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  1. May 28, 2007 · The townspeople insist on forcibly educating the caveman on Christian dogma and Moralton thinking in general, called Geniusis – a mix of Genesis and „genius”. After re-education and a complete grooming change, the Missing Link becomes "Link McMissons"—a now popular right-wing talk radio host. His star, however, quickly falls when ...

  2. Examples of Moral Philosophy. Here are some real-life situations where moral philosophy comes into play: Consequentialism: If your actions at school lead to everyone getting a longer recess and being happier, consequentialism says that decision was a good one because it led to a great result for many people. Deontology: Let’s say you find a ...

  3. Here are the two most common theories I’ve seen: Theory A: Moral Orel takes place in the 1950s-60s. Theory B: Moral Orel takes place in the 1990s-2000s. Let’s cover Theory A first: Moral Orel takes place in the 1950s-60s. This is an understandable assumption given the technology and culture of Moralton. 1950s-style suburban America is the ...

  4. Mar 15, 2018 · Thomas Carlyle’s On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History is an example of a nineteenth-century work that influenced Emerson’s own work on ‘great men’ or ‘genius,’ and especially Representative Men (Thomas Carlyle, Citation 1993). Nonetheless, he distanced his account of both heroism (in his essay ‘Heroism’) and genius (in Representative Men) from Carlyle’s account ...

  5. Darwin’s theory of the moral sense, its close connection with the social instincts, and the extensive mental powers it demands, is well-argued, and based on extensive study and observation. The moral sense, one is led to conclude, is not only a product of evolution, it also implies an objective normative ethic (that is, practical knowledge ...

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  7. Jul 23, 2021 · Exemplarist moral theory is a new moral theory intended to perform the functions of, and thereby serve as an alternative to mainstream moral theories like consequentialism and deontology, but without relying on essentialist definitions. Instead, exemplarists define key moral terms by direct reference to exemplars.

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