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  1. Oct 30, 2023 · The parasympathetic nervous system (PSNS) is a division of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) that controls the activity of the smooth and cardiac muscles and glands. It works in synergy with the sympathetic nervous system (SNS), which complements the PSNS activity.

    • Medical Content
    • 22 min
  2. Oct 20, 2023 · The parasympathetic nervous system is defined by the craniosacral origin of its nerve fibres, which come out of the brainstem and the S2-S4 sacral spinal cord segments. Preganglionic neurotransmission is nicotinic and postganglionic neurotransmission is muscarinic, both using acetylcholine.

  3. The parasympathetic nervous system decreases respiration and heart rate and increases digestion. Stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system results in: Constriction of pupils; Decreased heart rate and blood pressure; Constriction of bronchial muscles; Increase in digestion; Increased production of saliva and mucus; Increase in urine ...

  4. Aug 30, 2024 · The parasympathetic nervous system (PSNS) is part of your autonomic nervous system, which includes the nerves and neurotransmitters that control your body’s internal organs to maintain reliable function and survival.

    • Overview
    • Parasympathetic nervous system function
    • Parasympathetic nervous system and your heart
    • Parasympathetic cranial nerves
    • Sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system
    • Examples of parasympathetic responses
    • The takeaway

    The parasympathetic nervous system (PSNS) is one of two major divisions of the larger autonomic system in your body. Its function is to keep the basic functions of your body working as they should.

    Your nervous system is a wild and wonderful network of nerves that act in different key functions to keep your body moving, responding, sensing, and more.

    The parasympathetic and sympathetic portions of the autonomic system are two halves of the same whole. This article will examine the parasympathetic nervous system, what it controls, and how it works with the sympathetic nervous system.

    Parasympathetic nervous system definition

    Doctors often call the parasympathetic nervous system the “rest and digest” side, while the sympathetic is the “fight or flight.”

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    Your PSNS starts in your brain and extends out via long fibers that connect with special neurons near the organ they intend to act on. Once PSNS signals hit these neurons, they have a short distance to travel to their respective organs.

    Examples of the areas the PSNS acts on include:


    •lacrimal glands that produce tears

    •parotid glands that also produce saliva

    •salivary glands that produce saliva

    There are several special receptors for the PSNS in your heart called muscarinic receptors. These receptors inhibit sympathetic nervous system action. This means they’re responsible for helping you maintain your resting heart rate. For most people, the resting heart rate is between 60 and 100 beats per minute.

    On the other hand, the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) increases heart rate. A faster heart rate (usually) pumps more oxygen-rich blood to the brain and lungs. This can give you the energy to run from an attacker or heighten your senses in another scary situation.

    According to an article in the journal Circulation from the American Heart Association, a person’s resting heart rate can be one indicator of how well a person’s PSNS, specifically the vagus nerve, is working. This is usually only the case when a person doesn’t take medications that affect heart rate, like beta-blockers, or have medical conditions affecting the heart.

    For example, heart failure reduces the response of the parasympathetic nervous system. The results can be an increased heart rate, which is the body’s way of trying to improve the amount of blood it pumps through the body.

    The cranial nerves are paired nerves that are responsible for many movements and sensations that take place in your body’s head and neck. The nerves all start in the brain. There are 12 cranial nerves labeled using Roman numerals from I to XII, with the first set of nerves located at the brain’s front.

    For the most part, if you know the actions of the PSNS, you can consider the sympathetic nervous system to have opposite reactions. However, there are times when the systems are opposites, but instead complement each other.

    Here are some key differences in the two:

    An easy acronym to remember how and where the PSNS works is SLUDD. This stands for:

    •Salivation: As part of its rest-and-digest function, the PSNS stimulates production of saliva, which contains enzymes to help your food digest.

    •Lacrimation: Lacrimation is a fancy word for making tears. Tears keep your eyes lubricated, preserving their delicate tissues.

    •Urination: The PSNS contracts the bladder, which squeezes it so urine can come out.

    •Digestion: The PSNS stimulates the release of saliva to promote digestion. It also enacts peristalsis, or the movement of the stomach and intestines, to digest food as well as release bile for the body to digest fats.

    •Defecation: The PSNS constricts the sphincters in the intestine and moves digested food material down the digestive tract so a person can have a bowel movement.

    Your PSNS is a vital part of your body’s key functions. When it doesn’t work properly, you can face several bodily dysfunctions that affect your health. If you think you may be having trouble with one of your body’s parasympathetic nervous system functions, talk with your doctor to find out how you can get help.

    • Rachel Nall, MSN, CRNA
    • Slower than the sympathetic division
  5. Sep 21, 2023 · The parasympathetic nervous system is a component of the autonomic nervous system that governs “rest and digest” activities. It works to conserve energy and facilitate recovery by slowing down the heart rate, dilating blood vessels, and stimulating digestive processes.

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  7. May 23, 2018 · The parasympathetic nervous system is the part of our involuntary nervous system whose purpose is to slow down the heart rate, increase glandular and intestinal activity, and relax the sphincter muscles.