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  1. Njegov roman Crvena voda (objavljen 2017.) dobio je nakon prijevoda na francuski 2021. nagrade Le Points i nagradu Grand Prix de la litterature policiere za najbolji europski kriminalistički roman. Jurica Pavičić rođen 1965. u Splitu, gdje je i danas živi. Svoju obitelj opisuje kao "tipičnu obitelj socijalističke srednje klase, plod ...

    • Split, Croatia
    • Writer
  2. Jurica Pavičić Žena s drugog kata. Jurica Pavičić Brod u dvorištu. Jurica Pavičić Postjugoslavenski film: Stil i ideologija. Jurica Pavičić Nove vijesti iz Liliputa. Jurica Pavičić Patrola na cesti. Jurica Pavičić Crvenkapica. Jurica Pavičić Kuća njene majke

    • Author
  3. Jurica Pavičić (born 2 November 1965 in Split) is a writer, columnist and film critic. Pavičić's screenplay for Witnesses (Svjedoci), Vinko Brešan's 2003 film, won the Golden Arena for Best Screenplay in the 2003 Pula Film Festival. The screenplay, co-written with Živko Zalar, is based on Pavičić's debut novel Alabaster Sheep (Ovce od ...

  4. Biografija. Prof. dr. sc. Jurica Pavičić redoviti je profesor na Katedri za marketing Ekonomskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Doktorirao je iz područja marketinga na Ekonomskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (2000), te iz područja sociologije na Alpen-Adria Universität, Klagenfurt, Austrija (2009). Autor je preko 100 znanstvenih ...

  5. Bio / bibliography. Jurica Pavičić is a Croatian novelist, screenwriter, short story writer and journalist. Author of nine novels and two short story collections, he gained literary reputation with his unorthodox thrillers and crime novels which mix social analysis with deep insights into morally complex situations and human destinies. His ...

    • Split, Croatia
    • Writer
  6. Jurica Pavičić is Professor at the University of Zagreb, Croatia and Principal Researcher at the Scientific Center of Excellence for School Effectiveness and Management, Croatia. Dijana Vican is Professor at the Department of Education at the University of Zadar, Croatia.

  7. Jurica Pavičić, PhD. Jurica Pavičić, PhD is a full professor at Marketing Department. He holds a Ph.D. in Marketing at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb (2000), and in the field of Sociology at the Alpen-Adria Universität, Klagenfurt, Austria (2009). He authored over 100 scientific papers published in scientific ...

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