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  1. Jan 27, 2021 · Crash-landed alien Harry takes on the identity of a small-town Colorado doctor. Arriving with a secret mission, he starts off living a simple life…but things get a bit rocky when he’s roped into solving a local murder and realizes he needs to assimilate into his new world.

    • (3.5K)
    • January 28, 2021
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    • Overview
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    Alien Dinner Party is the eighteenth episode of the science fiction comedy television series Resident Alien and the eighth episode of the second season. It premiered on March 16, 2022.

    It's a surprise party as everyone gathers to celebrate Harry, but some dangerous guests cause havoc.

    Big surprises

    David Logan meets General McCallister on a bridge above a rushing river. She asks him where the alien ball is and how she knows his video wasn't a fake. He says she's going to trust him. She tells him that she tried to have him killed before and that trusting him is moving backwards. She tells him she wants to see it. He pulls the alien ball from his pocket, then pulls it away. She asks what he wants and he says that if he gives her the ball, he gets his life back: an honorable discharge with a full pension. As he continues to talk, there is the sound of a gunshot and he falls from the bridge into the river below. McCallister pulls out her own weapon and starts shooting, taking fire in return from a sharpshooter up above. She flees and the sharpshooter blinks with a different pair of eyes, like an alien. Things pick up where they left off, with Harry telling everyone hosting the surprise birthday party to get out of his house. Mayor Ben Hawthorne wishes him a happy birthday, saying he's glad to have him back in Patience. Asta, looking troubled, tells Harry that it's a surprise party. Ben says that they're honoring one of the town's most esteemed residents. "Here's to another trip around the sun, Dr. V.," agrees Mike. Harry tells them they're all trespassing and everyone laughs again, thinking he's making a joke. Asta comments that he's joking. "No, he's not," whispers Dan. Ben grabs Harry's bag, saying he'll put it away for him. Asta pursues. He tells her he doesn't like having people in his house uninvited. She tells him that he now knows how Earth felt when he came. She tells him she'll get rid of everyone and take the egg downstairs. Harry makes his way, but is stopped by Kate, who chats him up about his trip to New York until he gets rid of her by claiming that there's a spider in her hair. Sheriff Mike asks Ben when he's going to ask Harry to be the town doctor again. Ben tries to play him off, but Mike says it's obvious he's trying to woo him. He suggests trying to get him drunk before he asked him. Asta comes over, thanking him, but saying that Harry's not feeling well so maybe they should do this another night. Ben says that they can't, that it's a special night and they'll nurse him back to health if needed. "Woooo," comments Mike. Asta mutters that if an alien baby kills Ben, it's not her fault. Harry heads down to the bunker, thinking that he doesn't understand why humans celebrate their births, that it isn't special because everyone has been born. It's a participation trophy. Back upstairs, Deputy Liv Baker presents deviled eggs, saying that she stole her grandmother's recipe when she was 10 and she's hated her ever since. Ben refuses to try one at first, then gets shut out by Liv when he wants a second. Asta asks Harry what he did with the egg. He tells her it's safe in the bunker. She asks what happens if it hatches. He says that alien babies have a big appetite for high calorie, junky food, such as humans. Asta says they have to get everyone out of there. The two try to pass him off as sick and groaning. They sing "He's a Jolly Good Fellow" and he seems pleased. Ben tells him that Jay is bringing cake. He asks if it's going to be pie. "Pie it is," agrees Ben and Harry says they can stay. Ben says their good cheer has cured him. Harry goes downstairs to get some ice, thinking that it's appropriate given that the day is about celebrating the life of a man he murdered and threw into a frozen lake. He sniffs the air and smells sulfur, discovering that the egg has hatched. Upstairs, Asta talks with D'arcy. Seeing her with soda, she asks if she's handling heavy machinery. D'arcy tells her she's stopped drinking and has even started going to the gym again. She tells Ben that she's still waiting on an invite to come to the party. Kate asks Ben if they're going to do anything about the sulfur smell. He says he can't smell anything, chuckling that when she was pregnant she had a super-human smell. "Hope you're not pregnant," he tells her. "Can you imagine?" Downstairs, Harry thinks to himself that the baby could be anywhere, that it would be much easier if it were a human baby. Mike calls down, asking if he needs help with the ice, but he tells him he's good. As Harry comes up with the ice, Mike comments that it smells like sulfur. Harry tells him it's not sulfur, just the stink from Deputy Liv's eggs. Mike agrees that the eggs are delicious but stinky. Deputy Liv tries to offer Kate some of the eggs, but Kate darts outside, seeming sick.

    On the loose

    Elsewhere in Patience, Nurse Ellen Cho is chatting on the phone while Max and Sahar sit at a table. As she wanders about, Sahar opens up a map, telling Max she's marked all the military installations in the area where they could be holding the alien ball. "I circled the underground ones nobody knows about," she tells him. She overhears Ellen telling someone on the phone that Ben is holding the party to convince Harry to become town doctor again. "Town doctor?" she wonders, asking Max what happened to Dr. Ethan. Max tells her that he left town the night the men in black were there. She asks if his brain in his butt, that the men in black took Dr. Ethan and will be back as soon as they figure out that he's human. She tells Max that they have to go to the party and tell Asta. Max asks how they can do this, given their babysitter. Sahar tells him they'll get her to fall asleep, using convoys to nature videos. D'arcy joins Kate outside. She asks her if she has any exciting news, but she says she hasn't taken the test yet. She says that if she takes it and it's positive, then she's pregnant. "Yeah, that's not how it works," points out D'arcy. Kate says she was talking to Harry about New York and thinking about how exciting it would be. She asks why that can't be her life. D'arcy asks why it can't. "Because I'm stuck here, pushing out babies," Kate tells her. D'arcy tells her to come on. They head inside. Back at the Hawthornes' Sahar and Max show Ellen a tablet with a nature video. She seems to nod off and they get up and head for the door, only for Ellen to startle and then ask where they're going. "Bike ride" says Sahar. "Taking out the garbage," says Max. Ellen tells them to just be back before their parents get back and no drugs. Sahar comments to Max that she's a horrible babysitter and they leave. Back at the party, Dan puts some steaks on the barbecue outside when he notices some signs of alien activity. Asta searches around for Harry, only to knock on the bathroom door and discover Kate is inside. She finds Harry laying down jelly beans and asks if he's checked on the egg because if it's hatched they have to get everyone out. He tells her the party can't end with pie coming and not to worry, that the egg will not hatch. She tells him he can't just hide in the bedroom, that people will be suspicious. "I will talk to Dan because he has food," he tells Asta, going up to Dan, putting some money in his pocket and taking food. In the bathroom, Kate and D'arcy see the results of the test. Kate is, indeed, pregnant. "Congratulations," D'arcy tells her, asking if she's going to tell Ben the good news. "Not until I'm convinced it's good news," she replies. D'arcy tells her that she has it and Kate nods. The party continues, with Deputy Liv telling Asta about recent UFO sightings in Patience and how she saw a UFO during their class camping trip when they were kids. She asks Asta if she doesn't want to believe that they're not alone, that there's something bigger out there. "Sure," Asta agrees, "but not in Patience," saying they just got a pizza place. Deputy Liv agrees she's probably right. Just then, Jay arrives. Asta tells Deputy Liv that she get nervous when Jay's around, that she's been trying to give her space. "She's driving now," she tells Deputy Liv and Liv replies that she's their best customer, that she's given her six tickets. Asta apologizes, but Liv tells her to breathe. Jay comes over to Asta. She tells her that her birthday is coming up, "which you know," she points out. "I was there," agrees Asta. Jay asks her if she might want to do something together on her birthday, just the two of them, perhaps lunch. Asta is surprised but delighted, agreeing that she would love it. They agree to check out a new Mexican restaurant, Jay saying that she's going to eat as much as she can before Mayor Hawthorne kicks her out. Asta heads into the bathroom and smiles to herself. D'arcy asks her if she's okay and she says she's good. She opens the toilet and is shocked. Inside the alien baby, who jumps out, up onto the wall and through the open window.

    The big blow-up

    tells her to let her in, that she knows she's upset. Asta collects herself, then opens the door. She tells D'arcy that she's fine, asking if she's seen Harry. She walks off, Mike telling her not to be self-conscious, that he had a bunch of the eggs too. Asta finds Harry frantically searching around. "Looking for something?" she asks sarcastically. He claims that he wanted pie, but she tells him the baby hatched and he knows. "This is news to me," he claims. She tells him to stop, that she it in the bathroom and it has teeth. He tells her the teeth are very good at ripping things or people. He shouts that everyone has to leave the house. She tells him she saw it go outside and he shouts that they all need to stay inside. He tells her that outside is not safe as Max and Sahar approach the cabin. At the party, Sheriff Mike regales the group with a funny story about his partner Jesse from D.C., finally opening up about his past. Dan tells him it's good to see him laughing as Asta comes over asks to talk to him. She explains that the alien baby hatched and is loose. She tells him to not let anyone outside, that Harry is worried. "He doesn't look worried," Dan points out, as Harry sits taking a gift of a candle from D'arcy. Ben asks if it isn't the one he gave her last Christmas and she says she'd have had time to shop if someone had invited her. Asta takes Harry aside and they discuss the alien baby. Max and Sahar come up to the window and try to get Asta's attention. Unable to, Sahar decides they need another plan. They walk away from the window and spot a raccoon, admiring its cuteness until the alien baby pops up and devours it. It hisses at them and they scream and run away. Sahar tells Max that Harry is breeding alien babies. Back inside, Asta asks Harry just how they're supposed to keep everyone inside, if the "humalien" ran away. He tells her he doesn't know what it will do, given that it's a hybrid. He says that the alien part will want to come back because it knows there's food, namely the eggsac it was born in... and then all of them. He tells her he'll go down and look for it. She asks if he has bullets for all the guns that are hanging up around the place. He tells her they're already loaded, that the real him was "rednecky." Sheriff Mike approaches Dan, explaining that he's been carrying around Jesse's ashes. He says he thinks it's time to let them go and spread them around. Dan agrees that it's a good idea, that he'll feel better not carrying the weight around. Mike says they used to fish together, so he thought about doing it there, outside the cabin on the lake and have a memorial. "Any time," agrees Dan, and Mike says they should go right now. Dan blocks the door, telling him that it's too windy and not good ash-spreading weather. Mike agrees he's the expert and heads back for some food. As Harry searches around downstairs, he is approached by Ben. He says he's say hi, calling it a great workspace. He then says he wants to talk to him, saying that Dr. Smallwood has "decided to retire." Harry looks shocked, leading Ben to think that he's reacting to him, when in fact the alien baby is crawling around on the wall behind Ben's head in a shimmery, cloaked form. The baby rises up, flicking its tongue out Ben's head, as Ben finishes up his speech, asking Harry to again be the doctor. "I will consider it!" shouts Harry, appearing to embrace Ben in a hug while fending off the baby. Ben asks what that was. "It was an Earth animal," Harry excuses lamely. "A sick raccoon." Ben says he'll go up and warn the others. He takes a call on his cell phone. Upstairs, the alien baby slithers around in the punch. Mike goes and gets some punch, saying it's spicier than he remembers. John decides to get some too. Kate goes up to D'arcy, saying that New York is out of the picture because Ben just got a call from someone that wants to put a resort in Patience and says he's going to be mayor for decades. D'arcy asks what she's talking about and she says that he took pictures of the Grady land to sell them. "What?" wonders D'arcy, saying that Ben had said he was using the pictures for the town website. Ben approaches Jay, asking what she's still doing at the party. She claims to just be eating. He goes over to Kate and D'arcy, asking what they're talking about. Kate lays into him about the resort and the pictures of the Grady party. D'arcy says he lied to her about using the pictures for the town website, but he says he did plan on using them for the website also, so it's not a lie. He asks if he should order more food, but D'arcy won't drop the point, saying that he totally lied to her, that they spent the whole day together rock climbing so he could destroy the town. Kate is surprised that this is the first she's hearing about any of this. She asks if the "nothing" he told her about was rock-climbing with D'arcy. "Oh shit," comments Mike, coming over and saying that Ben could use some help, that it was D'arcy who kissed Ben and not the other way around. This, of course, only blows things up further, since this is the first that Kate is hearing of a kiss. D'arcy says she shouldn't have done it, that she was drunk and in a really horrible place. Kate asks why Ben didn't just tell her about it if it wasn't his fault. She then asks why he would, given that she's only just now hearing about the resort. "What resort?" wonders Asta, coming over and saying that he can't put a resort in Patience. Everyone starts chatting, all agreeing the resort is a bad idea. "Why is everyone listening to this?" Ben wonders. "'Cause you're havin' a public fight and we have ears," Dan points out. Things keep going and Ben spills about him and D'arcy hanging out at night. Ben reveals that they smoked weed that D'arcy hid in Max's closet when they were kids. Ben tells Kate that nothing happened, that he tucked her into Max's bed. "You slept over?!" asks Kate. She learns that D'arcy snuck out the window. Kate can't believe that she was hiding in her house, and they hung out and she didn't tell her. She says that it was all fake, that she really thought they were friends. D'arcy says she is her friend. "She apologized for kissing Ben," Asta points. Kate says she doesn't care, that it's a big surprise that D'arcy was drunk and sad. D'arcy lays in, saying that maybe Ben would tell Kate more if she didn't freak out about her husband hanging a sign. "That makes sense," replies Kate. "You're our new interior designer." She asks if D'arcy inserts her drama into other people's lives because she can't deal on her own. D'arcy replies that she's dealing just fine, that she's working out, in shape, and even quit drinking for four hours.


    •Alan Tudyk as Harry Vanderspeigle

    •Sara Tomko as Asta Twelvetrees

    •Corey Reynolds as Sheriff Mike Thompson

    •Alice Wetterlund as D'arcy Bloom

    •Levi Fiehler as Mayor Ben Hawthorne

    "I do not like having people in my house uninvited."

    "- Harry Vanderspeigle and Asta Twelvetrees

    "A birthday party is just a participation trophy."

    - Harry Vanderspeigle

    "What are you guys even doing here? Don't you have a babysitter?"

    "It's Ellen."

    •This episode is the finale of the first half of the program's second season. The remainder of the second season is set to premiere on a currently unspecified date in summer 2022.

    •With the season split into two halves, this episode was written as a sort of mini-finale. Showrunner Chris Sheridan described this as the most difficult aspect of the season structurally, going from a ten episode season to a longer one, the problem being that when you have more episodes, you run the risk of treading water. He also stated that the episode ends on a bit of a cliffhanger, with the second half building to something even bigger.

    •This episode was conceived as a "bottle episode" in that the majority of the action takes place all in one location, in this case, Harry Vanderspeigle's cabin and surrounding woods. The only scenes outside of this area are the opening in the nature park and the scene at the Hawthorne household.

    •The song that plays during the ending and closing credits is "The Boy with the Arab Strap" by Belle and Sebastian.

    • 1 min
  2. Mar 16, 2022 · Episode Guide for Resident Alien 2x08: Alien Dinner Party. Episode summary, trailer and screencaps; guest stars and main cast list; and more.

    • (56)
  3. Mar 16, 2022 · Alien Dinner Party: Directed by Claudia Yarmy. With Alan Tudyk, Sara Tomko, Corey Reynolds, Alice Wetterlund. It's a surprise party as everyone gathers to celebrate Harry, but some dangerous guests cause havoc.

    • (1.2K)
    • Comedy, Drama, Mystery
    • Claudia Yarmy
    • 2022-03-16
  4. Mar 17, 2022 · Watch Alien Dinner Party (Season 2, Episode 8) of Resident Alien or get episode details on

  5. Watch Alien Dinner Party | Resident Alien. Resident Alien. This Episode is Currently Unavailable. S2 - E8. Alien Dinner Party. Its a surprise party as everyone gathers to celebrate Harry but some dangerous guests cause havoc. Aired: 03/16/2022. Season 3 - Episodes. 45:03. S3 - E1. Lone Wolf. 44:20. S3 - E2. The Upper Hand. 44:22. S3 - E3.

  6. Country United States. Languages English. Genres Comedy, Drama, Mystery, Science Fiction. It's a surprise party as everyone gathers to celebrate Harry, but some dangerous guests cause havoc.

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