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The film tells the story of a pair of middle-aged women who are life-long friends and have sex with each other's teenage sons, and the resultant emotional consequences of their ongoing affairs. It is based on a 2003 novella by British writer Doris Lessing called The Grandmothers.
The dark reality of the seemingly heartwarming relationship between devoted mom Dee Dee Blanchard and her chronically and seriously ill daughter Gypsy Rose was exposed as a case of Munchausen...
- 10 Karla Dyson — Kidnap
- 9 Clara — Byzantium
- 8 Amelia — The Babadook
- 7 Evelyn Abbott — A Quiet Place
- 6 Meg Altman — Panic Room
- 5 Charly Baltimore — The Long Kiss Goodnight
- 4 Gail — The River Wild
- 3 Molly Weasley — Harry Potter
- 2 Sarah Conor — The Terminator
- 1 Malorie — Bird Box
In the crime thriller movie, Kidnap, Halle Berry plays Karla, a mother who would stop at nothing to recover her kidnapped son. The plot revolves around a single mother who lives alone with her six-year-old son, but her life plunges into chaos when he is kidnapped during a carnival. Determined to rescue her poor son, she relentlessly pursues the kid...
In Byzantium, Clara (Gemma Arterton) is determined to start a new life and protect her daughter from their pursuers. Seeking refuge in the titular Byzantium, a once-grand hotel, Clara and her 16-year-old daughter Ella (Saoirse Ronan) hope to evade their enemies. However, their plans are disrupted when two strangers start tracking them down. As a va...
Written and directed by Jennifer Kent, The Babadook follows a widowed mother who must confront her son’s fear of a mysterious horrifying monsterin their home. Starring Essie Davis, Barbara West, Ben Winspear, Daniel Henshall, Noah Wiseman, and Hayley McElhinney, this psychological thriller delves into the challenges of single parenthood, grief, and...
In the post-apocalyptic world of A Quiet Place, even the slightest noise can lead to death, and to protect their family, Evelyn (Emily Blunt) and Lee (John Krasinski) must take extreme precautions. In the second installment of the series, Evelyn Abbott takes on the sole responsibility of keeping her children safe from these extra-terrestrial predat...
In this intense home invasion thriller, Jodie Foster plays a mother who will stop at nothing to protect herself and her young daughter (Kristen Stewart) from three ruthless intruders. As the intruders break into their new home, Meg takes refuge in the panic room, but the criminals are determined to gain access at any cost. Even in the face of overw...
Directed by Renny Harlin, The Long Kiss Goodnightfeatures Geena Davis as an amnesiac single mother and teacher, who gradually recovers memories of her past life as a top-secret agent. Her efforts to uncover the truth put her in danger as shady characters from her past pursue her, forcing her to rely on her lethal skills as an agent to protect herse...
Meryl Streep plays an expert river guide who fights hard to protect her family from dangerous criminals who are on the run from the government. Gail doesn’t only have to outwit these criminals, but she must also navigate the dangerous rapids to keep her family safe. Through her fierce determination and persistence, this action film highlights the i...
In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2, Molly Weasley plays an important role in the battle of the Hogwarts, where she saves her daughter Ginny from the Death Eater, Bellatrix Lestrange. During this final battle, the atmosphere gets more intense as Ginny and Bellatrix engage in a fierce battle. But at the moment Bellatrix is about defeat Gi...
Sarah Connor is a waitress who is unaware that she is being hunted by a cyborg sent from the future to kill her and prevent the birth of her future son, who would lead a resistance against machines. With the help of a solider from the future named Kyle, she understands the gravity of the situation as she learns how to protect herself from this rele...
This tense and gripping post-apocalyptic thriller revolves around a pregnant woman Malorie (Sandra Bullock) who is caught in the midst of a deadly epidermic that causes people to commit suicide. To escape this evil, she must travel dangerous paths with her two children to reach a safe haven where this epidermic has no power. Throughout Bird Box, Ma...
- Contributor
- Lady Bird (2017) Greta Gerwig excels at creating meaningful, realistic coming-of-age stories through a female perspective. Her first solo directing effort Lady Bird depicts the strained relationship between artsy teenager Lady Bird (Saoirse Ronan) and her hardworking mother Marion (Laurie Metcalf).
- Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022) The Daniels' multiversal story Everything Everywhere All at Once took moviegoers and Hollywood by storm in 2022 and became an awards season darling in early 2023.
- Autumn Sonata (1978) Acclaimed Swedish actress Liv Ullman and beloved Swedish-American Hollywood icon Ingrid Bergman star as daughter and mother respectively in Ingmar Bergman's Autumn Sonata.
- Terms of Endearment (1983) Spanning multiple years in the lives of a mother and daughter, Terms of Endearment follows Aurora (Shirley MacLaine) and her daughter Emma (Debra Winger) who march to the beat of different drums.
The mother's boyfriend was portrayed as being about halfway in age between mother and daughter, and the actors were age-appropriate to this in term of their actual ages. None of the characters was portrayed at an extreme - either all-good or all-bad - and all rang true.
5 days ago · The film exists as a collage of several mother-daughter relationships captured by Rigby (Selma Blair), who explores the underlying bond between her photographic subjects and her personal estrangement with her own mother, with whom she has lost connection.
Sep 22, 2021 · Xo and Jane, Jane the Virgin. Xo and Jane’s relationship always seemed so fun to me. I love the juxtaposition of Xo’s free-spiritedness and Jane’s goody-two-shoes ways. Xo’s mother, Alba, also plays a huge role in both Xo and Jane’s lives, which gives the show a unique three-generation perspective.