ser Amory Lorch. He had become suspicious of her intent while ferreting Lannister documents. Jaqen bristles at her insistence on urgency. Arya explains the situation and he reluctantly obliges, assassinating Ser Amory with a dart dipped in wolfsbane to the neck seconds before he reaches Tywin. The assassination triggers the suspicion of Tywin, and he orders the interrogation and execution of dozens of his own men in order to solve it, but does not uncover Jaqen. Tywin leaves Harrenhal while Jaqen is on patrol; Arya is frustrated as she had decided to make him her last name. Instead she asks Jaqen to aid her and her friends in escaping but he refuses, as it is outside of their arrangement. She asks if she can name anyone and Jaqen swears an oath that who ever she names he will kill. To his horror, Arya says his own name, asking him to kill himself. At Jaqen's plea, she agrees to revoke his name only if he will help her. He reluctantly tells her to assemble her friends at the courtyard gate at midnight. At midnight there is no sign of Jaqen, but Arya follows his instructions anyways, only to find out that Jaqen has killed all of the guards on the gate and pinned them in place with spears to avoid arousing suspicion. They are able to walk through the gate unnoticed. Having left Harrenhal, Arya, Gendry and Hot Pie see Jaqen on top of a cliff. Arya approaches him and he offers to take her with him to Braavos to join the Faceless Men. Though she wants to, Arya declines saying she must find her brother, mother and sister. Jaqen gives her a coin and tells her that if she ever needs to see him again, she must show the coin to a Braavosi and say the words "valar morghulis." He tells her to repeat the words and then announces that Jaqen H'ghar is dead. He turns his face away from Arya and when he turns back his face has changed. "Jaqen" then says "Farewell, Arya Stark" and walks away, seeming to have known her true identity all along.

    Spoken by Jaqen

    "You stole three deaths from the Red God. We have to give them back." ―Jaqen H'ghar to Arya Stark "Help was not promised, lovely girl. Only death." ―Jaqen H'ghar "A man has a thirst. A boy can make a friend." ―To Arya Stark

    •Jaqen is not identified in the Season 1 finale, as the actor had not been cast at this point. Instead, a cloaked and hooded figure is seen in the wagon, obscuring his face, so the character could be cast later.

    •In the Season 5 Blu-ray commentary, it was confirmed that the showrunners always intended for Tom Wlaschiha to return as "Jaqen H'ghar" in Season 5, even back when they cast him for Season 2 (at the time they felt they would be lucky if they even got renewed for Season 3 - but they hoped to eventually reach the Braavos subplot in later seasons). They always intended to have him take the role of "the Kindly Man" from the novels, in order to focus on fewer characters and maintain a visual link with the Faceless Man that Arya met a full three seasons before. It helps that the Faceless Men are shapeshifters, and of course, they specified that they always intended for "Tom Wlaschiha" the actor to return, while leaving it ambiguous whether or not the Faceless Man that Arya encounters in Braavos (taking the place of the Kindly Man) is the same one that she met in Westeros. In some ways it is irrelevant, given that the Faceless Men consider themselves to be "no one" and interchangeable.

    In the A Song of Ice and Fire novels, Jaqen is described as having longish red and white hair, i.e. one half is white, and the other red. The TV series gives Jaqen red hair that has white streaks interspersed throughout it.

    "Jaqen H'ghar" is just a persona adopted by one of the Faceless Men of Braavos, but the Faceless Men have no personal names. While as "Jaqen H'ghar" he claimed to be from Lorath, this was just part of his fake identity, and and there is no indication that he has ever even set foot in Lorath.

    When Arya first sees Jaqen, he somewhat reminds her of Syrio Forel. This led to fan speculation that Jaqen and Syrio are the same person, but so far it has not been verified.

    In the books, Arya asks Jaqen to kill different men than in the series. One is Chiswyck, a man-at-arms in service of Gregor Clegane. The second is Weese, the understeward of Harrenhal, who served as the basis for Weasel. Arya asks Jaqen to help her free the northern prisoners, but he refuses, until she names him as the third to be killed. Reluctantly, Jaqen agrees to her request, and together with Rorge and Biter they kill several guards and free the prisoners. Soon afterwards Jaqen disappears. He does not help Arya to escape from Harrenhal.

    •– "Fire and Blood"

    •– "The Night Lands"

    •– "What Is Dead May Never Die"

    •– "The Ghost of Harrenhal"

    •– "The Old Gods and the New"

    •– "The Prince of Winterfell"

    1.Game of Thrones: Season 2, Episode 2: "The Night Lands" (2012).

    2.Game of Thrones: Season 1, Episode 5: "The Wolf and the Lion" (2011).

    3.Game of Thrones: Season 1, Episode 10: "Fire and Blood" (2011).

    4.Game of Thrones: Season 2, Episode 3: "What Is Dead May Never Die" (2012).

    5.Game of Thrones: Season 2, Episode 4: "Garden of Bones" (2012).

    6.Game of Thrones: Season 2, Episode 5: "The Ghost of Harrenhal" (2012).

  3. This page lists all characters from the A Song of Ice and Fire series, alphabetically according to the characters’ first names, regardless of whether the character is better known by a nickname. For example: Sour Alyn is listed under "A" for Alyn and not "S" for Sour.

  4. This sub-category contains articles on all servants and retainers of House Stark. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.

  5. A handmaid, also known as a handmaiden, bedmaid, lady-in-waiting, companion, or lady companion, is a female servant or personal attendant of a royal woman or noblewoman.

  6. People also ask

  7. Ramsay Bolton, previously known as Ramsay Snow, is a fictional character in the A Song of Ice and Fire series of fantasy novels by American author George R. R. Martin, and its television adaptation Game of Thrones.