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The weather in Perth is usually perfect in November, characterized by high temperatures and low rainfall. Throughout the day, temperatures typically settle at around 27°C. But by evening, they drop to around 14°C. Perth in November usually receives low rainfall, averaging around 23 mm for the month.
Get the monthly weather forecast for Perth, Western Australia, Australia, including daily high/low, historical averages, to help you plan ahead.
November weather averages for Perth, Australia. Temperature, High temperature, Low temperature, Day temperature, Night temperature, Precipitation, Daily sun hours, Sea temperature.
November Weather in Perth Western Australia, Australia. Daily high temperatures increase by 4°F, from 74°F to 78°F, rarely falling below 66°F or exceeding 89°F. Daily low temperatures increase by 4°F, from 56°F to 59°F, rarely falling below 49°F or exceeding 65°F.
In november in Perth, the days on average last 13:45. The sun rises at 05:09 and sunset is at 18:54. With ideal weather conditions, november is advisable to go in that area.
Perth Metro recorded nearly double the November average, but rainfall was below average at several sites across Greater Perth. Temperatures were mostly mild with a couple of hot days in the last week of the month.
Climate & Weather Averages in Perth, Western Australia, Australia. Currently: 72 °F. Sunny. (Weather station: Belmont Perth Airport, Australia). See more current weather.