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  1. La Pobla de Vallbona; Official language: Catalan (predominant language) Head of government: Josep Vicent Garcia i Tamarit (Compromís, 2015–) Population:

    • Grammar codes and abbreviations
    • Advanced
    • / abalone noun
    • abandon LEAVE / bn.d n/ verb [T]
    • abandon STOP / bn.d n/
    • or an?
    • abbot / b. t/
    • abdication / b.d ke .
    • abeyance / be.nts/ noun
    • abhor / b
    • Essential Improver Advanced
    • demonstrate/have/possess ability lack ability lose
    • ə   ə suffix (ALSO -ibility)
    • abjure /əb dυə
    • able or can/could?
    • ablution / blu .
    • abnormal
    • abode / b d/
    • abolish /ə bɒl.ʃ/
    • Aborigine / b. r d
    • abortive / b .tv/
    • above board
    • INTENDING about / bat/ adj be about to do sth
    • above-mentioned / b v men.t
    • abrasion / bre.
    • abrasive UNPLEASANT /
    • abscond STEAL /b skɒnd/
    • absence NOT PRESENT / b.s
    • absent / b.s
    • absolve / b zlv/
    • absorbent / b z .bənt/
    • absorption /əb zɔ p.ʃən/
    • absorbing / b z .b /
    •  noun [C] abstention
    • abuse
    • absurd / b s d/
    • absurdly / b s
    • abuse / bju s/ noun [U]
    • abut
    • accent MARK
    • accent EMPHASIS / k.s
    • ə  noun [C] (US ALSO academician)

    inside front cover Introduction How to use the dictionary Numbers that are used like words The Dictionary

    i a A’s), a LETTER (plural (plural a’s) /e/ noun [C] the 1st letter of the English alphabet from A to B from one place to another: Using this soft-ware a driver can now work out the quickest route from A to B. from A to Z including everything: This book tells the story of her life from A to Z. A MUSIC /e / noun [C or U] (plural A’s or As) a note i...

    ə əυ [C] υ a small edible sea animal that lives inside a shell that is the shape of an ear with a white shiny inside

    ə to leave a place, ə thing or person forever: i We had to abandon the car. By the time the rebel troops arrived, the village had already been abandoned. As a baby he’d been abandoned by his mother. We were sinking fast, and the captain gave the bn.d order to abandon ship. abandoned /ə ənd/ adj: An abandoned baby was found in a box on the hospital ...

    ə ə verb [T] to stop doing an activity before you i have finished it: The match was abandoned at half-time because of the poor weather con-ditions. They had to abandon their attempt to climb the mountain. The party has now abandoned its policy of unilateral disarmament. abandonment / bn.d n.m nt/ ə ə ə noun [U] abandon yourself to sth phrasal verb ...

    abase yourself / bes/ verb [R] FORMAL to make ə  yourself seem to be less important or not to deserve respect abasement /ə be.smənt/ noun [U] FORMAL The pil-

    is used before consonants or before vowels which are pronounced as consonants. dog university an is used before vowels. an old building a old building grims knelt in self-abasement.

    ə noun [C] a man who is in charge of a MONASTERY abbreviate /ə bri .vi.et/ verb [T usually passive] to make a word or phrase shorter by using only the first letters of each word: ‘Daniel’ is often abbreviated to ‘Dan’. ‘Chief Executive Officer’ is abbreviated as ‘CEO’. abbreviated /ə bri .vi.e.td/ US /t d/ adj: ‘Di’ is the abbreviated form

      ʃən/ noun [U] FORMAL The council denied that their decision represented any abdication of responsibility. abdomen / b.d .m n/ ə ə noun [C] SPECIALIZED the lower part of a person’s or animal’s body, which contains the stomach, bowels and other organs, or the end of an in-sect’s body abdominal /b US / d .m/ ɒ  ə ɑ ə adj: abdominal pains ...

    ə  ə [U] FORMAL a state of not happening or being used at present: Hostilities between the two groups have been in abeyance since last June. The project is being held in abeyance until agreement is reached on funding it.

    r/ US /b h r/ ə ɔ ɔ verb [T not continuous] (-rr-) FOR-MAL to hate a way of behaving or thinking, often because you think it is immoral: I abhor all forms of racism. abhorrent /ə bɒr.ənt/ US /b hɔ r/ adj FORMAL morally very bad: an abhorrent crime Racism of any kind is abhorrent to me. abhorrence / br.ənts/ US /b h r/ ə ɒ ɔ noun [S or U] FORMAL She...

    e i a abide by sth phrasal verb to accept or obey an agree-ment, decision or rule: Competitors must abide by the judge’s decision. abiding /ə ba.dŋ/ adj [before noun] describes a feeling or memory that you have for a long time: My abiding memory is of him watering his plants in the garden. WORDS THAT GO WITH ability

    the ability to do sth affect/limit sb’s ability to do sth innate/instinctive/natural ability amazing/remark-able/uncanny ability proven ability ability POWER / bl..ti/ US / .ti/ e ə  noun [C or U] the  ə physical or mental power or skill needed to do some-thing: There’s no doubting her ability. [+ to infinitive] She had the ability to explain thi...

    used to form nouns from adjectives ending in ‘-able’ or ‘-ible’, to mean the quality of being the stated adjective: suitability stability abject EXTREME / b.d ekt/ adj FORMAL abject misery/ poverty/terror, etc. when someone is extremely un-happy, poor, frightened, etc: They live in abject poverty. This policy has turned out to be an abject failure....

    r/ US /d r/ υ verb [T] FORMAL to state pub-licly that you no longer agree with a belief or way of behaving: He abjured his religion/his life of dissipation. ablaze BURNING / blez/ adj [after verb] 1 burning very ə  strongly: The house was ablaze, and the flames and smoke could be seen for miles around. 2 brightly lit or brightly coloured: The ball...

    Able is used with modal and auxiliary verbs, where can or could are not grammatically possible. I might not be able to attend the meeting. I’ve never been able to understand him. able SKILFUL / e.bl./ adj clever or good at what you do: an able child/student/secretary This problem is now being looked at by some of the ablest minds/scientists in the...

    ə ʃən/ noun [U] FORMAL the act of washing yourself: Ablution is part of some religious ceremonies. ablutions /ə blu .ʃənz/ plural noun HUMOROUS I must just perform my ablutions (= wash myself)!

    what is usual /b n .ml/ US / n r/ a ɔ adj different from ə ɔ or average, especially in a way that is bad: abnormal behaviour/weather/conditions Tests revealed some abnormal skin cells. abnormality / b.n ml. ə.ti/ US /n r ml. ə.ti/ ɔ ɔ noun [C or U] something abnormal, usually in the body: genetic/ congenital abnormalities An increasing number of te...

    US / bod/ ə əυ υ noun [C usually singular] the place where someone lives: FORMAL The defendant is of no fixed abode (= has no permanent home). HUMOROUS Welcome to my humble abode!

    US / bɑ.lʃ/ verb [T] to end an activity or custom a officially: I think bullfighting should be abolished. National Sevice was abolished in Britain in 1962. abolition / b. lʃ.ən/ noun [U]: the abolition of ə slavery abolitionist / b. l .ən. st/ ə ʃ  noun [C] a person who sup-ports the abolition of something abominable /ə bɒm..nə.bl ./ US / bɑ ....

    .ən.i/ ə  noun [C] a member of the race of dark-skinned people who were the first people to live in Australia Aboriginal / b. ə rd ..nəl/ adj: Aboriginal art/traditions Aboriginal / b. r d ə  noun [C] an Aborigine ə abort STOP /ə bɔ t/ US / bɔrt/ verb [T] to cause something to stop or fail before it begins or before it is complete: The pl...

    US / b adj FORMAL ə ɔ  ɔ  describes an attempt or plan that you have to give up because it has failed: He made two abortive attempts on the French throne. abort END PREGNANCY /ə bɔ t/ US / bɔrt/ verb 1 [T] to stop the development of a baby that has not been born, usu-ally by having a medical operation: Do you think it’s wrong to use aborted...

    abound in/with sth phrasal verb If something abounds in/with other things, it has a lot of them: The coast here abounds with rare plants. about CONNECTED WITH connected with: What’s / bat/ e ə υ prep on the subject of; that book about? a film about the Spanish Civil War We were talking/laughing about Sophie. He’s always (going) on about what a grea...

    ə υ to be going to do something very soon: e I was about to leave when Mark arrived. She looked as if she was about to cry. / t n/ about-turn UK /ə baυt n/ t US noun [C] (US about-face) 1 a change of direction: I’d only gone a little way down the street when I remembered I hadn’t locked the door, so I made/did a quick about-turn and ran back to the...

    ə ʃənd/ adj FORMAL refers to things or people in a document or book that have been mentioned earlier: All of the above-mentioned films won Oscars. Compare undermentioned. 7 abracadabra / b.r .k db.r / ə exclamation said by ə ə someone who is performing a magic trick, in order to help them perform it successfully abrade /ə bred/ verb [T] SPECIALIZE...

    ən/ ə noun SPECIALIZED 1 [U] the process  of rubbing away the surface of something: There seems to have been some abrasion of the surface. 2 [C] a place where the surface of something, such as skin, has been rubbed away: She had a small abrasion on her knee. abrasive CLEANING SUBSTANCE /ə bre.sv/ noun [C] a sub-stance used for rubbing away the s...

    someone who teaches at a college, or who studies as part of their job academic THEORETICAL / k. dem. k/ adj theoretical and ə  not related to practical effects in real life: a purely academic argument/question academy / kd. .mi/ noun [C] ə ə an organization in-tended to protect and develop an art, science, language, etc., or a school which teaches...

    someone who teaches at a college, or who studies as part of their job academic THEORETICAL / k. dem. k/ adj theoretical and ə  not related to practical effects in real life: a purely academic argument/question academy / kd. .mi/ noun [C] ə ə an organization in-tended to protect and develop an art, science, language, etc., or a school which teaches...

    someone who teaches at a college, or who studies as part of their job academic THEORETICAL / k. dem. k/ adj theoretical and ə  not related to practical effects in real life: a purely academic argument/question academy / kd. .mi/ noun [C] ə ə an organization in-tended to protect and develop an art, science, language, etc., or a school which teaches...

    someone who teaches at a college, or who studies as part of their job academic THEORETICAL / k. dem. k/ adj theoretical and ə  not related to practical effects in real life: a purely academic argument/question academy / kd. .mi/ noun [C] ə ə an organization in-tended to protect and develop an art, science, language, etc., or a school which teaches...

    someone who teaches at a college, or who studies as part of their job academic THEORETICAL / k. dem. k/ adj theoretical and ə  not related to practical effects in real life: a purely academic argument/question academy / kd. .mi/ noun [C] ə ə an organization in-tended to protect and develop an art, science, language, etc., or a school which teaches...

    someone who teaches at a college, or who studies as part of their job academic THEORETICAL / k. dem. k/ adj theoretical and ə  not related to practical effects in real life: a purely academic argument/question academy / kd. .mi/ noun [C] ə ə an organization in-tended to protect and develop an art, science, language, etc., or a school which teaches...

    someone who teaches at a college, or who studies as part of their job academic THEORETICAL / k. dem. k/ adj theoretical and ə  not related to practical effects in real life: a purely academic argument/question academy / kd. .mi/ noun [C] ə ə an organization in-tended to protect and develop an art, science, language, etc., or a school which teaches...

    someone who teaches at a college, or who studies as part of their job academic THEORETICAL / k. dem. k/ adj theoretical and ə  not related to practical effects in real life: a purely academic argument/question academy / kd. .mi/ noun [C] ə ə an organization in-tended to protect and develop an art, science, language, etc., or a school which teaches...

    someone who teaches at a college, or who studies as part of their job academic THEORETICAL / k. dem. k/ adj theoretical and ə  not related to practical effects in real life: a purely academic argument/question academy / kd. .mi/ noun [C] ə ə an organization in-tended to protect and develop an art, science, language, etc., or a school which teaches...

    someone who teaches at a college, or who studies as part of their job academic THEORETICAL / k. dem. k/ adj theoretical and ə  not related to practical effects in real life: a purely academic argument/question academy / kd. .mi/ noun [C] ə ə an organization in-tended to protect and develop an art, science, language, etc., or a school which teaches...

    someone who teaches at a college, or who studies as part of their job academic THEORETICAL / k. dem. k/ adj theoretical and ə  not related to practical effects in real life: a purely academic argument/question academy / kd. .mi/ noun [C] ə ə an organization in-tended to protect and develop an art, science, language, etc., or a school which teaches...

    someone who teaches at a college, or who studies as part of their job academic THEORETICAL / k. dem. k/ adj theoretical and ə  not related to practical effects in real life: a purely academic argument/question academy / kd. .mi/ noun [C] ə ə an organization in-tended to protect and develop an art, science, language, etc., or a school which teaches...

    someone who teaches at a college, or who studies as part of their job academic THEORETICAL / k. dem. k/ adj theoretical and ə  not related to practical effects in real life: a purely academic argument/question academy / kd. .mi/ noun [C] ə ə an organization in-tended to protect and develop an art, science, language, etc., or a school which teaches...

    someone who teaches at a college, or who studies as part of their job academic THEORETICAL / k. dem. k/ adj theoretical and ə  not related to practical effects in real life: a purely academic argument/question academy / kd. .mi/ noun [C] ə ə an organization in-tended to protect and develop an art, science, language, etc., or a school which teaches...

    someone who teaches at a college, or who studies as part of their job academic THEORETICAL / k. dem. k/ adj theoretical and ə  not related to practical effects in real life: a purely academic argument/question academy / kd. .mi/ noun [C] ə ə an organization in-tended to protect and develop an art, science, language, etc., or a school which teaches...

    someone who teaches at a college, or who studies as part of their job academic THEORETICAL / k. dem. k/ adj theoretical and ə  not related to practical effects in real life: a purely academic argument/question academy / kd. .mi/ noun [C] ə ə an organization in-tended to protect and develop an art, science, language, etc., or a school which teaches...

    someone who teaches at a college, or who studies as part of their job academic THEORETICAL / k. dem. k/ adj theoretical and ə  not related to practical effects in real life: a purely academic argument/question academy / kd. .mi/ noun [C] ə ə an organization in-tended to protect and develop an art, science, language, etc., or a school which teaches...

  2. Pages for logged out editors learn more

  3. Efectivamente, con anterioridad a la erección de la vicaría temporal en las Ventas de la Puebla de Vallbona, existía en este caserío una ermita o capilla erigida a principios del siglo XIX, concretamente entre 1814 y 1815, tras la restauración de Fernando VII una vez finalizada la guerra de la Independencia frente a las tropas ...

  4. La Pobla de Vallbona f. Vila of the Camp de Túria district, in the Valencian Community

  5. Vallbona Abbey, otherwise the Monastery of Santa Maria de Vallbona (Catalan: Santa Maria de Vallbona de les Monges; Spanish: El Real Monasterio de Santa María de Vallbona), [1] [2] is a Cistercian nunnery in Vallbona de les Monges, in the comarca of Urgell, Catalonia, Spain.

  6. An unsurpassed guide for researchers in any discipline to the meaning, history, and usage of over 500,000 words and phrases across the English-speaking world. Find out more about OED.

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