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  1. League of Gods. League of Gods (Chinese: 3D封神榜) is a 2016 Hong Kong-Chinese fantasy film directed by Koan Hui, co-produced by Charles Heung and Wilson Yip, based on the 16th-century novel Investiture of the Gods by Xu Zhonglin and starring an ensemble cast of Jet Li, Tony Leung, Fan Bingbing, Louis Koo, Mark Huang, Angelababy, Wen Zhang ...

    • Angelababy

      Angela Yeung Wing (Chinese: 杨颖; pinyin: Yáng Yǐng; born 28...

    • Overview
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    The Freljord (pronounced /'fɹɛɫjɔɹd/ frell-yord) is a harsh and unforgiving land. Proud and fiercely independent, its people are born warriors, with a strong raiding culture. While there are many individual tribes within the Freljord, the battle lines are being drawn in a three-way civil war that will determine the future of them all. One tribe unf...

    The Freljord is a harsh and unforgiving place—the people there are born warriors, and must persevere against all odds.

    Proud and fiercely independent, the tribes of the Freljord are often considered wild, rugged, and “uncivilized” by their neighbors across Valoran, who do not know the ancient traditions that shaped them. Many thousands of years ago, the alliance between the sisters Avarosa, Serylda, and Lissandra was shattered in a war that unknowingly threatened all of Runeterra, plunging the northern lands into chaos and a near-constant winter. Now, only truly exceptional mortals who seem immune to the ravages of fire or ice seem destined, or able, to lead.

    Despite the best efforts of the Frostguard, myths and legends of the old gods, the enigmatic yetis, and restless spirit walker shamans endure amongst the people. The raiders of the Winter's Claw range further with each passing year, harrying the borders of Demacia to the south, and the frontiers of Noxus to the east. Seeking a more peaceful future, the fractious independent tribes and clans have begun to offer their allegiance to Ashe, young queen of the Avarosans.

    Even so, the portents are grim. War is surely returning to the Freljord, and none can hope to escape it.

    Creation of Freljord

    Long before the arrival of the mortal races, the demi-gods manifested from supernatural forces and formed the land they called Vorrijaard. While the truth about how they did it remains unclear, many tales have been passed down over generations. In the days of the first tribes, wild magic ran rampant. The demi-gods were widely venerated and worshipped. A long-lost populace was known as the Hearthblood, apprentices who journeyed from all corners of Valoran, and gathered on the slopes of Hearth-Home to learn from Ornn, demi-god of the forge. Despite this imitative form of worship, Ornn never considered himself their patron. He would only give them curt nods or frowns when they offered up their work, and yet the Hearthblood accepted this and were determined to hone their skills. As a result, they came to create the finest tools, design the sturdiest structures, and brew the tastiest ales the world had ever beheld. They believed Ornn secretly approved of their perseverance, and the fact that they were always looking to better themselves in their craft. Meanwhile, great wars were waged, and the Volibear, demi-god of destruction, strength, and the storm, took to the field alongside his followers, clad in rune-inscribed armor made by his brother Ornn. At the time, the brothers' bond was strong—they often fought at each other's side, even though Ornn never had quite the same lust for battle. The Volibear reveled in hard-fought victories, and as ever more blood offerings were made to him, his power swelled. In time, they drifted apart, each focusing on their own pursuits. Even so, there was no true division between them...until new ideas began to usurp the old beliefs.

    The Three Sisters

    In a time long forgotten, before the sands birthed and then swallowed Shurima, beings of old magic freely walked Runeterra. The borders between the mortal realm and what lay beyond it were hotly contested. Into this dangerous and volatile age, Lissandra and her sisters, Serylda and Avarosa, were born. Three sisters rose to power, seeking to control and impose order on the Freljord, and the demi-gods could not agree on how to proceed. A few, like Anivia, seemed inclined to work with the sisters, while the Volibear and the Iron Boar wanted to destroy them. Others would have been content to ignore them completely, since these feeble creatures would eventually die like all before them. The Volibear looked to the most animalistic and savage of his followers, known as the Ursine. With them, he would defeat the three sisters. In preparation, he sought out Ornn to arm his warriors for battle. But Ornn refused. He did not approve of the Ursine's savage ways, and a terrible fight erupted between the two demi-gods. The resultant cataclysm was a storm of fire and ash and lightning so intensely violent that it was seen ten horizons away. In the aftermath, the Volibear cursed his brother's name, and cast off his rune-inscribed armor. He would then fight with only tooth, claw, might, and thunder. Far from becoming weakened, the Volibear now found his true power fully unleashed. When the dust settled, Hearth-Home was a smoldering caldera, and the Hearthblood were reduced to scattered bones and cinders. Though he would never admit it, Ornn was devastated. Through the Hearthblood he had glimpsed the sweeping potential of mortal life, only to see it all lost beneath the indiscriminate wrath of his immortal struggle. Wracked with guilt, he retreated to the isolation of his foundry, and buried himself in his work for an age. With newfound rage, the Volibear confronted one of the mortal sisters who sought to steal the power of the demi-gods for herself. Before her entire army, he struck her down, blinding her—but he was unable to stop what she had already set in motion. Each of the three sisters paid a terrible price for the power they sought. Attempting to command the heavens above them, Serylda lost her voice to the first twilight. Avarosa faced the twisting dark beneath the world, and was deafened by its emptiness, waiting to consume all creation. Lissandra was blinded by the Volibear himself. Though each sister had lost a part of themselves, it was on the frozen fields of Lissandra's many battles that they were able to unite and prevail. Together, they were unstoppable...but even a bond of blood could only weather so much. With her sight taken, Lissandra chose instead to walk in dreams. As she navigated the fitful visions of those around her, she realized only she could see the darkness below for what it was: the lingering abyss which promised not only an ending, but infinity. It was death, both dangerous and full of potential. Unknown to her sisters, Lissandra struck a deal on their behalf with the god-like entities she had communed with—the Watchers would grant them near-immortality in exchange for preparing Runeterra for the coming of the Void. The three sisters and their most powerful followers were named Iceborn. Those with this ability to withstand the worst of the numbing frost would be spared until the very end.

    Battle of the Howling Abyss

    Avarosa argued that the only thing worse than death was servitude. Even Serylda bristled against what would become of the world they had fought so hard for. Caught in the middle, Lissandra tried to soothe her sisters' concerns while appealing to the Watchers for more time, but the unknowable nothingness cared not for such platitudes. On a fateful day, Avarosa's and Serylda's Iceborn hordes marched into the mountains to face Lissandra before the walls of her own fortress. At the height of this bitter confrontation, the Watchers finally came to Runeterra and showed what they truly were. In that moment, Lissandra's only choices were to let all the world be consumed, or to give up what she cared for most—Lissandra chose to sacrifice her sisters and the allies they had gathered, entombing the Watchers beneath a glacial barrier of magical ice that could never be melted. Lissandra soon discovered that even this elemental power was not enough. The monstrous beings she had frozen were merely slumbering, slowly tainting the True Ice around them into something darker. Now, they wandered through Lissandra's dreams as easily as she had theirs, and always she would wake, terrified, professing her loyalty to the chilling eternity they promised.

    North Freljord

    1/15 Other known locations in north Freljord are: •Ridgeback Mountains: Vast mountain range that stretches across the entire northern half of the Freljord. •Frost-Troll Village: It is located on the Ridgeback Mountains of northern Freljord. It is the main settlement of the Frost-Trolls, currently ruled by Trundle. •Frosthorn Peak: East peaks of the Ridgeback Mountains. Connects the Frostguard Citadel with the rest of the Freljord. •Fortress of the Iceborn: The ruined Fortress of the Iceborn houses a great vault full of ancient artifacts and fallen warriors. •Ghulfrost: Located on top of the ice cliffs of the Ridgeback Mountains, Ghulfrost is an unmarked cairn in the snow where Ashe discover a legendary bow made entirely of True Ice buried in the rocks. •Ice Children Village: A farming village. Settlement of herders and warriors, rivals of the Avarosan tribe. •Ornnkaal Rocks: A coastal pilgrimage site visited by Sejuani and Ashe's tribes during the summers of their youth, with plentiful fishing and many fields for grazing animals. •Quchar: Home of the Ebrataal, a magic-less community who were the first to follow Ashe as the leader of the Avarosan tribe. •Vathcaer: An Avarosan settlement. It is the village where Ashe grew up, previously controlled by her mother Grena. •Yadulsk: Winter's Claw village where Sejuani's mother Kalkia temporarily settled the tribe during her rule. Traditionally, Winter's Claw tribes relocate every winter, rebuilding their villages out of their ships and scavenged materials. •Yeti's Vigil: Ruins of the lost yeti civilization. Where dreams swirl in snow, an unlikely friendship was born. This is the location where Nunu met and befriended Willump. •Ursine Lands: It is a land that can be found just above northern Freljord, being separated from the rest of Valoran by the Ice Sea. This is where the demigod Volibear has staked out territory via his followers, the Ursine. It is probably located at or near the North Pole of Runeterra.

    East Freljord

    1/12 Other known locations in east Freljord are: Valley of Spines, Mourncrow Village, etc. •Broken Mountain: is a mountain located in the southeastern part of the Freljord. •Hearth-Home: Once a great settlement of smiths and craftsman inspired by its patron Ornn, it was later unintentionally destroyed when the demigod encountered and fought Volibear. Rebuilt by Ornn, he has remained secluded and isolated from the rest of the Freljord after the destruction of the first Hearth-Home. •Winterspike: A region located in southeastern Freljord, south to the Broken Mountain. •Warded Gateway: Frozen cavern system leading towards Frostguard settlements. •Foundling Village: In the shadow of their great Citadel, the Frostguard shelter children orphaned by the cold. This is where Nunu was placed after he got separated from his mother when bandits attacked his tribe. •Howling Abyss: It serves as the massive chasm prison of the Watchers. The Howling Abyss was the location of the last battle that sealed the Watchers several millennia ago. •Bridges of the Iceborn: There are numerous bridges spanning the abyss, such as the Bridge of Sorrows, Bridge of Shadow, and Bridge of the Lost. At its lower ends True Ice and its variants Dark Ice can be found. •Spiked Barricades: At key points throughout the Howling Abyss, gigantic spiked barricades of stone and iron were set into the walls by the Frostguard, many thousands of years ago. One day, when the Watchers reawaken, these meager defenses may buy some precious time for those above to prepare for the final battle. •The Hall of the Nine, located there and constructed by the Yeti, serves as the protective barrier that seals the Watchers. Every year, several Frostguard climb down its icey walls to get to the Hall of the Nine in order to inspect the barriers state. •Frostguard Citadel: Located in north-eastern part of Freljord, the Frostguard Citadel is an ancient stronghold built to watch over the dark chasm of the Howling Abyss, the Citadel also houses many of the Freljord's hidden treasures and historical records. It serves as Lissandra and her Frostguard's seat of power and holy pilgrimate site. This is where Nunu found out about the yeti later named Willump. It is only accessible by the Bridge of Sorrows above the Howling Abyss. •Vaulted Audience Chamber: In the deepest halls of the Frostguard Citadel, Lissandra spends most of her waking hours in this grand, vaulted audience chamber. It is from here that she delivers her chilling sermons, hears the reports of her priests...and passes judgment on the fate of heretics among the tribes they serve.

    South Freljord

    1/2 Other known locations in south Freljord are: Anivia's nest, etc. •Ironspike Mountains: They are a relatively small mountain range located in the southeast. Noxus has territory here, in the Delverhold. •Naljaäg: A simple milling settlement beneath a waterfall. Its original name has been lost to stone. It was cursed until Nunu and Willump cleansed the area. •Rakelstake: Located in south Freljord, Rakelstake was once a village where the Tribe of the Ice Dervish lived. Now it serves as a pilgrimage site for the Avarosans. A statue of Avarosa guards the entrance to the pilgrimage site. This is where Ashe and Tryndamere were oathbound.

    Freljordian Grain
    A type of grain native to Freljord. While the grain milk is a popular adulterant in Noxus, its also used for creating ale and beer.


    s shown in The Shackles of Belief, the current language of at least a small number of regions and tribes of Freljord is different from that of southerner land like Demacia and Noxus, to the point their words make no sense to each other.cient Freljordian language is among the oldest attested human languages on Runeterra; traces of some other pre-Freljordian adstrate languages can still be detected in names like Anivia (Latin-based?), Ivern (Celtic-based), Lissandra (Greek-based), Ornn, Volibear, & Sejuani (unknown). •Ancient Freljordian vocabulary: Mostly (Old Norse-based, with English cognates in italics; "pre-Freljordian" vocabularies are constructed) •Alein - Alone. •Belger - Bellows. •Belyser - **Belixes "illuminates, belights, belies". •Bi - By. •Bjergen - Barrow "mountain". •Blæser - Blazes, "blows". •Bliver - B(e)lives, "remains > becomes". •Brei - Broad "wide". •Bro - Brow "bridge" •Brennen - Burn. •Bunnløs - Bottomless. •Dag - Day. •De - The. •Det - That. •Del(s) - Dell(s). •Du - Thou "ye ~ you" (nominative). •Din - Thine~Thy "your(s)" (possessive). •Ein~En~'N - One~An~A. •Elkur - •Fald'n - Fallen. •Floð - Flood. •Finner - Find. •Fjerner - **Far (v.) "distance, withdraw, remove, bar". •Fjell - Fell "mountain". •Formend - •Frá - From. •Fri - Free. •Frosset - Frozen. •Gnist - Gnast "spark". •God - God. •Guddommelig - **Goddomly "godly, divine". •Grå - Gray. •Grøp - Grave "pit(s)". •Halv - Half. •Hand - Hand. •Hans - He-yon's "his". •Her - Here. •Hirnvel = Organic things of the natural world. •Hule - Hollow. •Hyl - Howls. •Ik - One-what > "no" (see Jespersen's Cycle on how indefinite particles become negatives). •Ilð - **Eld "fire". •Is - Is. •Jord - Earth. •Ken - Ken "know". •Klar - Clear. •Kløften - Cleft "chasm". •Kongerik - Kingrike "kingdom". •Kraft - Craft, in context "force". •Lang - Long. •Langer - Longer. •Malm - Malm "ore". •Med - Mid "with". •> Men > Men til - "but". •Mørk - Murky "dark". •Naljaäg - Pre-Freldjordian, meaning forgotten •Nær - Near (adv.) •Nærmer - Near (v.) •Og - Eke "and". •Ornn - (pre-Freljordian theonym, meaning unknown). •Rök - Reek "Smoke". •Rund(t) - (a)round in context, "through[out]". •Sin - **Sine, "its". •Skal - Shall. •Skolj = The frailty of. •Sky - **Shee "sky". •Skyer - **Sheen "skies". •Smed - Smith. •Smedning - Smithening "forging". •Snekkja - **Snaky "Thin and Projecting"; A word used for a type of ship based on the smallest type of Viking longships used in warfare. •Som - Some, in context "as, like". •Spring - Spring (v.) "leap". •Stål - Steel. •Står ~ Stend - Stands. •Stein - Stone (native) •Stige - Sty "rise". •Stjern - Star. •Sún - Soon. •Songur - Song. •Syng(e) - Sing. (both verb & noun from one same root sengʷʰ-) •Svell(e) - Swell. •Tapt - **Tapped "sacrificed > lost"(more here) •Tæt - Tight (adv.) "close". •Tim(e) - Time. •Tón - Tone. •Tvers - Thwart (adv.) "across". •Uhindret - Unhindered "unbridled". •Utands - Outondes "breathes out, exhales". •Utbryt - **Outbreet "erupt". •Valhir - "god". ON *Valhyrr? "fire of the slain" Cf. Valhalla "hall of the slain" •Ved - With "by, at, near". •Veg - Way "path". •Verk - Work. •Vet - Wit "know". •Vi - We. •Vind - Wind. •Vol dusk skaar "last chance to run" Pre-Freljordian •Vol kau fera "cower before me" Pre-Freljordian •Vorrijaard Pre-Freljordian •Vrestrom "Great Storm, hurricane-like"

    Additional Vocabulary

    The Freljordians use "summer" to count years. It is also used to express the age of a person. For example: Over the course of its history, Freljordians have created their own terms and slang: •Battlemaiden - A young woman who serves as a sworn retainer to a senior female warrior. This service generally lasts until the young woman comes of age or otherwise proves herself as worthy, at which time she may be named as Battlesister. Implies niece, daughter or ward type of relationship. •Battlesister - A woman who has a sworn blood oath with a Warmother or another senior female warrior. This title commonly denotes a relationship rather than rank, but implies rank by association, and is typically bestowed on very high-ranking thanes. •Blood oath - The ritual performed by the sharing of blood between two people, thus naming them as part of their kin or family. Examples of blood oaths are Battlesister and Bloodsworn. •Bloodsworn - The sworn “husbands” or "wives" of a Warmother, usually the toughest warriors of the tribe. Their loyalty is to her and her children above all else. •Clawleader - Referring to the member of Winter's Claw commanding a raid. •Death Knot - Refers to tying your hair with a wolf gut cord in a particular pattern. Indicating you will complete a task even if it kills you. Symbolic of facing the Wolf for a task or a person. •Frost Priest - A healer and follower of Lissandra who serves and monitors the tribes on her behalf. Their oath is to and only to, the faith of endless cold and Lissandra. They have the ability to smell whenever someone lies. Black Cloak & Black Clads are common slang terms for Frost Priests. •Heartbound - Human inhabitants of the Freljord. Unable to Survive the same extremes as the Iceborn. They make up the majority of the population. The Term sometimes is used by Iceborn as a slur or insult. •Oath - Ritual specifically mentioned as marriage. •Oathbound - The link of obligation between two people that have a relationship where oaths were sworn. Such a relationship could be, for example, the one between an Oathfather and their Oathchildren. •Oathbreaking - Disrespecting a sacred treaty between two tribes. •Oathfather - Interchangeably describes a father or step-father, roles Freljordians don't typically distinguish between. Any man who has sworn his life to protect a mother and her children is considered an Oathfather. •Retainer - Person responsible for legitimizing and elevating someone's status to their charge. An example would be Sejuani to Ashe if they had made a blood oath in front of The Winter's Claw. •Scarthane - A high-level retainer to a Warmother, commanding a large group of warriors. Scar reflects you've earned your rank in battle, and are trusted to lead warriors without supervision for long periods. Sometimes the leader of a clan within a tribe. •Svaag - A common slur or insult close to "damn". •Vedmah - A Freljordian oracle or witch who divines through magical means. •Vol - Coarse slang used in Freljord, typically in exclamation, to cast disapproval or disgust for something or someone. Can also be used in outbursts of impatience or anger without an object. •Warmblood - A casual term used by Iceborn to describe normal humans. It is synonymous with hearthbound, but has no negative connotations. •Warmother - The military leader of a freljordian tribe or clan, always a woman and usually an Iceborn. She decides its course of action as well as dictates its ideology. Over the course of its history, Freljordians have created their own sayings: •Don't step on ice that already cracks - Old saying used by Grena's Avarosans meaning not to rely on something that is faulty to begin with. •Run Volund, Run - Expression used to encourage someone running from danger. •(To die) with your eyes open - Expression meaning “To die a good death”. It celebrates fighting fearlessly and tenaciously to the very end, especially in the face of certain odds. •The ice is not pain, It is surrender - Lissandra's prayer that Frost Priests go by. •The strong must try the impossible - Words uttered by Sejuani that were later used by Ashe as one of the foundations for her ideology.


    1/8 If there was a word that would best describe Freljordian architecture, it would be enduring. Freljordian houses are built to withstand harsh winters. Most tribal homes have roofs that connect directly with the ground. From simple huts, to lavish long houses, modern Freljordian architecture uses variety of wood and stone material. Ancient Freljordian architecture was built of stone and other magical objects such as runes or true ice. •Mortis Stones: These sleek daggers of frozen granite, over a hundred feet in length, are weapons of last resort when a Watcher stirs from its slumber. The Frostguard have not needed to drop even a single stone in many centuries... but they stand ready to do so, whenever the alarm is raised.


    Freljord has a very different view of relationships than the rest of Runeterra. This is mostly due to several reasons: a matriarchal society; a historically migratory and often outright nomadic culture; existence of healing magic (which reduces infant and mother deaths during birth); dangerous climates; starvation; tribal warfare; and extremely horrific creatures could attack at any time. In exchange for this pledge a freljordian an their family are now a part of that extended network. The oath is also a very public declaration of duty and complicated politically. Because depending on freljordians rank they may have many overlapping commitments, which relate to their social rank within the extended tribe. For example, a great male warrior might be Oathbound to the tribal chief (a warmother) whom he has no children with, but she might take that man's mate's and his mother's oath as her sisters, thus their children are now under the tribal chief's protection too. However, in that case, his loyalty would be expected to be the warmother and the warmother's children's first. It's possible the warmother might directly adopt this man's children too in order to more directly honor his importance to her clan. Masculinity then also reflects these themes. Men are supposed to be warriors and protectors in the Freljord. Being "manly" is about jumping into danger, being brave in the face of almost certain death, never hesitating out of fear, charging into battle without concern for your own safety, and ultimately protecting your family at all costs. Braum being a prime example. His reputation as a protector of his tribe is more important than who he has defeated in battle or what he has conquered, and this makes him extremely desirable and extremely well respected. All of this ultimately is because mothers and children are considered the most important elements in that society, specially magically gifted ones. A person's future and the future of their clan is unlikely to be determined by owning a castle or farmlands, but it is very likely that having few more children (especially those who are Iceborn, skinwalkers, or other) will make potential warriors/defenders allied with them. Having and raising children there is extremely hard, and children are valued above all other lives, especially children with magical gifts. Sex and sexuality isn't that important-- except when it is designed to have children (and only when the tribe can support having more children). Because of that it became a society completely devoted to formalized family bonds. Instead being a contract about land and property, the Freljordians live under contracts of obligation and family membership. The oath someone gives is a statement of fealty to the safety of the person they oathbouded under and most importantly their children. Multiple wives and/husbands can be understood as alliances against this harsh environment. Taking another woman as sister and sharing your husband can be the best bet for your family's survival. Taking another wife can be the best way protect your children and previous wife's future if you die in battle. You want to be a part of big family and you want prove your worth to that family. Also, because magic is the most import asset for at tribe and it is most obviously passed along the mother's bloodline. The freljord is matriarchal --so inheritance and lineage is never really in question. When a tribe lacks a Warmother, it is usually settled between the candidates. Another woman from the tribe will usually step forward. Often as it is blood relatives, this is settled peacefully or with a non-lethal duel. Unhappy members of the tribe might offer themselves to another tribe as kin or thralls. It's not uncommon for a male to lead a tribe if they lack any female magical warriors-- but it's considered a tenuous position, and often a short-term solution. Because you can't be sure he will have magical children. If the male leader is strong (and magical) he will usually look for a strong warmother, or skarthane to pledge his allegiance too-- thus the tribe he is in will become a clan under a larger tribe. You can have multiple wives too. Marriage in the freljord is about swearing to protect someone's children. Complicated marriages are common. A man might be married to two women (And thus sworn to them and their children) if the two women also made oath to be sisters (two protect each other's children). And one of those women might be married to another man too. etc... It also important to note that marriage is the freljord implies the right to have children together-- but being sworn to someone does not always mean actually ever having sex with them-- its about protecting the people you care about in a harsh land. On the woman's side, it would be nearly unthinkable and scandalous for a high ranking woman to have an intimate intercourse with someone outside of one of her oathbound (which is not to say they have intimate intercourse with all of their oathbound).

    Other roles

    •A skarthane is a high level retainer to a Warmother. Scar reflects you've earned your rank in battle, and are trusted to lead warriors without supervision for long periods. Sometimes the leader of a clan within a tribe. Somewhere in the grove to markus level of European traditions. •Vedmah is a role/ability that exists across tribes and factions ( Lissandra has many of them). They are warriors that are also an oracle or seer who divines through magical means.. The nature of their second sight can vary. •A Frostpriest a low ranking member of the Lissandra's cult (roughly equivalent to country friar). Technically they are Frostguard, but that term is mostly used to describe higher ranking warriors which guard the holy city. They are healers and surveillance tools deployed by Lissandra to keep watch over every tribe and maintain religious dominance. Their oath is to and only to, the faith of endless cold and Lissandra. They have the ability to smell whenever someone lies. Black Cloak & Black Clads are common slang terms for Frost Priests. •Battlemaiden is a young woman who serves as a sworn retainer to a senior female warrior. This service generally lasts until the young woman comes of age or otherwise proves herself as worthy, at which time she may be named as Battlesister. Implies niece, daughter or ward type of relationship. •Battlesister is a woman who has a sworn blood oath with a Warmother or another senior female warrior. This title commonly denotes a relationship rather than rank, but implies rank by association, and is typically bestowed on very high-ranking thanes.


    •Avarosa •Winter's Claw •Frostguard •Ursine •Other Main article: Avarosan “ Link▶️  "It is our duty to speak of unity, here among the ruins of our past. Now our people stand divided, torn apart by ancient hatreds. Brothers and sisters, our enemy is not our neighbor. Our enemy is a land without law and a long winter's night. It is hunger, poverty, desperation and chaos. Look around you, these monuments from a bygone age, each older and grander than anything wrought by our hands. These are the works of a united Freljord, a fractured land that we can repair. From these ruins, we can raise a great nation. We are the people of the Freljord, and this land belongs to us all." — Ashe The Avarosan are those whom are loyal to Original Ashe. While others war, Ashe works day and night to establish a single alliance throughout the Freljord. They are an agglomeration of progressive tribes that believe in diplomacy through the teachings of Avarosa. They dwell mostly in the slightly warmer regions, and many settlements under their banner are agrarian. Though Ashe's methods are peaceful, she is still backed by a powerful and committed army. Ashe has many tribes allied with her and several people such as: Anivia, Braum, Gragas, and Tryndamere. Pilgrim Site Of Rakelstake There are several other tribes who were absorbed or allied with the Avarosan: •Ebrataal: Originally attacked by Sejuani before she was Warmother. Ashe prevented their killing and accepted them as the first tribe to join her reformed Avarosan tribe. The tribe was originally made up completely of warmbloods. •Ice Veins: Only information about them is that they are now a part of Ashe's tribe. •Red Snow: Coastal tribe to the south-east. This tribe defeated Noxian warbands. •Stonepicks: Formerly lived in the southern mountains. •Snow Followers: Tribe of extreme brutality. Former Warmother was Hildhur Svarhem. Hildhur had a true ice axe called Joutbane as a weapon. •Tryndamere's Barbarians: They were known for their dueling skills. The had a patriarchal system of governance until a large amount of the tribe was decimated. Its former leader, Tryndamere, is oathbound to Ashe. Main article: Winter's Claw “ Link▶️  "They plead for mercy when they hear our drums, but the wolf owes no consideration to the prey. We do not sow seeds and till earth like the Avarosan. We do not stand watch over shattered ruins like the Frostguard. We do not pity the meek, for courage is the true salvation of the Freljord! We are the war cry of the wind, we are the strength of the mountains. We are the claws of winter!" — Sejuani The Winter's Claw tribe is led by the ferocious Sejuani. Sejuani wishes to conquer the Freljord through absolute strength. In her eyes, the Freljord is a place where only the strong deserve to prosper. Warlike and traditionalist, they gather food and supplies from the high plains, forests, and northern waterways during the summer. In winter months, they survive by raiding southwards over the ice-covered seas. As Sejuani raids, her warriors allow the stalwart to live under her banner while they pillage the weaker tribes, leaving them without the means to sustain themselves. Once her work is done, only the mighty will be left in the Freljord. Sejuani has many tribes allied with her and several people such as: Olaf, Udyr, and Volibear. Glaserport Ice-Locked Harbor There are several other tribes who were absorbed or allied with the Winter's Claw: •Stone Tooth: Absorbed by the Winter's Claw by battle. Main article: Frostguard “ Link▶️  '"So many secrets buried in ice." — Lissandra The Frostguard dwell hidden beneath an eternal winter, deep in the ruins of the ancient Freljord. They live among the ancient ruins to the far north, protecting their leader Lissandra as she watches over the Howling Abyss. A cult shrouded in secrecy, the Frostguard archive of all Freljords archaic history. Though seemingly peaceful, the truth of the Frostguard's allegiance is far more disturbed. The world had forgotten the terrible enemy that ruled the Freljord long ago and was cast into the depths of the Howling Abyss following a long and brutal battle. And now, whilst the ignorant sleep, Lissandra keeps the Watchers at bay and plots to rule over all of Runeterra. Even so, missionaries and healers from the cult are common throughout the Freljord. The trolls and their king, Trundle, have allied themselves with Lissandra, while Nunu temporarily lived among the Frostguard. Warded Gateway To The Howling Abyss There are several other tribes who were absorbed or allied with the Frostguard: •Black-Clads: A order of priests and shaman, often assigned to regional villages as sources of social and religious authority. •Chosen Children: Their warchief was Helmgar Cragheart before being killed by Sigvar Half-Quiver. Current state unknown, presumably decimated. •Draklorn: As the highest tier of the priesthood—answering only to the Ice Witch herself—Draklorn are among the most zealous and learned of all Frostguard. Some of them rarely set foot outside the Citadel's walls, and they are no doubt privy to secrets that would never be entrusted to the lower ranks. •Frost-Trolls: A brutal and warmongering race, the trolls fight against almost any tribe and group of people in northern Freljord. They usually group under powerful troll leaders such as Trundle, the Troll King. •Warriors of the Keeper's Lodge: These warriors diligently patrol the locations of some of the largest known Watchers in the Howling Abyss, or at least those closest to the icy surface. This particular beast is known as “the Pierce-Eye”, ever since it was skewered with titanic Mortis Stones dropped from the fortress high above. Main article: Ursine “ Link▶️   "The ursine speak for man and the wild responds." — Volibear The Ursine, or The Lost Ones, dwell in the north most parts of the Freljord. Entirely consisted of Spirit Walkers, the Ursine are human shapeshifters who serve the Great Spirit of the Bear known as Volibear. Volibears servants are entirely devoted to their masters will and cause. While some retain their human appearance, most permanently shapeshift into grotesque approximations of wild animals and other types of monsters. The tribe has existed for as long as humans settled the Freljord, ever feared and respected by the lands inhabitants. While humans and Iceborn alike have not been able to defeat this tribe, the Winter's Claw Sejuani and Udyr have been able to form a temporary alliance with the Ursine to fight other larger tribes such as the Avarosan and Frostguard. Only a few beings are able to match Volibears might, such as the Great Spirit of the Ram known as Ornn. Silence for the Damned •Broken Tooth: Enemies of the Avarosan. They can read the star constellations and can navigate them. The map that led Ashe to the legendary true ice bow was theirs before it got stolen by the Avarosan. It is unknown what the final fate of this tribe was. •Ice Children: This is a mountain tribe from north Freljord, known for their extreme rivalry with the Avarosan. They welcome the frost priests and are seemingly venerating the faith of The Three Sisters. The Ice Children are rich in animals and have a giant herd of Elnüks. •Mourncrow: They battled Sigvar in the Valley of Spines. State unknown, presumably killed by Sigvar and the Frostguard. •Notai: a nomadic tribe of storytellers and musicians that travelled across the Freljord. •Tusk Crow: This tribe attacked a Frostguard caravan guarded by Sigvar, after which they were mostly slaughtered. •Vargkin: Enemies of the Winter's Claw. Current state unknown.


    At least some inhabitants in Bilgewater are of Freljordian descent, and occasionally one finds inverted Freljordian longships against the carved cliff faces. Freljordian fishermen constantly trade with the nation.


    Demacia and the people that now make up Freljord have had a history of conflict, albeit nowhere near as grievous as the conflict between Noxus and the northern barbarian tribes. Some of the northern Demacian landscapes were part of the Freljord in the ancient time. Demacia had been quite protective of its territory as its northern homesteads were often targeted by barbarian raiding parties, to the point where a member of the Dauntless Vanguard, named Rodian, led an expedition that succeeded in burning down the city of Frostheld which was the former capital of Avarosan tribe . The Winter's Claw has also frequently threatened the northern border of Demacia and has recently made an alliance with Sylas who promised to help them raid the rich land of the kingdom.


    Freljord and Ionia have connections dating back to Ivern the Cruel who stumbled on the westerns shores of Ionia in search of power to defeat the Three Sisters. During the Noxian invasion of Ionia, figures like Udyr aided the Ionians of Hirana and Shojin. Both regions have frequent enough trade for characters like Taliyah to be able to travel to Freljord from the Ionian islands.

  2. Oct 19, 2024 · This is the official wiki for League of Legends, the multiplayer online battle arena game developed by Riot Games, and other games in the Runeterra universe. League of Legends Champions

  3. The empire of Shurima was once a thriving civilization that spanned a vast desert. After an era of growth and prosperity, the fall of its gleaming capital left the empire in ruins. Over millennia, tales of Shurima's glorious city became myth and religion among the descendants of the scattered survivors. Most of the nomadic inhabitants of Shurima search for basic sustenance in an unforgiving ...

  4. Aug 7, 2012 · See also: Skin Catalog This list shows all champions as they appear in the store, along with their assigned classes, release dates and purchase costs. As of 17 July 2024 there are currently 168 released champions, with the latest being Aurora, the Witch Between Worlds. [1] Bundled in the Digital Collector's Pack Bundled in the Champions Bundle Urf

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