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  1. Hodie Christus Natus Est. For Christmas Day, after Vespers. Alleluia. Alleluia. Another Version: Hodie Salvator apparuit, alleluia. Et in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis, alleluia. Note: Some sources indicate that this is an antiphon sung before the recitation of the The Magnificat - The Canticle of the Blessed Virgin. An arrangement of ...

    • Adeste Fideles – Lyrics
    • Boar’s Head Carol – Lyrics
    • Corde Natus Ex Parentis – Lyrics
    • Creator Alme Siderum – Lyrics
    • Flos de Radice Jesse – Lyrics
    • Gaudeamus Igitur (De Brevitate Vitae) – Lyrics
    • Gaudete – Lyrics
    • Gloria Tibi, Domine – Lyrics
    • Hodie Christus Natus Est – Lyrics
    • In Dulci Jubilo – Lyrics

    (O Come, All Ye Faithful) Literal title translation: Come, Faithful John Francis Wade, c. 1743 1. Adeste fideles Læti triumphantes, Venite, venite in Bethlehem. Natum videte Regem angelorum: Venite adoremus Venite adoremus Venite adoremus Dominum. 2, Deum de Deo, Lumen de lumine Gestant puellæ viscera. Deum verum, Genitum non factum. Venite adoremu...

    Traditional English Christmas carol in macaronic, 15th century. 1. The boar’s head in hand bring I Bedeck’d with bays and rosemary. I pray you, my masters, be merry Quot estis in convivio. Caput apri defero Reddens laudes Domino. 2. The boar’s head, as I understand Is the rarest dish in all this land Which thus bedeck’d with a gay garland Let us se...

    (Of the Father’s Love Begotten) Literal title translation:Heart Born from a Parent 1. Corde natus ex Parentis, Ante mundi exordium Alpha et O cognominatus, Ipse fons et clausula. Omnium quae sunt, fuerunt, Quaeque post futura sunt, Saeculorum saecula. 2. O beatus ortus ille, Virgo cum puerpera Edidit nostram salutem, Feta Sancto Spiritu, Et Puer, R...

    (Kind Creator of the Heavens) Literal title translation:Creator of the Stars Hymn used during the Christian liturgical season of Advent, 7th century 1. Creator alme siderum, Aeterna lux credentium, Jesu Redemptor omnium, Intende votis supplicum. 2. Qui daemonis ne fraudibus Periret orbis, impetu Amoris actus, languidi Mundi medela factus es. 3. Com...

    (Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming) Literal title translation:The flower from the root of Jesse From the German carol Es ist ein Ros entsprungen, 15th century 1. Flos de Radice Jesse Est natus hodie; Quem nobis jam adesse, Laetamur unice. Flos ille Jesus est, Maria virgo radix, De qua flos ortus est. 2. Hunc Isaias florem Praesagus cecinit; Ad ejus nos ...

    Literal title translation:Let Us Rejoice (The Brevity of Life) 1. Gaudeamus igitur, Iuvenes dum sumus, (x2) Post jucundam juventutem Post molestam senectutem Nos habebit humus. 2. Ubi sunt, qui ante nos In mundo fuere, Vadite ad superos, Transite ad inferos, Ubi jam fuere. 3. Vita nostra brevis est, Brevi finietur, Venit mors velociter, Rapit nos a...

    Literal title translation:Rejoice Refrain: Gaudete, Gaudete Christus est natus Ex Maria virgine, Gaudete (x2) 1. Tempus adest gratiae, Hoc quod optabamus; Carmina laetitiae Devote reddamus. Gaudete, Gaudete Christus est natus Ex Maria virgine, Gaudete (x2) 2. Deus homo factus est, Natura mirante; Mundus renovatus est, A Christo regnante. Gaudete, G...

    Literal title translation:Glory to Thee, O Lord Gloria Tibi, Domine, et sancto nomini tuo. Gloria Patri, Filio, et Spiritui Sancto.

    Literal title translation:Today Christ is born Hodie Christus natus est hodie Salvator apparuit: hodie in terra canunt Angeli, laetantur Archangeli: hodie exsultant justi, dicentes: Gloria in excelsis Deo, alleluja.

    (Good Christian Men, Rejoice) Literal title translation:In sweet jubilation A 16th century text alternating between Latin and English. 1. In dulci jubilo, let us our homage show; Our heart’s joy reclineth in praesepio, and like a bright star shineth Matris in gremio; Alpha es et O, Alpha es et O. 2.* O Jesu parvule, my heart is sore for Thee! Hear ...

    • (2)
    • 51 min
  2. Oct 7, 2020 · F. Francis Poulenc. Hodie Christus natus est. Francis Poulenc - Hodie Christus natus est lyrics (Latin) + English translation: Christ is born to us today; / the Saviour has appeared; / angels sing o.

  3. Welcome to You, our heavenly King. Welcome, you who was born one morning, Welcome, for You, shall we sing! Welcome, to you, Steven and John, Welcome all innocent children, Welcome, Thomas, the martyred one, Welcome, good new year, Welcome Twelfth Day, both in fear . . . Welcome Saints left and dear.

  4. Hodie Christus natus est hodie Salvator apparuit: hodie in terra canunt Angeli, laetantur Archangeli: hodie exsultant justi, dicentes: Gloria in excelsis Deo, alleluja. Today is Christ born; today the Savior has appeared; today the Angels sing, the Archangels rejoice; today the righteous rejoice, saying: Glory to God in the highest. Alleluia!

  5. ine en Betleem fo net, e flum Ior. a lavet e bateet.Gaire noi dormet!Aisel espos que vos hor attendet!He came on earth for your sins, was born of. Virgin in Bethlehem. was washed and baptized in the Jorda. River. Don’t fall asleep!The bridegroom whom you await is here!Eu fu batut, gablet e la.

  6. Hodie Christus Natus Est: Directed by David Manson. With Kevin Anderson, Ann Dowd, Bruce Altman, Scott Michael Campbell.

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