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  1. Yes, seriously. Speaking of just how important their bond is in the Discovery+ series, the pair explained they do absolutely everything together, including asking one another for intimacy...

  2. Mother-daughter relationships often have different meanings and may be given different power in a person’s life; but one of the important things to remember is that as daughters mature into...

  3. Today parent-child lines are blurred; more mothers claim to be BFFs (best friends forever) with their daughters, and that often includes openness about their sex lives.

  4. 1. Respect is a two-way street. Offer it while expecting it in return. Good relationships are forged more on how a couple handles the bad times than the good ones. It’s not just about making love,...

  5. Sometimes these groups end up bullying children or making certain kids feel left out. Entering the world of school-age-friendship drama can be a complicated task for parents. Here is a list of do’s and don’ts to help you work together with your child to navigate through their social world.

  6. The more clarity you have around your true feelings with these living arrangements, the more clarity you’ll have when you share your wishes with your daughter in a way that she can understand.

  7. A few weeks ago I picked up my 14-year-old daughter and her friend from dance class. The two girls chatted happily until I reached the friend's house.

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