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  1. Pháp (tiếng Pháp: La France; phát âm địa phương: [la fʁɑ̃s]), tên chính thức là Cộng hòa Pháp (tiếng Pháp: République française [ʁepyblik fʁɑ̃sɛz]) (tiếng Anh: French Republic), là một quốc gia có lãnh thổ chính nằm tại Tây Âu cùng một số vùng và lãnh thổ hải ngoại.

  2. Below is a list of Indonesia's 119 most populous regencies (those with more than 500,000 inhabitants at the 2020 Census) with the province in which they are located, and their populations at the 2010 and 2020 Censuses; they are ranked according to their 2020 population.

    • History
    • Political Identities
    • Leadership Structure
    • Wing Organizations
    • Election Results
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    At the 1993 National Congress, Megawati Sukarnoputri was elected Chairperson of the Indonesian Democratic Party, one of the three political parties recognised by President Suharto's "New Order"government. This result was not recognised by the government, which continued to push for Budi Harjono, its preferred candidate for the chairpersonship, to be elected. A Special Congress was held where the government expected to have Harjono elected, but Megawati once again emerged as elected leader. He...

    1999–2004: Election victory, the Wahid–Megawati administrations, and splits

    PDI-P was by far the most popular political party coming into the 1999 legislative elections. With 33% of the votes, PDI-P emerged with the largest share. As the 1999 People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) General Session loomed closer, it was expected that PDI-P would once again play the dominant role. Despite winning the legislative elections, PDI-P did not have absolute majority. Despite this, however, PDI-P never formed a coalition with any of the other political parties in the lead-up to t...

    2004–2014: Opposition to the Yudhoyono administration

    By 2004, the reformist sentiments that had led PDI-P to victory in the 1999 elections had died down. Many were disappointed with what the reform process had achieved thus far and were also disappointed with Megawati's presidency. This was reflected in the 2004 legislative election, PDI-P obtained 18.5% of the total vote, down from the 33.7% it obtained in 1999. PDI-P nominated Megawati as its presidential candidate for the 2004 presidential election. Several running mates were considered, inc...


    The 2008 Law on Political Parties states that political parties are allowed to include specific characteristics that reflect their political aspirations, as long as they do not contradict Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. As per Article 5, Section 1 of its constitution and bylaws (AD/ART), PDI-P adheres to Pancasila. Megawati specifically clarified that the Pancasila referred to is the version of June 1, 1945. In September 2023, the party's Secretary-General, Hasto Kristiyanto, claimed tha...

    Political positions

    PDI-P supports the separation of religion and the state. It rejects regional regulations (perda) based on religion (such as Sharia-based perda), except for the Aceh region. PDI-P endorses gender equality and women's rights. It rejects a three-term extension for President Jokowi.The party also proclaims itself as the party of the "ordinary people". According to its website, the party aims to realize the aims contained in the preamble to the 1945 Constitution in the form of a just and prosperou...

    Electoral support

    The 2008 survey by Lingkaran Survei Indonesia (LSI Denny JA) highlights non-Muslims, secular Muslims, and low-income voters as the primary constituents of the PDI-P. It is notably popular among "not at all religious" Muslim voters, with 33% support in the 2009 legislative elections. In the 2009 presidential polls, 41% of non-religious Muslim voters favored Megawati, surpassing her overall 27% support. Regionally, the party boasts a predominantly strong support base in Central Java, often refe...

    The following is the composition of the PDI Perjuangan management for the 2019-2024 working period as a result of the V Congress at the Inna Grand Bali Beach Hotel, Bali, 10 August 2019: 1. Party Chairwoman: Megawati Soekarnoputri 2. Chairman of the Central Leadership Council: 2.1. Party Honorary Field: Komarudin Watubun 2.2. Government, Security a...

    PDI-P wing organizations include the following: 1. Baitul Muslimin Indonesia(BAMUSI, Indonesian Muslim Abode) 2. Banteng Muda Indonesia(BMI, Indonesian Young Bulls) 3. Taruna Merah Putih(TMP, Red and White Cadets) 4. Relawan Perjuangan Demokrasi(Repdem, Volunteers for Democratic Struggle) 5. Komunitas Indonesia Tionghoa Perjuangan(KITA Perjuangan, ...

    Presidential election results

    Note: Bold text indicates party member

    "Cukup Satu Putaran". Tempo (in Indonesian). Archived from the originalon 6 March 2016.
    PDI-P (2016). "Pernyataan Sikap dan Rekomendasi Rapat Kerja Nasional ke-I PDI-Perjuangan" [Statement of stances and recommendations from the first PDI-P national working meeting)]. Indonesian Democ...
  3. Pháp là một quốc gia có lãnh thổ chính nằm ở Tây Âu cùng một số lãnh thổ hải ngoại tại Nam Mỹ, biển Caribe, Bắc Mỹ, Ấn Độ Dương, Thái Bình Dương và châu Nam Cực. Với tổng diện tích 674.843 km², Pháp là quốc gia rộng nhì châu Âu sau Nga.

  4. Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas dalam bahasa Indonesia, disediakan secara gratis oleh Wikimedia Foundation, sebuah organisasi nirlaba. Selain dalam bahasa Indonesia, Wikipedia tersedia dalam beberapa bahasa lain yang dipertuturkan di Indonesia: Aceh , Bali , Banjar , Banyumasan , Batak Toba , Betawi , Bugis , Gorontalo , Jawa ...

  5. The Indonesian Wikipedia (Indonesian: Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, WBI for short) is the edition of Wikipedia in the Indonesian language. The Indonesian Wikipedia is the fifth-fastest-growing Wikipedia in an Asian language after the Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and Turkish language Wikipedias.

  6. Bahasa Indonesia; Беларуская ... Wikimedia Commons có thêm hình ảnh và phương tiện truyền tải về Pháp thập niên 2020. 1970 ·1980 ·1990 ...

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