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  1. May 20, 2017 · Jonathan's wife, Nicola, has launched a Go Fund Me page with a £16,000 target to train a medical assistance dog which will be able to prompt Jonathan to take his life-saving medication, alert someone if he goes into a coma and to act as a disabled assistance dog.

    • Overview
    • Biography
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    • Life without Sheldon
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    Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler, Ph.D., is a main (formerly major) character in The Big Bang Theory.

    A neuroscientist, Amy is from Glendale, California. She also has a doctorate degree in neurobiology from Harvard University, inspired by actress Mayim Bialik's own doctorate.

    History/Early life

    Amy was born to Larry and Mrs. Fowler on December 17 (as proven by Sheldon having a ticket to the premiere on THURSDAY, that being the 17th), in 1979 from Glendale, California. ("The Weekend Vortex") Her father is very quiet and in an unhappy marriage with her mother. Amy is an only child. She has a strained relationship with her mother. She was very lonely and had no friends from nursery school through to graduate school. The closest thing she had to a friend in high school was the janitor whom she regularly had lunch with until his wife found out, called Amy a "puta" (Spanish for "whore") and made her stop. Only her mother signed her high school yearbook. Mrs. Fowler also paid Amy's cousin to take her to the prom, but he used the money to buy drugs. She did attend the prom, but was only on the clean-up crew and danced with her mop. She also dressed up as Amelia Earhart in middle school. After high school, Amy went to Harvard, then to graduate school, and later received a Ph.D. in neurobiology.

    Seasons 1 and 2

    Amy has no appearances in any episodes of Season 1 or Season 2; however, in "The Bat Jar Conjecture" (S01E13), "that girl who played TV's Blossom" is mentioned by Rajesh Koothrappali as her possibly being the fourth member of their The Physics Bowl Quiz team.

    Season 3

    Amy makes her first appearance in the Season 3 finale where she meets Sheldon after she was matched to him on a dating site by Howard and Raj.

    When we first met Amy, she seemed quite emotionless and forward speaking (much like Sheldon). After becoming friends with Penny and Bernadette and before and after becoming Sheldon's girlfriend, we see a new (more fun) side to Amy, where she becomes a more friendly person. She also begins to appear as a voice of reason for Sheldon and teaches him things such as empathy.

    Though Amy and Sheldon are very similar, they have some notable differences. She does not, for example, share his love of Star Trek, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, comic books, science-fiction, video games or trains. At first, she does not participate in wearing costumes on a whim like the guys do, though she is excited to wear a couples' costume for Halloween one year and, another time, dresses up as a Star Fleet medical officer the play doctor in order to increase Sheldon's feelings for her. Amy is more willing to socialize with others than Sheldon. While Sheldon generally refuses to accept the need for intimacy, Amy appears to desire the kinds of friendship she was denied as a child. Unlike Sheldon, Amy is very much willing to make friends with people and also makes genuine attempts to get along with other people. She is capable of acknowledging that she is part of a group, as shown in "The Zazzy Substitution" when she uses the phrase "my colleagues and I." She also finds people of the opposite sex attractive, although she is initially unable to understand her physical desire for Penny's ex-boyfriend Zack Johnson until it is examined by Sheldon and her. Unlike Sheldon, Amy also considers herself politically correct, and this makes her at times not only annoying but also hypocritical.

    Additionally, she has less of a problem with physical human contact than Sheldon, as seen in "The 21-Second Excitation" when she, without hesitation, attempted to engage in "harmless experimentation with lesbianism" with Penny, in "The Love Car Displacement" when she offered Penny to share a room with her and in "The Cohabitation Formulation" when she hugged Penny to comfort her, when Penny got upset over Leonard finding a new girlfriend (Priya). In "The Agreement Dissection", she, albeit under the influence of alcohol, kissed Penny on the mouth and later did the same to Sheldon the same night.

    Amy and Sheldon know how each other thinks because when it comes to the game "Counterfactuals", only they know the correct answers whose logic is very obvious to both of them. Other people like Leonard do not see how they obtain their answers. It's also likely that other people who have IQs would not be able to see how they obtain their answers.

    Amy has a habit of being very narcissistic to the point of being callous; when she was asked to be Bernadette's maid of honor, she consistently behaved like the upcoming wedding would be her special day and that she outshone Bernadette, an opinion she never missed an opportunity to voice. When Howard and Bernadette contemplated delaying the wedding, Amy lamented because it wasn't what she wanted, disregarding that it was not essentially her wedding. What differentiates her narcissism from Sheldon's is that she isn't so self-obsessed that she feels obligated to make other people's lives feel completely insignificant to her own. There are also several occasions, far more than Sheldon, where she recognizes what people are feeling and why.

    Amy is very blunt and says things that make others feel awkward, though she has developed into a very loyal friend to the girls and a devoted girlfriend to Sheldon. She has low self-esteem, the main reason why she always put up with Sheldon when no one else wants to date her. Until "The Opening Night Excitation", she also was a virgin and so was Sheldon. Sheldon was not in a hurry to lose his virginity, but Amy was considering it for a long time before they coupled. She is also allergic to avocados and likes Chaucer, medieval poetry, old French movies and writes "Little House on the Prairie" fan fiction.

    Amy is 5' 4" (1.63 m), brunette and with greenish-blue eye color. Her wardrobe includes red-frame glasses, cardigans or vests worn over plaid or striped shirts, denim skirts, tights and orthopedic shoes and sometimes jumpers or floral dresses on special occasions. She also has modest taste in evening attire. Her hair is usually untied though styled a bit on formal occasions. Amy describes herself through Sheldon in her hypothetical alternate-reality story as "a cute bespectacled neurobiologist with hair the color of mud" in "The Cooper Extraction".

    Starting from the episode "The Relaxation Integration", Amy begins wearing a new pair of glasses that are brown-framed and bigger than the previous pair. It is unknown why she started wearing these new glasses.

    In the unaired trailer for the "The Bow Tie Asymmetry" tribute to Stephen Hawking, the married Amy had changed her style. Her hair was now up on her head, no stripes or plaids and a plain sweater and skirt though this wardrobe was subsequently never seen again.

    Although she never really gave much thought to her appearance, Amy started to lament her "frumpy" look after seeing her pictures in the media after her and Sheldon's Nobel Prize win ("The Change Constant"), acknowledging that it's "stupid and shallow" but she just couldn't help it. Raj reluctantly agreed after seeing one particular picture ("Well, that is an unfortunate angle"), and convinced her to update her appearance. The next time we saw her, she had (with help from Raj) styled her hair, gotten more attractive glasses and updated her wardrobe, all of which caused Sheldon to freak out due to his well-known aversion to change. Despite this, she retained her updated look through the last episode of the series ("The Stockholm Syndrome") after deciding that she was done tiptoeing around Sheldon and his insecurities.

    In "The Cooper Extraction", Amy points out to the gang that most of them would not know each other if Sheldon had not been part of their lives. Amy envisions herself lonely and crying over a birthday cupcake. She also thinks that if she and Leonard were out of the picture, the lusty Penny would try and seduce her neighbor Sheldon which Penny disagrees with. Amy also mentioned that without Sheldon, all she has is a bag of rice with one of his t-shirts on it.

    At the beginning of season 9, Amy broke up with Sheldon and was truly without him. First she wanted some time to think and Sheldon pushed her so much that she broke up with him officially. While angry Sheldon tried to make her think that he was sleeping with someone else by having her accidentally find one of Penny's bra and he ranted and raved about their break up on "Fun with Flags". After a few dates, Sheldon when to the aquarium with her as friends on Thanksgiving. She wanted to get back together, but Sheldon didn't want to be in a romantic relationship with her. Finally a song kept going through Sheldon's head and due to the lyrics, he felt that it was Amy that he couldn't get out of his head. He interrupted her date, but she took him back after he asked to be with her again.

    •Father: Larry Fowler

    •Mother: Mrs. Fowler

    •Son:Leonard Cooper

    •Uncle: Unnamed Uncle

    •Aunt: Unnamed Aunt

    •Aunt: Unnamed Aunt

    •Dr. Mayim Bialik, the actress who portrays Amy, was first mentioned in "The Bat Jar Conjecture", when Leonard, Howard, and Rajesh Koothrappali discussed who would replace Sheldon on the team for The Physics Bowl Quiz and Raj suggested "You know who’s apparently very smart, is the girl who played TV’s "Blossom". She got a PhD in neuroscience or something." This reference occurred about 3 years before Mayim joined the show. Amy's profession as a neurobiologist is a reference to the actress who portrays her, who actually graduated with a Ph.D. in neuroscience from UCLA in 2008. Dr. Mayim Bialik herself revealed in an interview that the writers made Amy a neurobiologist after she was cast on the show.

    •Her birthday is December 17 ("The Opening Night Excitation").

    •Amy has a Ph. D. in Neurobiology. Sheldon revealed this fact in "The Roommate Transmogrification". She believes neurobiology is superior to both Microbiology and Theoretical Physics just like Sheldon in his field.

    •Amy is 5 ft 4 in (1.63 m) tall , the height of Dr Mayim Bialik.

    •Ever since "The 21-Second Excitation", Amy considers Penny her best friend and claims that their menses are synchronized. She even calls her "bestie" or BFF, which Penny is now used to. By the eleventh season, Penny soon realizes that Amy really IS her best friend.

    •Amy becomes constipated when traveling.

  2. Amy Farrah Fowler, Ph.D., is a fictional character in the CBS television series The Big Bang Theory, portrayed by Mayim Bialik. Amy is a neuroscientist who is the love interest of Sheldon Cooper (Jim Parsons) and subsequent wife in the series.

  3. Jun 21, 2017 · In April 2016 Jonathan went to sleep and slipped into a deadly coma, despite having followed medical advice. Luckily his wife realised and frantically administered CPR as she waited for...

  4. Oct 19, 2020 · Even so, she's remained open to love. After experiencing a breakup during the 2018 holiday season, she began dating Jonathan Cohen whom she met 10 years earlier.

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  5. May 10, 2018 · Sheldon Cooper and Amy Farrah Fowler are officially married. The Big Bang Theory ‘s quirkiest couple tied the knot in an adorable ceremony officiated by none other than Star Wars legend Mark Hamill in front of friends and a star-studded cast of family members.

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  7. Apr 9, 2024 · Sheldon's father, George, is played by Lance Barber, who is a father himself in real life. He's married to chef Aliza, with whom he shares two young daughters.

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