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  1. Jan 25, 2024 · Veteran animation producer Rick Mischel has formed a Canadian studio after acquiring Pete The Cat and Hotel Transylvania: The Series firm Yeti Farm Creative Animation Studio.

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    Richard "Ricky" Branning (né Mitchell) is the son of Sam Mitchell and Jack Branning, conceived on a one night stand. He is the half-brother of Amy, Penny and James Branning. He is also the father to Charli Slater.


    In late 2009 while in a relationship with Ricky Butcher, Sam had an affair with Jack Branning before being arrested and sent to prison for her role in the death of Dirty Den. It was during this time frame when he was conceived. Sometime later, Sam discovered she was pregnant but did not tell anyone except for close friend Minty Peterson. In late August, Sam's mother Peggy Mitchell visited Sam in prison and it was not until the end of the visit until Peggy realised Sam was pregnant. Sam still angry that her mother tried to frame her for Archie Mitchell's murder insisted that she did not want to see Peggy but after being rushed to hospital Peggy ignored Sam's demands and rushed to the hospital and it is during an argument between them when Sam goes into labour. Despite insisting that Ricky is the father of her baby both potential fathers Ricky and Jack and their partners Bianca and Ronnie go to the hospital.

    2010: Birth and leaving with Sam

    When Richard is born, Sam wants to put him up for adoption but her mother Peggy Mitchell insists she keep him, saying the baby is the only way Sam can get back with Ricky, who is now remarried to Bianca Jackson. Despite insisting that the baby is Ricky's son and even naming him "Richard" after him, Jack, Ricky, Bianca and Ronnie still insist on a DNA paternity test. It is carried out and Sam receives a phone call with the results which she claims confirmed Ricky was the father, however a suspicious Bianca contacts the DNA testing clinic pretending to be Sam and is shocked to discover that Sam lied and Jack is the father of the baby. After confronting her about it publicly Sam admits she lied because Ronnie persuaded her too. A short while later after a tragic fire in the Queen Vic, Ricky's grandmother Peggy (who had promised to help raise Richard) leaves Albert Square, leaving Sam feeling alone and vulnerable. After a mishap where Sam mistakes the colour of baby feces for a serious illness, Sam realises how inexperienced she is and says she wants Ronnie and Jack to have the baby. They agree and make plans for Sam to bring Richard and his belongings over to Jack and Ronnie but Sam does not arrive. Ronnie goes to Sam's and tries to persuade her not to give Richard up saying that it will be the biggest mistake of her life. Ronnie offers her money to leave Walford with Richard, as when Jack finds out she is keeping Richard, he will come after her. Ronnie leaves alone, but Sam leaves Richard with Jack. Later, Ronnie and Sam meet, and she gives Sam the money, telling her to take Richard back. After the breakdown of her relationship with Minty, she leaves with Ricky and goes to Portugal to live with her brother, Grant Mitchell in September 2010. Ricky was mentioned a few months later when Phil Mitchell and Shirley Carter visited Grant, Sam and Ricky in Portugal. Jack mentioned that Shirley had some photos of Ricky to show him and Ronnie asked him did he miss Ricky and Jack claimed that he didn't and that Ricky was happy and had a new family now.

    2016-2022: Return and living with Jack

    Richard, nicknamed “Ricky”, returns to Walford with Sam for Peggy's funeral in June 2016 and when Jack sees him, he refuses to have anything to do with him. Sam shows signs of finding it hard to cope with her son, who is left at Jack's house to bond with him and Jack's daughter Amy Mitchell. He just wants to be eat junk food and play video games, it was obvious that Sam gave her son no attention at all and Jack decides to get to know Ricky, Deciding Ricky is better off without her, Sam abandons Ricky, leaving him with Jack, and goes back to Portugal. Realising Sam has allowed Ricky to do what he wants, Jack attempts to get him to end his bad habits of eating sweets and constantly playing video games by giving him healthy meals, throwing his games console in the bin and encouraging him to join scouts. Ricky shuts himself in a cupboard and when he comes out, he says he dislikes being called "Richard" and then attends Scouts. On New Year's Day 2017, during Jack and Ronnie's wedding night, both Ronnie, her sister and Amy's mother Roxy Mitchell drown in a hotel swimming pool. Jack initially does not want Amy or Ricky to know, but when they start asking questions about their whereabouts, Jack says they have "gone away" and are never coming back. Ricky and Amy are left confused, so continue to question Jack and his brother Max Branning until their step-grandmother Dot Branning explains to them with sensitivity that they have died. During this time, the kids are enrolled at a school in Essex as Jack, Ronnie and Roxy planned to move there, but they later return to Walford Primary.

    •Ricky Branning - List of appearances

    •Ricky Branning - Gallery

  2. Jan 24, 2024 · Installed as founder and CEO, Mischel tells Kidscreen that he was motivated to buy the studio by its reputation for producing high-quality 2D Harmony and hand-drawn animation, and also by its...

  3. Jan 25, 2024 · It has been purchased by veteran animation producer and studio executive Rick Mischel and will be renamed "Artist Animation Studio." The business will remain in Kelowna.

  4. Jan 4, 2023 · Richard ‘Ricky’ Mitchell is Sam Mitchell (Kim Medcalf) and Jack Branning's (Scott Maslen) son. He was born back in 2010 when Sam was in a relationship with Ricky Butcher, but secretly having an affair with Jack.

    • Claire Crick
  5. With 30 years of experience in the animation industry, Rick has been an Executive Producer at Sony Pictures Animation, served as CEO of Bardel Entertainment, overseeing a team of over 400 artists and productions for some of the industry’s leading broadcasters and IP owners, including Fox, Nickelodeon, Netflix, Disney, and Warner Bros ...

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  7. Jan 25, 2024 · Veteran animation producer and studio executive Rick Mischel (Sony Pictures Animation, Mainframe Studios, Bardel Entertainment, Technicolor) has launched Artists Animation Studio, headquartered in Kelowna, Canada.

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