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  1. Complete list of Pokémon evolution chains and required conditions for evolution. Covers all Pokémon including the Scarlet/Violet games.

    • Overview
    • Kanto
    • Johto
    • Sevii Islands
    • End Game Content

    This guide has been updated to Version 5.3.1.

    Community Guides

    Journey’s Beginning

    Pallet Town •See Pallet Town for more info.

    Boulder Badge

    Route 1 •See Route 1 for more info. On the way back to Viridian City, it is a good idea to start capturing a few Pokémons, such as a Rattata and either a Pidgey or a Hoothoot. Wild encounters vary depending on the in-game time. Viridian City •See Viridian City for more info. In the Viridian City’s PokéCenter, a youngster wants to trade his Bellsprout for a Spearow, which can be obtained at Route 22. The PokéMart will also be opened and the player can now purchase items such as PokéBalls, Potions and DNA Splicers. Additionally, if the user closed and reopened the game at least once with an existing save file, a deliveryman will also be present to give the player a Pyukumuku. The Vermillion Gym is closed, as no one has seen the Gym Leader for so long. The player has no other choice to continue to the new Gym in hope to get a badge. Route 22 •See Route 22 for more info. West of Viridian City is Route 22. Although optional, it is highly recommended to battle the rival here to unlock the Secret Garden. While here, there are two youngsters to battle, which rewards the player with freebies. There are also two potions and a Becha Berry, as well as the tall grass offers additional Pokémon to help for the next sections. There are also berry bushes in this section, which can be interacted with every in-game day. If the player attempts to enter the Pokémon League gate, Brock, Pewter City’s Gym Leader, will stop her and explain she needs to collect 8 badges first. Secret Garden •See Secret Garden for more info. This section is optional, but offers a lot of rewards. It can only be unlocked by defeating the rival at Route 22 before obtaining the first badge. Afterwards, it can be accessed whenever the player desires. It offers 6 Potions, 4 Revives, 1 Super Potion and 1 Max Revives, as well as additional Pokémons which can only be obtained much later normally. The entrance is located just south of Viridian City, in Route 1, by walking into a specific tile by the tree wall. Route 2 (Before the Forest) •See Route 2 (Before the Forest) for more info. With the old man gone, the path north to Route 2 is available. This short path has some patches of long grass and is the south edge of the Viridian Forest. Viridian Forest •See Viridian Forest for more info. The home of bug Pokémons, this section contains several trainers to battle with. After fighting them, some will offer to trade one of their Pokémons, while others will offer to battle them again. Battling the same trainer again offers the chance to gain more Experience, as their Pokémon will also level up every few battles, and can also evolve. There are also several items to collect, including 3 Pecha Berries hidden behind a potion, on the West side of the Forest. There are also mushrooms and spiderwebs which can be interacted with every in-game day, but they can randomly give items or trigger a wild encounter with a Paras or a Spinarak. The clearway follows a counterclockwise direction, with the exit in the Top-West corner. Route 2 (After the Forest) •See Route 2 (After the Forest) for more info Once more, some patch of long grass offers more Pokémon, such as a Poliwag, if the player has no water-type Pokémon yet. Pewter City •See Pewter City for more info Several features will be present in most cities. •Firstly, PokéCenter will have a second floors, which offers the player three options: •Move Reminder: for a small fee, the Pokémon can remember a move lost while leveling. •Wonder Trade: either by buying or using already acquired tickets, the player can trade and acquire new Pokémons. •Update man: offers the user the possibility to fix potential bugs or edit game settings. This should only be done by experienced players. •Another important feature is the hotel. •On the ground floor, the player can pay a small fee to change the time of day, which can help with catching peculiar Pokémons. •On the second floor are the Quests, given by the hotel’s patrons, as well as a scientist who acts as a questmaster. He gives a Quest Journal the first time the player interacts with him, and can also give other rewards for showing the amount of quest completions. •See Quests for more info. Now, for what Pewter’s City has to offer in particular: •Now, for what Pewter’s City has to offer in particular: •In the PokéCenter, a youngster wishes to trade his Tyrogue for a Mankey, which can be found in Route 22. •West of the PokéCenter is an old man who gives the player a Repel. •In front of the museum is a hiker who will give the Black Flute after obtaining the Badge. •Inside the museum is a Fossil Restoration Machine, which will be active after obtaining the Thunder Badge.

    Cascade Badge

    Route 3 •See Route 3 for more info The road to Cerulean City starts east of Pewter City. Oak’s female assistance will explain the hidden ability swarm event in a small patch of Tall Grass. •See Hidden Abilities for more info. There is a Pecha Berry and a Paralyze Heal to grab, and eight trainers to battle. •Bug Catcher Colton wants to trade one of his Pokémon. •Bug Catcher James also wants to trade one of his Pokémon. •Bug Catcher Greg will give 20 for each caught Pokémons. At this point, it’s best to get the from Greg now for some extra healing items and PokéBalls. •There are two berry bushes near the PokéCenter. Make sure to talk to the nurse attending to the wounded Geodude before entering the cavern. •Once the nurse is back inside the PokéCenter, one of the patrons will give a Repel. •There is also a fisherman who sells a Magikarp in the PokéCenter. Mt. Moon •See Mt. Moon for more info Several trainers mention they were beaten by a group of thugs dressed in a black uniform. On the Bottom left is a potion, and in a rock is a hidden Antidote. Near the bottom Right corner is a Rare Candy, and a bit North East is an Escape Rope. When attempting to grab the Rare Candy, a short scene about said thugs where they discuss their plan and block the path. The only thing left to do for the player is to report back to Brock. He informs the player that the thugs are none other than Team Rocket, and gives the TM94 Rock Smash to deal with the blocked path. When taught to a Pokémon, the rock in front of the player is smashed and either an item is found or a Pokémon attacks. With Rock Smash, the player is now capable of traversing Mt. Moon. Back in Mt. Moon, the trainers beyond the blocked path will battle the player. TM09 Venoshock can be obtained by breaking some rocks near a ladder. The first ladder the player encounters lead to a small room on BF2. There is a Great Ball hidden by a Stalagmite and a Team Rocket grunt protects a Star Piece. •Team Rocket Grunts’ team is mostly composed of Zubats, Ekans and Rattatas. Back on 1F, four trainers block the way before reaching the second ladder, which leads to another small room on B2F. Another Grunt is present and guards TM46 Thief and a Super Potion. Climbing back to the 1F and battling the Hiker will grant access to the final ladder to the player, as well as a Stardust. In the main room of B2F, the path north leads to the Dark Room, which will require a Pokémon with the HM08 Flash to properly navigate. The player can find a HP Up next to the entrance, a hidden Moon Stone by a rock in the corner, and the TM106 Draining Kiss by the end of the path. After defeating the Grunt, the short path North leads to an Everstone. Following the path South is an exit to the Mt. Moon square, where an elderly couple sells some items. Furthermore, if the player comes at night and visits the rocks next to the house, Clefairies will be scared and leave a Moon Stone. Back on B2F, following the path in a Clockwise direction will lead to more Grunts and a scene involving Team Rocket Boss and a kidnapped scientist. When the player interrupts, the scientist will be forced to battle the player. After defeating the scientist, Team Rocket will leave Mt. Moon and the player will be offered to choose between the Helix Fossil and the Dome Fossil. Here is also a hidden Full Heal by the Stalagmite near where the Boss was standing. There is another hidden Stardust in the rocks South of the ladder, and a Tiny Mushroom by the Stalagmite near the exit. Route 4 •See Route 4 for more info South of Mt. Moon is another cavern, where the player can find a Nugget and TM37 Sandstorm, as well as a hidden Super Repel by a large boulder. On the route itself, there is a large patch of tall grass as well as two berry bushes. Cerulean City •See Cerulean City for more info This city has the usual accommodation: a two-story PokéCenter, a PokéMart and a Hotel. Additionally, Cerulean offers in particular: •A trainer who wishes to trade his Pokémon, but only if the player traded at least one. His Pokémon will always be the starter weak to the player’s starter, and he will want a type matching it. For example, if the player picked Charmander, he would trade a Bulbasaur for any Fire-Type Pokémon. •Oak’s Female assistant who gives an Exp. Share if the player fused at least 5 times. •Left of the PokéCenter is an elderly woman who gives TM11 Sunny Day, but only during the day. •A Bike shop in the South West. •An elderly man wants to trade his Yanma for a Paras in a house in the North West corner. •The North East house is occupied by Team Rocket Grunts. •The house next to the PokéMart is occupied by an elderly couple which the lady gives the happiness of the player team’s first Pokémon. •The hiker who gives a flute after showing him the city’s badge is in the South East corner. The path East will be blocked by a small tree, and the path South by a police officer. The player can choose to either go north to Route 24 or challenge this city’s gym. Both needs to be done, but the player can choose which one to do first. It’s best to have finished 5 fusions and obtain the Exp. Share from Oak’s assistant before visiting Route 24. Route 24 •See Route 24 for more info. Before tackling the Nugget Bridge, the rival challenges the player to a battle. The next challenge is the Nugget Bridge, where several trainers will battle the player, and the prize is a Nugget. After crossing the bridge is Oak’s assistance next to a big patch of tall grass. She gives a sequence of quests which will reward the player with a PokéRadar. •See Pokéradar for more info. Route 25 •See Route 25 for more info. Nine trainers block the way in Route 25. A protein and a Revive can be found, and several trainers offer trade options to the player: •Youngster Dan wants a Rock Pokémon. •Camper Flint wants a Poison Pokémon of at least level 14. •Youngster Chad wants a Pokémon of at least 20 for his Bulbtata. •Hiker Wayne wants a Pokémon of at least 17 for his Oddix. Cerulean Cape •See Cerulean Cape for more info.

    Plain Badge

    If the player skipped the Optional Objectives - Brief Travel to Johto, they will have to do these at this moment to progress. Goldenrod City •See Goldenrod City for more info. Some time has passed after the player defeated the Elite Four and became the new Pokémon Champion. New activities are now offered to the player in Goldenrod City: •Like in Saffron City, there is a house that has a door only at night, next to the Hotel. It has a TV that only plays static, and when interacting with it, a wild Rotom attacks. •Next to the Train Station is the Radio Tower, where the player can participate in Guess That Fusion Quiz Show, to earn points and win prizes. After obtaining 5,000 points in a single game, the player is rewarded with a Box Link, which allows access to the PC Boxes anywhere. In the lobby, the receptionist will draw a Trainer ID every day as a lucky number to win a lottery prize, while the lady with the headset will give a Super Incubator for answering all her questions correctly. •North of the PokéCenter is a museum which displays custom sprites the community drew. Everyday, a user is selected and six of its works are chosen to display. On rare occasions, the artist is present in the museum and can be challenged to a battle. •Finally, the Goldenrod gym is opened once more, so the player can challenge its leader to obtain the 9th badge.

    Hive Badge

    Route 34 •See Route 34 for more info. Now with Surf, the West portion of Route 34 can be explored. A Calcium is on the ground, by the fence, and the sister’s hideout contains a XX Defense 2, as well as TM17 Protect. Ilex Forest •See Ilex Forest for more info. Back in Ilex Forest, the man with his Scyther has cut down the large trees blocking the path. He also asks the player if she wants to help by cutting the smaller ones, which will increase the player’s Karma. The sinuous path is mostly linear, with two dead ends near the center and South-East. In the center of the forest is a shrine. If the player completed at least 30 quests, there will be a chance to capture the legendary Celebi. Near the South-East corner is a Shedinja as a static encounter. Azalea Town •See Azalea Town for more info. The South-East gate from Ilex Forest leads to Azalea Town, which is flooded due to Slowpoke Well overflowing. The player can interact with the townsfolk to understand the situation, and can find Eusine, the swindler from Goldenrod, near the well. If the player interacts with him a few times, he will challenge the player. After losing the battle, admit to clogging the well with Shellders, then run away. Once the player reports the situation back to Kurt, the old man, he will give her HM06 Dive, which will allow her to dive in Slowpoke Well and attempt to save the town. Inside the well are four Slowpokes, as well as four Shellders blocking the drain. The player must push the Slowpokes into the Shellders using Strength to evolve them into Slowbros and swim away. •After each Slowbro swims away, feel free to exit and re-enter to reset the boulders, as the Slowpoke and Shellder that were used from the previous evolution(s) will not reappear. Once the player evolves all Slowpokes, the well drains rapidly. There is a Water Stone to pick on the small island West. When the player comes out of the well, Kurt comes to congratulate her for saving Azalea Town and gives her 5 Candy Balls. He informs her he is the town’s Gym leader and the town is now free to explore. •From here, the player can choose to start exploring the Sevii Islands, but some of its content will remain locked until most of Johto is done. This guide will continue the journey through Johto before going to Sevii Islands.

    Zephyr Badge

    Route 33 •See Route 33 for more info. East of Azalea Town is Route 33, which is a short path, with a large patch of tall grass and 3 berry bushes. Union Cave •See Union Cave for more info. Not far in the cave and the player can find several Gravelers asleep, blocking the passage. The nearby Black Belt trainer gives a hint to the player about taking the long way. Next to the South-West ladder is a Full Heal hidden by the rock. The long path will require the player to tale two ladders down. On B2F, there are five trainers to fight, and two Hikers will reward the player with a Super Repel and a Rock Gem for defeating them. There is also an Escape Rope, TM23 Smack Down, a Protein, and a hidden Paralyze Heal hidden by a rock on the Western side near a Hiker. Finally, on the South-East corner, there is a Lapras available to capture. The ladder in the North-East corner takes back to B1F. There are four trainers to battle on this floor. The path North leads to two exits in the North-West corner, which lead to Chamber D and Chamber E of the Ruins of Alph. The southern path will lead to the ladder back to 1F, as well as an Ether and a hidden Revive. If the player caught 100 different Pokémons, Pokémaniac Larry will reward the player with 10 Boost Balls. On 1F, the player can break the rock near the sleeping Gravelers, which will all wake up and run away. There are five more trainers to fight, and there is a Hyper Potion, a hidden Great Ball by a rock near Pyromaniac Ray, a Zinc, TM67 Retaliate and a Dusk Stone to grab. The exit to Route 32 is in the North-East corner. Route 32 •See Route 32 for more info. Near the entrance to Union Cave from Route 33 is a PokéCenter, with a hidden Hyper Potion by the rock near a forest and a trainer to battle. After the PokéCenter, both paths will contain several trainers, before reaching a Fork: the West leads to the Ruins of Alph, and Violet City awaits North. As soon as the player enters Violet City, Eusine is there to stop the player’s progress, and says he doesn’t want to be followed to the Ruins of Alph. Ruins of Alph •See Ruins of Alph for more info. Eusine can be found in Chamber A, which claims of a strange noise coming from the basement. There are two Star Pieces and a Life Orb hidden by the statues in the basement. Once the player approaches the strange beast at the end of the basement, the Pokémon flees. Outside, a scientist invites the player to his lab, and if the player interacts with Eusine, can hear his story about how he created the fused Pokémon Raicune. He then invites her to visit him in Cherrygrove City and leaves. In the lab, the scientist gives the player a Tracker to try to catch Raicune. If the player visits all the chambers and reads all the slabs, it can be read “A-B-D-E-C-B-A THE ORDER MUST BE RESPECTED.” Touching the slabs from the chamber in this specific order will open the ground under Chamber A and a daily respawning Plate can be found in the room. When placing the plate in the bowl, the player can teach one of its Pokémon a hidden power matching that plate’s type, then retake the plate. Finally, Super Nerd Miguel, the fossil maniac can be found near the North. After defeating him, he’ll say to the player has a rare chance to discover fossils when using rock smash. On Route 36, there is TM83 Work UP that can be picked near the Sudowoodo. Violet City •See Violet City for more info. This city has the usual accommodation: a two-story PokéCenter, a PokéMart and a Hotel. Additionally, Violet offers in particular: •There is a teacher, in the Pokémon school, that will make a Pokémon forget its former trainer for 50,000. This is useful to fuse and unfuse Pokémon obtained from trading or from the Team Rocket’s Black Market. •North of the city is the Sprout Tower, and at the very top are the Golbat Boots. The player needs to climb ladders while dodging Monks, Bellsprouts, Weepinbells and Victrebells, or they will kick the player down a floor. There are also golden Bellsprout Statues that can be stolen and sold, but will lower the player’s Karma. •There is also an Energy Root East of the Sprout Tower.

    Storm Badge

    Knot Island Knot Island, also known as One Island, can be reached for several methods: •Surf South from Mt. Ember and go through Kindle Road. •Take the Ferry seagallop from Cinnabar Island. •See Knot Island for more info. Near the beach is a Heart Scale. The town also has several interesting things to do: •The Export Move teacher is in the house near the beach. For 2 Heart Scales, he can teach rare moves to the player’s Pokémon. •The house in the center has a jewel artisan that can craft items for and materials. •The house to the West is the Triple Battle Lounge. Every day, a theme is chosen, and the player can participate in battles for the chance to win a random item for 1000. •See Triple Battle Lounge for more info. •The PokéMart is located within the PokéCenter. •In the South-East corner, three men want some Heart Scale in exchange for a Nugget, a Bagon Egg and a Pawniard Egg. In the PokéCenter, Bebe, the Sinnoh Pokémon Storage Box, and a scientist, are looking for a Network Adapter. If the player already retrieved it from Treasure Beach, Bebe will reward the player with one of Sinnoh’s starter Pokémon: Turtwig, Chimchar or Piplup. Treasure Beach •See Treasure Beach for more info. The player can surf South-West of Knot Island and reach Treasure Beach, an island with a Network Adapter, three Heart Scales, two Ultra Balls, two Pearls and a Star Piece. Additionally, whenever it rains, Pyukumuku are crawling on the beach and can be battled. Kindle Road •See Kindle Road for more info. Surfing East from Knot Island or South from Mt. Ember leads to the Ember Spa, where a Max Repel, a Carbos and several Heart Scales are scattered. There is also a Flygon, which requires the player to push a boulder to get, as well as four trainers. On the South-East of the Ember Spa is a big island containing more Corsolas that block the passage. East of the Corsolas is a small island with the Battle Factory. South-West of the Corsolas is another small island with a Heart Scale and a Swimmer. There is a diving spot near the giant boulder blocking the path. Diving to the other side and interacting with the man will prompt a scene where the player frees the path. Next to the diving spots is the Ember Spa, where there is a hidden Fire Stone in the bathing section. The north path leads to the rest of Mt. Ember, while the East path has two more trainers to battle before reaching Brine Road. Brine Road (West of the Old Shipwreck) •See Brine Road (West of the Old Shipwreck) for more info. The Western portion of the Brine Road is accessible, as an Old Shipwreck is blocking the other half. There are three trainers to battle, and there is a Nugget near the North-West corner and a hidden Heart Scale by a rock near the Black Belt. The path North leads to Boon Island. Boon Island •See Boon Island for more info. Similar to Knot Island, Boon Island has a dock and a PokéMart within its PokéCenter. Additionally, Boon Island has: •A Revive behind a cuttable tree. •The Legendary Move Expert lives in the Eastern house, and offers to teach rare moves his brother in Knot Island does not, but is more expensive at 6 Heart Scales. •Three Heart Scales spread out, one of which is hidden by a rock on top of the waterfall. •The elderly lady sells her Dream Mirror for 10 Heart Scales. •Inside the PokéCenter is a TV special regarding Latias and Latios. They are two roaming Pokémons which require the Tracker to locate. Interacting with the TV or any of the three young trainers will trigger the new Tacker options.

    Mineral Badge

    Brine Road (East of the Old Shipwreck) •See Brine Road (East of the Old Shipwreck) for more info. Back on Brine Road, the player can enter the Old Shipwreck and jump the gap, thanks to the Golbat Boots. On the Eastern side, there are four trainers to battle and Fisherman Tommy gives the player a Heart Scale after defeating him. There are items to grab as well: a Carbos, a HP Up, a Big Pearl. The path South to the Water Labyrinth is blocked by Corsolas, but the path North is accessible, which leads to Kin Island. Kin Island •See Kin Island for more info. Kin Island has similar architecture then other Sevii Islands’ Towns. Additionally, Kin Island has: •TM114 Leech Life behind a cuttable tree. •A Hotel. •In the PokéCenter, Bebe wil give the other two Sinnoh starters to the player. •The Pokémon Appreciation Club, which changes Pokémon everyday, and trainers offer to battle the player. There is also a hiker who wants to see a Pokémon with the same types and will give a Nugget for it. Bond Bridge •See Bond Bridge for more info. North of Kin Island is Bond Bridge, which is a forest with bananas to grab and four trainers to battle. Additionally, there is TM89 U-Turn, a stardust and an Elixir to grab. The path North-West leads to the Berry Forest. Berry Forest •See Berry Forest for more info.

    Mt. Silver

    Pallet Town In Prof. Oak Lab, both the rival and Cynthia are present. A discussion involving Space-Time distortions are occurring at Mt. Silver Peak, so all four agree that the three strongest trainers should go investigate together. Cynthia and the rival decide to go ahead and ask the player to follow them through from the Pokémon League Entrance gate. Mt. Silver Base •See Mt. Silver Base for more info. At the Pokémon League Gate, the rival manages to convince the guard blocking access to Mt. Silver to let everyone go to Mt. Silver. On the way path, there is an Escape Rope and an Elixir to grab. Mt. Silver •See Mt. Silver for more info. The cave within Mt. Silver is dark, so the use of Flash or the Lantern is needed. Furthermore, the player will need the moves Rock Smash, Strength, Surf and Waterfall, or their HM Replacement Items. The way up the stairs lead to a grass field, but the path is blocked until the player can use Rock Climb. Back at the entrance, there is an inner lake with waterfalls which the player can take to reach two deeper cave chambers. The first one also requires Rock Climb. On the way to the second one, there is a hidden PP Up by a stalagmite. In the room, the rival is waiting to challenge the player once more. After winning, he will reward her with HM10 Rock Climb. West of where the rival arrived is a hidden Elixir by a stalagmite, and on the higher ground is an Escape Rope. The cave continues to the first cave from the inner lake, but on the other end. On the way down is a Reaper Cloth. Back at the entrance and with Rock Climb, the player can now start climbing Mt. Silver. Up the stairs is a hidden Max Repel by the Stalagmite. Outside, by the grass field, there are items on the higher level: a Max Elixir and an Expert Belt. The first cave from the grass field leads to a Rare Candy, while the second one will give access to the next floor, with a hidden Max Repel by a stalagmite and a Max Revive in the corner. This floor starts in a spiral to climb to the outer ring path, which is blocked by rocks at several locations. The player will need to keep going in the snow field and back in the cave to progress. There is a hidden Ultra Ball by a rock after reaching the outer ring. The first time the player reaches outside to the snow field, the path splits into two. The path North leads to a dead-end, with several items: a hidden Escape Rope by a frozen rock, a Dire Hit, and a hidden Elixir by the rocks next to the Rare Candy. The path South continues the climb towards the summit, with several items: a Rare Candy, a Hyper Potion, a Max Potion and a hidden Ether by a frozen rock. At 4F, the cave is no longer dark. There is a hidden Hyper Potion by a stalagmite before climbing the stairs, where Cynthia blocks the player’s path. After defeating her, she will heal the player’s Pokémons. Mt. Silver Summit •See Mt. Silver Summit for more info. Outside of the cave is the summit, and the player will be slowed simply by the power the unknown Pokémon’s aura emits. Once the player arrives at the Pokémon, it is revealed to be a triple fusion of the Legendary Pokémons, Palkia, Dialga and Giratina, and it must be defeated. •Just like Zapmolcuno, this will be a 3vs1 battle and defeating each head is necessary to progress. Each head matches the type of its Deity Pokémon. After defeating Paldiatina, it will split back into its original trio and run away in different directions. Finally, where Paldiatina was, a vortex will appear. Once the player interacts with it, it will transport the player three years into the future. Once the players take a few steps, Gold will be present on Mt. Silver Summit and challenges the player to a battle. •Save and heal your party either before or after taking the vortex, but before taking any steps. Gold’s party has the three Legendary Beasts of Johto.


    •This section assumes the players has seen at least 777 different Pokémons (fused and unfused).


    •This section assumes the player has already acquired Groudon and Kyogre. Kin Island In the North-Eastern house is an elderly man who talks about the legend of the Sky Pillar and it would reveal itself once someone has met both Kyogre and Groudon. After learning the player met with both of them, he wants her to follow him to the harbor, so they can go to the Sky Pillar together. Sky Pillar •See Sky Pillar for more info. The player will need to use the Bike when in the Sky Pillar. The player cannot stop on any of the damaged tiles, or they will fall one floor. •If you got the Racing Bike from the quest, hold the run button to slow it down.

    Alien Spaceship

    •This assumes the player accepted the quest “Fallen Meteor” from Kin Island’s Hotel. Bond Bridge From the West side, the player can either walk or surf under the bridge, and on top of the waterfall, there are two agents with a strange object. Route 20 On the beach from Fuchsia City to Route 19 is a female swimmer who reports to the player she saw a meteor that fell in the water, somewhere near Route 19 and Route 20. South-East of Seafoam Islands is a Diving spot, and when the water changes color, it means the player is near the object. Interacting with it will reward the player with a Spaceship Part. Route 32 South of Violet City, not far from the intersection for the Ruins of Alph, can the object be seen. Bond Bridge Back to Bond Bridge where the agents are waiting, they use the impact points of the three meteors to triangulate the main ship’s location. He then asks the player to memorize these coordinates and asks the sailor at Cinnabar Island’s harbor to bring the player to the location. Birth Island •See Birth Island for more info.

  2. May 3, 2024 · This is an in-depth walkthrough for Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 for the Nintendo DS. These pages detail the sequel games, not Pokémon Black and White. The guide for those games can be found here.

  3. Apr 21, 2024 · Each Pokémon is only listed once throughout the walkthrough, at the earliest possible point that you can obtain them. Following these tables will help you to fill your Pokédex, but some Pokémon can only be obtained through evolution rather than catching them.

  4. This is a list of Pokémon by their evolutionary line. That is, it is a list of Pokémon in their National Pokédex order , but it also includes later-released Evolutions and pre-Evolutions closer to the first Pokémon in their line to be released.

  5. Mar 19, 2024 · These hospitals restore your Pokémon to full health and eliminate any status ailments that may afflict them. She gives you a brief description of the PC , which has not changed much. Finally, she leads you to the Poké Mart counter, where you can buy and sell items.

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  7. This walkthrough will guide you through the world of Pokemon Black 2 and White 2, the sequels to Pokemon Black and White. Like their predecessors, there are several significant differences between the two games in terms of storyline, locations, and available Pokemon.