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December weather averages for Puerto de la Cruz, Spain. Temperature, High temperature, Low temperature, Precipitation, Daily sun hours, Sea temperature.
Get the monthly weather forecast for Puerto de la Cruz, Canary Islands, Spain, including daily high/low, historical averages, to help you plan ahead.
Check accurate weather in December in Puerto de la Cruz. Expect Puerto de la Cruz December temperature around 19°C (66°F). Read clothing tips & recommended activities.
December Weather in Puerto de la Cruz Spain. Daily high temperatures decrease by 3°F, from 74°F to 71°F, rarely falling below 68°F or exceeding 78°F. Daily low temperatures decrease by 2°F, from 64°F to 61°F, rarely falling below 58°F or exceeding 67°F.
Sunshine and rainfall. There is a 59% chance of a perfect sunny day and a 41% chance of seeing some clouds, with on average 11mm of rainfall this month.
Rain / cloud / wind/ Sun and sometimes all in one day . However I can honestly say the majority of the weather has been good enough to sunbathe most days with temps in the 70/80s . One year it was constant sun for the full two weeks .
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Puerto de la Cruz Weather in December, Spain. Forecast. Live Weather.