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  1. 3. John the apostle relates how John the Baptist bore witness of the Light a. Declaring Jesus to be “The Lamb of God” - Jn 1:29,35-36 b. Declaring Jesus to be “The Son of God” - Jn 1:34 [Both the prophets and John bore witness to Jesus prior to His ministry. During the course of His Mark A. Copeland Sermons From John 5

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  2. John 1. 1 That Word begotten of God before all worlds. 2 Which was ever with the Father. 14 Is made man, 6-7 For what end John was sent from God. 16 His preaching of Christ's office. 19 The record that he bare given out unto the Priests. 40 The calling of Andrew, 42 of Peter, 43 Philip, 45 and Nathanael.

  3. 1: A Calling of Disciples―John 1:35-51. 2: A Wedding―John 2:1-11. 3: A Temple―John 2:12-25. 4: A Rabbi―John 3:1-21. 5: A Bridegroom―John 3:22-36. 6: A Sacred Well―John 4:1-45. 7: The Sabbath―John 5:1-18. 8: The Work of the Father―John 5:30-47. 9: The Bread of Life―John 6.

  4. John And The Hole Analysis: Holes Louis Sachar,2011-06-01 This groundbreaking classic is now available in a special anniversary edition with bonus content Winner of the Newbery Medal as well as the National Book Award HOLES is a New York Times bestseller and one of

    • -- The wealth of information about Peter in the Gospels and Acts reveal the power of the gospel to transform a simple, flawed man into a true rock of discipleship
    • -- If we have zeal for the Lord’s house, we will not rest silent when others pervert its purpose
    • -- Reaping does not always reflect where the hardest work has been done
    • -- Failure to reap does not always reflect the hard work being done
    • -- Truth requires a willingness to hear, and has nothing to fear from investigation - Ac 17:11
    • “And we desire that each one of you show the same diligence to the full assurance of hope until the end,” (He 6:11)
    • -- In some way, the world needs to have the opportunity to observe the disciples in action, in which their love that is patterned after Jesus' love can be seen

    [With two brothers now as His disciples, Jesus next calls...]

    [Of course, the action we take may not be the same as what Jesus did. Indeed, He took up “a whip of cords.” What right did He have to use such a display of force? That’s what the Jews wanted to know...]

    In contending for the faith (which is a solemn duty, Ju 1:3)... Some often use the example of Jesus cleansing the temple to justify their behavior As they lash out in anger (righteous indignation?) towards those teaching error Is it right to appeal to Jesus’ example in this case...? Can we appeal to every example of Jesus? If so, are we justified t...

    Note carefully: one birth involving two elements - water and the Spirit Not two births (born of water and born of the Spirit) But one birth (born of water and the Spirit) Compare Paul’s description - cf. Ti 3:5 A washing of regeneration (water) And renewing of the Holy Spirit (Spirit) An obvious reference to baptism “There can be no doubt, on any ...

    A. COMMON INTERESTS CREATE A BRIDGE... Note Jesus’ first words to the woman - Jn 4:7-8 She had come to draw water He was thirsty His first words centered around their common interest (water) Realize the need to build rapport Meaningful dialogue is not easy, especially involving spiritual matters A common interest allows opportunity for meaningful d...

    A. THE PROCESS OF SOWING... In agriculture, sowing involves preparing the soil and planting the seed In winning souls to Christ, sowing likewise involves preparation and planting In which hearts are being prepared to receive the gospel In which hearts are first introduced to the gospel -- A process involving time, teaching, influence, often with li...

    [We should be careful not to boast if we are privileged to reap where others have sown. Yet we can rejoice, for reaping even when others have sown is an exciting time for the laborers! Then again...]

    [When the efforts to sow appear to produce little fruit, we should not draw conclusions hastily. It can only lead to discouragement and possible misjudgment others. Understanding the principle, “One Sows And Another Reaps”, then may I suggest that...]

    Brothers and sisters in Christ, are we not laborers in the vineyard of the Lord...? Then let us not hesitate to reap where others have sown Then let us not hesitate to sow where others might reap May the principle “One Sows And Another Reaps”... Encourage us when it seems we are sowing with little fruit to be seen Humble us when it seems we are rea...

    To whom shall we go...? The answer must be “Jesus!” He is “...the Christ, the Son of the living God” He alone has “...the words of eternal life” Where will you find Jesus...? Not in the words of modern theologians and filmmakers, who have sought to remake Jesus according to their own image But in the words of His apostles, eyewitnesses of His majes...

    [Don’t discount the potential impact of familiarity, envy, or preconceptions. Such blinded the brothers of Jesus so that even His miracles did not convince them! What finally prompted them to believe is worthy of note...]

    The proof that is in the pudding is somewhat subjective, but it is proof... Proof that can further confirm a faith based upon more objective evidence Proof that if lacking should be a sign our faith needs work (i.e., diligence) It is a diligent faith willing to do the will of God that produces a full assurance...

    Are you willing to do the Father’s will from the heart? The blessings of peace, assurance, and confirmation that Jesus’ doctrine is truly from God, awaits those who obey His will...!

    Are you confused, stumbling in a morass of darkness, making a mess of your life...? Come to Jesus, the light of the world Follow Him, who will give you the light of life You can become a light to others walking in darkness... As you reflect the light of Christ in your own life As you abide in His teachings, and follow His doctrine In a world of dar...

    [Being a “warm and friendly church” while assembled is commendable, but it alone does not fulfill the command to have a new, sacrificial, and visible love patterned after the love of Jesus! If we wish to manifest this kind of love in our lives, where do we begin? Consider...]

    Why is “Fruit-Bearing Discipleship” so important...? It is necessary to be a faithful disciple of Jesus Christ It is necessary to be a fulfilled disciple of Jesus Christ If you desire to be both a faithful and fulfilled disciple of Jesus... Abide in Him by keeping His commands Produce fruit that glorifies His Father

    A. THE MEANING OF THE WORD ‘KNOW’... There are two different words for ‘know’ in the Greek oida - this word suggests a fullness of knowledge, coming from observation ginosko - this word suggests a progression in knowledge, frequently implying an active relationship between the knower and the object known In Jn 17:3, the word is ginosko So to ‘know’...

    A. TRUTH CORRESPONDS TO REALITY... Commonly called the “correspondence view” of truth A statement is true if and only if it corresponds to or agrees with factual reality This view presupposes a law of logic called the law of bivalence Any unambiguous, declarative statement must be either true or false It cannot be neither true nor false; nor can it...

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  5. Jul 12, 2007 · The hole book : Newell, Peter, 1862-1924 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive. Download icon. An arrow pointing downward at an empty document tray Downloadable files (2 formats) Share icon. A square with an arrow arcing out from the center of the square Share this book. en-GB - Microsoft Hazel Desktop - English (Great ...

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  7. The Gospel according to John and the Synoptic Gospels: The fourth book of the New Testament is in most Greek manuscript simply known as “According to John.” This links this gospel to the three preceding ones. But it is obvious that John’s Gospel is distinct from what is known as “The Synoptic Gospels.”

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