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    When he was briefly separated from the Hulk by Doom, Banner became criminally insane, driven by his desire to regain the power of the Hulk, but once the two recombined he came to accept that he was a better person with the Hulk to provide something for him to focus on controlling rather than allowing his intellect to run without restraint against the world.

  2. Nov 29, 2020 · The Hulk’s origin story is not what fans think. In the “Tempus Fugit” storyline running through The Incredible Hulk #77-81, Peter David, considered by many to be the definitive Hulk writer, teams up with artists Lee Weeks (Daredevil) and Tom Palmer (Tomb of Dracula) to shed new light into the Hulk’s origin—and it may surprise even long-time fans.

    • Staff Writer
    • Overview
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    • Powers & Abilities
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    • See also

    "Within each of us, ofttimes, there dwells a mighty and raging fury."

    —Old Arabian Proverb (Incredible Hulk Vol. 1 #175)

    is a character created by writer Stan Lee and artist Jack Kirby in 1962, in response from fans who indicated that their favorite character was the Thing (Lee also created the Fantastic Four). So he wanted to make a character similar to him.

    The Hulk's first series was called The Incredible Hulk. The series was only six issues. After that, the Hulk guested on other characters' comics until he was in the anthology superhero series Tales to Astonish. It only had the Hulk for half of each issue, then featured another superhero. Then Tales to Astonish became The Incredible Hulk in 1968. The Hulk is the most powerful Marvel character.

    Robert Bruce Banner was born to Dr. Brian Banner and his wife Rebecca. Although Rebecca deeply loved Bruce, who returned her affection, Brian hated their child and was driven by an insane jealousy of Bruce for being an object of Rebecca's love. Further, Brian believed that his radiation work had altered his DNA and given him a mutant son, when actually, Bruce was just a very gifted and intelligent child. Brian then abused Bruce and finally murdered Rebecca, then was placed in a mental hospital. After that, Bruce was raised by his aunt and father's sister, Susan Banner, who understood his great pain and rage over his childhood sufferings thanks to his crazed father, and raised him with love and care as if he were her own child.

    Eventually when Bruce became an adult, he was an American theoretical physicist, famed for his work into the studies of nuclear physics and gamma radiation. He was recruited by General Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross and the US Army to develop the first Gamma Bomb, which would use gamma radiation to target enemy weapons and buildings without endangering human lives. At least, that's what Bruce was told. During its first live test, Bruce noticed a teenager named Rick Jones driving into the testing grounds on a dare. Bruce went and got Jones out, but the bomb went off and Bruce absorbed a massive amounts of gamma radiation. Bruce died, but the Gamma Bomb had created a metaphysical barrier called the Green Door that brought Bruce back to life. The Gamma Bomb also caused Bruce to alter his body from the gamma radiation, and awakened something inside of him: a raging spirit that dwelled within him since he was a child. Now, whenever Bruce is under a lot of stress (usually anger) he transforms into a giant green-skinned, vastly powerful monster that threatens all around him, known to many as "The Incredible Hulk".

    Because of the Hulk's destructive nature, he was seen as an “Omega-Class” threat to humanity and was hunted by the military for years, complicating Bruce's life. With his love interest and wife Betty Ross seemingly being the only person able to calm the Hulk back into Banner, and often being pursued by his nemesis Thunderbolt Ross who is also Betty's Father, Bruce is often on the run while trying to find a cure for his problem and keep calm as much as he can while at the same time battling super-villains.

    The Hulk, however, managed to prove himself a hero when he became a part of the Avengers, the Defenders, S.M.A.S.H., S.H.I.E.L.D., and others. As a member of the Avengers, "Earth's Mightiest Heroes", Hulk helps smash the unimaginable threats that no hero could face alone, hoping to at least prove to the world that he is the strongest HERO there is. A founding Avenger, the afflicted Banner still suffers balancing the Hulk's existence as both hero and monster. The Hulk is the world's most tragic hero, and there's so much more to him than a "Hulk Smash".

    The Hulk is one most powerful beings in the entire Marvel Universe since his powers increase with his rage, because of that he is capable of matching the power of beings like Thor and severely overpowering beings such as Silver Surfer, the Hulk is able to go far beyond universal levels of power, perhaps at his best, Multiversal feats.

    •Gamma Mutate Physiology: Due to Bruce Banner being exposed to the Gamma Bomb's radiation, culminating in his transformation into a powerful monster, the gamma radiation mutated the Hulk's body and fortified his cellular structure, adding over 800 lbs of bone marrow and muscle tissues to his body. In addition, during times of stress the Incredible Hulk's adrenaline level escalates, causing a corresponding escalation of brute strength. Thus, the madder Hulk gets, the stronger Hulk gets. The Hulk is multiple times described as one of the physically most powerful beings in the entire Marvel Universe,, with the potential for limitless levels of strength and durability (which scales directly with his strength). The Hulk, in the full exercise of his potential, was described as the most powerful regular humanoid in existence, as the strongest creature on Earth, as one of the strongest beings in the Universe, and his maximum known strength level ranges beyond the limits of virtually any other known humanoid being.. The Hulk's vast physical might has even been described as powerful enough to ravage entire worlds. Moreover, the Hulk was also stated to be an Omega Level Threat by both the Initiative and Mister Fantastic, and even "the Original Omega Level Threat" by Gyrich. At one point, the Hulk was stated to be the strongest hero in the world. Additionally, Hulk was referred as the strongest member of an Avengers team featuring Hercules. Doctor Strange has even referenced the Hulk as one of the most powerful beings in the whole existence. Apocalypse even declared the energy provided by the Hulk could be employed to prevail over the Celestials themselves. This is likely an overestimation, but indicates the Hulk's infinite potential. Upon performing experiments and measuring the power level of numerous individuals, They Who Wield Power concluded that the Hulk is more powerful than Thor and Hercules. According to Kang the Conqueror, the Hulk is the strongest Avenger, and the gamma irradiated heart of an alternate Hulk endows a robot based on the Hulk with enough power to defeat the classic formation of the Avengers. In a canonical scaling, the Hulk's potential was established as superior to the collective power of four of the most powerful Avengers. Furthermore, Umar the Unrelenting has insinuated that the rampaging Worldbreaker Hulk was a potential threat to the Earth-616's plane of existence, presumably referring to galaxies being gradually destroyed. Nick Fury's intel also classified Hulk as Power Level 10+, the highest level in their scale of measurement, and as the Merged Hulk he was described as part of the Omega-class entities by Doctor Octopus.

    •Transformation: The process by which Banner usually transforms into the Hulk is presumably the result of the chemical catalyst, adrenaline (a.k.a. epinephrine). As in normal human beings, Banner's adrenal medulla secretes large amounts of adrenaline in time of fear, rage, or stress, which hormonally stimulates the heart rate, increases blood-sugar levels, and inhibits sensations of fatigue. Whereas the secretion heightens normal physical abilities in normal human beings, in Banner's case it triggers the complex chemical-extra-physical process that transforms him into the Hulk. The total time of transformation falls anywhere from twenty-five seconds to five minutes, depending on the initial adrenaline surge, which will be determined by the original stimulus. Soon after the transformation, the amount of adrenaline in the Hulk will return to more normal, reduced levels. However, there have been instances in which Banner became the Hulk without any discernible increase in heart rate or adrenal levels, suggesting that the true trigger mechanism into the Hulk is far more psychological than physical. When the Hulk transforms back into Banner, the excess muscle mass and energy is lost, presumably to the same place he derives it. As the Hulk's transformation is mostly a stress reaction, it is virtually impossible to attack, wound or sedate him in his human form without the Hulk erupting almost instantaneously in self-defense. As gamma mutates and their appearance/abilities are affected by their minds to become "metaphor people"; Banner's Hulk form, and to an extent his abilities, change depending on which Hulk/alter is in control. Joe Fixit is weaker but more intelligent and cunning while only coming out at night, the Green Scar is full of wrathful fury while being able to erupt with gamma energy, and the Devil Hulk is more attuned with the mystical nature of gamma allowing him to perform impossible feats like overloading Vibranium, being alive and able to move while dismembered, or smelling lies and seeing into people's souls.

    •Unlimited Strength: The Hulk possesses the capacity for essentially limitless physical strength. In proportion to his rage, it grows exponentially towards infinity without never really reaching it. In an interview, Jack Kirby revealed that since the conception of the character he intended the Hulk to have unlimited strength. In actuality, while the highest hierarchical challenges mentally imposed by Banner to the Hulk may not reflect the real characters' power level, it was implied that the Hulk's ultimate potential truly has no limits.Banner has sometimes cogitated about the Hulk's incalculable strength. In effect, upon actually estimating the Hulk's raw potential, the virtually omniscient cosmic entity Beyonder stated outright that the Hulk's strength is intrinsically limitless. The Hulk's uttermost potential is indeed infinite, with no finite element inside. This statement has been endorsed by the cosmic entity Stranger, who deduced that Hulk's capacity for strength is, for all practical purposes, unlimited. The knowledgeable Doctor Samson has also postulated that the Hulk can increase his strength ad infinitum, and the genius Leader has regularly recognized the Hulk's limitless strength. The Hulk's boundless strength was further supported by the Mad Thinker's inability to calculate its limits, several experts have effectively failed to measure the precise magnitude of the Hulk's brute power, and Hulk's power has been consistently described as immeasurable. Hulk's rage, the foundation of his unfathomable strength, is also described as unlimited. The Hulk's reputation extends beyond Earth, with Skrulls proclaiming him as the strongest mortal on Earth, the alien leader known as Kurrgo exclaiming that he is the strongest of the Earth's creatures, the cosmic wanderer Silver Surfer recognizing him as the strongest mortal he ever confronted, and the supreme Skyfather Odin reflecting that he is the strongest mortal Thor has ever faced. However, each of the primary Hulk's personalities possess a base strength level. While functionally calm, the Gray Hulk persona is the weakest whereas the incarnation commonly referred to as the "Green Scar" is the physically strongest of all primary Hulk's incarnations. After being exposed to the energies from the exploding core of the ship that originally brought the Hulk to Sakaar, the Green Scar's base strength level was dramatically increased. The persona known as the Immortal or Devil Hulk is also substantially stronger than most incarnations and presumably rivals the Green Scar, being able to effortlessly outclass the combined might of an Avengers contingent consisting of powerful characters. However, while in an enraged state, adrenaline surges through the Hulk's body, magnifying his extraordinary strength drastically beyond his standard levels. The Hulk's immeasurable strength is directly proportional to his level of rage, excitement, and stress. The Hulk also grows stronger the more radiation and the more dark magic he catalyzes. Finally, as Amadeus Cho theorizes, Bruce Banner subconsciously restrains the Hulk's maximum potential because he quantifies and calculates the external variables so that the Hulk could never hurt someone. Cho corroborates this thesis with a logical analysis of all the Hulk's historical conflicts. However, if the suppression of Banner's restrictions occurs, the Hulk can neutralize this limitation, such as when he becomes the Worldbreaker. The Hulk has also performed impressive feats of strength in his career.

    •Impact Punch: A stronger version of the Hulk Punch, this sends foes flying (like Thor) and in the Marvel vs Capcom fighting games it can be used as a wall bounce. Hulk acquired an incredible two sextillion of force to shatter asteroid twice the size of Earth into pieces with a single punch. The shockwave from the Hulk's blow reached an infinite number of dimensions through the Crossroads nexus, causing cataclysmic upheavals and unimaginable destruction.

    •Superhuman Leaping: The Hulk is able to use his highly developed leg muscles to leap great distances. As the Hulk becomes enraged, his strength increases considerably, which means he can jump farther than usual. The Hulk has transposed about 1,000 miles with a single leap (4,000 times the speed of sound), and in a single leap he jumped on top of the Mount Olympus from ground level. On more than one occasion, the Hulk has nearly jumped into the Earth's orbit. The Hulk even managed to reach Mars' orbit with a single bound. The Hulk also shows incredible precision with his ability to aim his jumps and landings. He grabbed missiles on multiple occasions and landed on islands barely visible from the height that he fell from. While calm, the Hulk's leap has been measured to reach 473 mph.


    •Upon being drained by the newly devised Iron Man Armor Model 72, especially designed for that end, generating Physical Force with potency equivalent to one hundred thousand exploding suns (3-C, Galaxy Level)•Extreme rage. The Hulk's gamma energy, rising anger, raw strength and dynamic durability, are correlative and directly proportional. Thus, the Hulk's gamma energy, increasing anger and vast durability, are comparable to his brute power. The Hulk, in a fierce battle against Thor Odinson, later released the exceeding gamma radiation in a massive but significantly weaker explosion•The shockwaves from the Hulk's collision with the Ironclad reached an infinite number of dimensions through the Crossroads nexus, creating cataclysmic upheavals and unimaginable destruction•He can punch his way through dimensions•Lifted a 150 billion ton mountain range•Can shatter a mountain in a single blow•Lifted an entire castle, then destroyed it•Briefly lifted and threw Mjolnir. •Held up the entire island of North America and still had enough energy to beat out of Attuma. •Lifting a "chunk" of Las Vegas and landing it perfectly on the ground with ease. •As World Breaker Hulk, destroyed the East side of Las Vegas just by being angry. •States he can lift Solar System and can defeat Avengers and Fantastic Four effortless. •Savage Hulk confronts a forcefield of Deviant technology powered by the Sacred Flame, "That something, anything could grip hold of an energy field should be impossible. But the Hulk grabs hold just the same. The field begins to stretch like a physical thing in his grasp as he pushes and pulls with ever-increasing might, until the barrier collapses". •Lifted the entire pillar of the Sacred Flame, Deviant architecture "built to withstand the power of gods". •Supporting and rising up despite being weighed down with a force equal to the weight of a star capable of going nova (It carries enough kinetic energy to destroy a solar system). •If the star's weight was equivalent to the weight of Sol, the Hulk is capable of lifting 2 octillion tons. •Holds a black hole core while rescuing himself and his friends the defenders while being sucked into the black hole (270 undecillion tons). •Hulk holds the "nuclear fire of a gamma bomb within his every cell" (350,000,000,000,000,000 joules of Energy in each cell). •Gamma radiation is actually Satan Magic that comes directly from Hell, having been created by the One Below All. So technically Hulk is drawing power from the One Below All whenever he gets angry. His strength and abilities are tied to the One Below All and the Green Door, giving him power over the devil. •Pulled together the tectonic plates of Sakaar. •Pushing two large spheres of matter and antimatter apart and throwing one into outer space (whose inertial field attractive force was greater than that of a neutron star). •Ripped apart an enormous device designed to fight against the Celestials. •Powered through an empowered Vector's telekinetic repulsion. •At that stage, Vector was strong enough to repel reality itself. •The mad titan Thanos compared the Hulk's ever increasing strength to that of the former Champion of the Universe, Tryco Slatterus, when Tryco was wielding the Power Gem, and said that he had avoided a confrontation with the Hulk in the past because of this. •Champion, by himself, was able to overwhelm the Thing. •Said to have immeasurable strength (though this could simply be chalked up for the Leader not having the proper equipment to get true measurements). •As a result of the evaluation by group named they who wield power, it was stated that Hulk is the mightiest than other characters in the world and there is no limit to his power. •Was able to grab the Beyonder by the face and held him down. •The Beyonder is a cosmic entity of immense power. The living embodiment of The Beyond-Realm, a reality outside of the Marvel multiverse. •Hulk has been encased in pure diamond and completely shattered it simply by posing menacingly. •Ripping through a bunker designed to withstand the explosion of several thousands of megatons in magnitude. •Can hammer a continent into the ground. •Wolverine explains that Hulk is basically a walking earthquake. •His clash with another Hulk causes seismological activity all over the planet. •Almost breaking the East Coast with a single step and also threatening to break the entire planet by the emission of raw energy from his body. •Extreme rage, but he constrained himself. At this point, the Hulk became superior to the Sentry, and superior to heavy hitters such as the classic Juggernaut. Both faced the restrained Green Scar persona and ultimately failed to conquer a victory. Thus, the Hulk's raw strength further extrapolated the power of the previously defeated heroes. •Made a 123.2 Richter Scale magnitude earthquake: (which realistically is 10^118 times the energy of the entire universe). •Strong enough to stop an earthquake. •Stopped all of New York City, which approximately weighs 2,394,111 tons, from sinking into the ocean. •Destroying the Crypto Man after its physical strength became superior to that of even Thor. •Thor lifted the weight of 20 planets with one arm (132 sextillion tons). •Thor lifted the 3.3-6.6 sextillion ton Midgard Serpent, a snake large enough to coil around Earth and crush it in its grip. •Thor pushed the World Engine in order to reserve the World-Tree Yggdrasil, which is an energy field that supports and connects the Ten Realms. •Crushing Thor's hammer a Weapon that is made out of a Dwarf star. •Destroying the Hammer of Nul (Class A. The Hulk was mystically enhanced). •The Hammer of Nul was one of the seven mystical war hammers the Serpent summoned to awaken the Worthy. •Cracked, dented, bent and broke Adamantium. •Shattering the M.O.D.O.K's Adamantium and steel alloy armor by just flexing his muscles. •Was able to break Green Lantern constructs. •Green Lantern constructs can hold back a Big Bang. •Breaks free from Hydra's will-draining collar. •Tears off Ultron's adamantium arm. •Ultron's adamantium armor can survive 150,000,000 degrees Fahrenheit nuclear explosions. •Was able to break Red Hulk's arm. •When angry enough, he can shrug off the combined efforts of Namor and Silver Surfer restraining him. •Beat the being Nebulon, who mandhandled both Silver Surfer and Namor. •Bends Silver Surfer's surfboard while possessed by the One Below All-possessed Brian Banner. •The Silver Surfer's flying board, composed of the same indestructible silvery material as his skin. •Apocalypse states that the Hulk's power/energies can challenge or possibly even overcome the celestials themselves. •Was able to generate enough force to power a shield that was made to stop Exitar the Exterminator from destroying the planet. •Exitar is one of the most powerful celestial in Marvel. •Exitar is significantly more powerful than the 4th host of celestials. •Stated Nukes would just make him stronger. •Can absorb dark magic, being immune to or empowered by its effects. •Was able to absorb the radiation from the explosion. •His powers have been stated and shown to increase after absorbing large amounts of radiation up to ground zero nuclear attacks. •Explodes with anger absorbing all of the radiation on Sakaar and the Old Power of the planet, which flowed through Caiera. This makes him exceptionally strong, as he becomes World Breaker Hulk. •Absorbed all of Robert Reynolds' energy (both the supernatural and scientific essences of his powers). •An Elder of the Universe failed to overpower him. •The Gardener, one of the Elders of the Universe, was in possession of the Soul Gem. •Overpowered a 500 feet humanoid. •Casually overpowers Hyperion with one arm. •Hyperion held apart two Earths that were going to collide with each other for a period of time. •Overpowering a field of energy endowed with sufficient power to alter the orbit of a planet. •It takes 632 quadrillion 850 trillion megatons (6.3285*10^17) just to stop the earth's orbit. •Was able to wrestle with Thor to a stalemate for an entire hour. •Thor can break out of a weight akin to a neutron star (200 billion times greater than Earth's gravity). •Was able to wrestle toe-to-toe with Wonder Man, before knocking him across the sky with a single strike. •Wonder Man was able to take out Ultron. •Wolverine explains, "It's like he hits ya so damn hard ya actually leave yer own body. It's when ya come back that ya feel the pain". •As stated by Iron Man, he can change his power beneath his punches. •Sends Wolverine flying from New York to Boston, 215 miles away. •Starfox attempts to use his pheremone power to calm him, but the Hulk is beyond calming at this point and sends Starfox flying. •Dr. Strange's mystic barrier can't withstand the punches of "the most powerful creature on the face of the Earth." •The Collector's most powerful forcefield is shattered by Savage Hulk's punches. •Matches two of Sentry's hands with one punch. •His punches have been compared to Mjolnir itself from time to time. •Thor created shockwaves powerful enough to shatter planets thousands of miles away (682 septillion tons of TNT). •Mjolnir is strong enough to knock the extremely powerful Galactus over. •Thor knocked out the Phoenix Force with one hammer throw. •Nate Grey boasts that no physical force has ever pierced his "fully-focused teke-shields," until Savage Hulk does so. •Shatter an asteroid twice the size of Earth with a single punch. •The feat itself was calced at around 169.6940727 zettatons (Planet level). •Shattering the crimson bands of Cyttorak. •Broke out of Plastic-theme, a material that not even Thor's hammer could smash. •Punched through a time storm, something that even Kang's time machine couldn't. •The device was going at speeds more than the speed of light. •Punched through a time barrier during a battle against Zarrko. •Was powerful enough to punch Skaar, who was empowered by Oldpower, into orbit. •Breaking Superman's grip and knocked him into outer space. •Superman could carry entire solar systems on his back. •Punching away and knocking out the immovable Blob, and punching the Unus the Untouchable's force field with such force that the force field hit Unus himself and knocked him out. •Imploded through Abomination’s face with a nuke-level punch. •Hulk punched the Abomination with 23443.9848 newtons of force to Implode his face with his fist. And hulk delivered the punch at 3019.65670265 meters per second, close to mach 10. •Was able to punch Miek, who was behind him, through a volcano. •The feat itself was calced at Mach 68.21. •When he had enough, splattered Deadpool with a single punch, it took days for Wade to heal despite his Healing Factor. •While holding back, without accessing the Worldbreaker mode, Hulk sent Zeus flying with one powerful hit. •Knocking away all the Avengers. •Can damage Hyperion, who can survive the destruction of two universes. •Hulk has overpowered opponents that should have an advantage over him. •Strong Guy can absorb and redirect Hulk's kinetic energy, but doing so put Strong's heart under too much stress. •Darwin (X-Men) evolved to absorb radiation, but not enough for Hulk to be weakened. Darwin concluded that Hulk would overpower him so Darwin gained the ability to teleport in order to retreat. •Absorbing Man has under multiple occasions been overloaded by trying to absorb Hulk. •Overpowering a power-draining mechanism which contained much of the combined power of the Hulk himself, Doctor Strange, the Silver Surfer and the Sub-Mariner, and no other Defender could break out of. •Armored Hulk overpowered Thanos Clone. •Overpowering the combined efforts of the X-Men, including Colossus, and breaking both arms of Colossus with ease in the process. •Colossus dive-bombs a giant monster and takes the beast down (Note: another perspective of the creature's size). •Overpowering a team of several Avengers, including Wonder Man, Rogue, Thor (Jane Foster) and Hercules. •Overcoming his own strength, which was redirected against him. •Overpowering Thor on numerous times, including fracturing his skull Thor’s skull and knocked out his tooth with a punch. •Thor has withstood and overpowered infinitely increased gravity. •Tanks blast from the Casket of Ancient Winters, which can freeze Hel from Asgard in a fairly short time. •Surtur intended to destroy all of Asgard and then the universe, Thor takes the hit. •The Marvel universe has a diameter of at least a trillion lightyears. Adjusting for its overall volume, this means the Marvel universe should be at least 9,945x greater in size than our own observable universe. •Pushing a ten times stronger than normal warrior's madness Thor towards the ground with a single arm. •Was also capable of knocking Warrior's Madness Thor into the atmosphere with a single punch. •The Hulk was comparable to this Thor, who is ten times tougher in this state. •Mephisto pointed out that Hulk is as strong as Odin, who handed Celestials and destroyed the World Tree, which contained infinite multiverses. •Comparable to Silver Surfer, who contains two universes. •Comparable to Hyperion, who withstood two Universes colliding into him. •Comparable to the Chaos King, who destroyed 98.76% of the multiverse and is comparable to Multi-Eternity. •Multi-Eternity is easily outerversal. •Equaling the All-Father Thor's power further heightened by Gamma Radiation. •Extreme rage. This feat contrasts with the Hulk's average, but the writer certainly intended to reinforce the fact that the Hulk has no limits to his strength. Not even the unified power of all Realms and Runes was enough to restrain Thor. •Scaling to Hulked-Out Thor. •Thor turned into a Hulk by a massive pulse of gamma energy 3000 times as strong as the bomb that originally turned Bruce Banner into the Hulk. •Hulked-Out Thor flexed out of Yggrasil’s roots and ripped the tree in half. •Matched Skaar, who boost his strength to 100 trillion tons by absorbing 100 trillion tons of kinetic energy from a city. •Scales to the power of Pandora's box, which is equal to 133.45 x Hercules’ maximum output. •Hulk scale to High-Multiversal, Outerversal, and even Extra Dimensional feats. •Stronger and more durable than the Thing. •The Thing is one of Marvel's heaviest hitters and toughest characters. •The Thing overpowered Dr. Doom, who has defeated the Beyonder that knocked out Galactus. •The Thing tanks a hit from Mjolnir. •The Thing forcing through Cyclops' full strength blasts. •The Thing survived a blast of the power cosmic that could split a planet in two. •In terms of shoer strength, the Hulk is probably more powerful than the Absorbing Man, the Juggernaut, Ego-Prime, the Destroyer, and so on. •The Absorbing Man absorbed Odin's powers and became a god of Asgard. •Thor has admitted that Hulk could be stronger than himself. •Adam Warlock stated Thor to be physically the strongest of the universe. •Strongest Asgardian, aside Odin (Thor would eventually become more powerful than Odin). •Shook the universe with a Thermo Blast. •Defeated Apocalypse. •Generating physical strength more than one hundred times superior to Hercules' great strength. •As Hercules has fought without holding back before, it refers to Hercules' maximum strength potential, rather than merely portraying the maximum strength Hercules already demonstrated. It is a consolidated fact that the Hulk's durability scales directly with his strength, both being commensurate to his rage. Thus, the Hulk was endowed with a degree of strength of similar magnitude. •Spider-Man makes a physical strength tier list and puts Hulk above Hercules and Thor. •In DC Comics' Doomsday Clock #12, stated Hulk (as a green behemoth) is stronger than even Doomsday. •Doomsday defeated the Justice League (including the Green Lantern Corps) on multiple occasions. •Easily defeated Wonder Woman, who can lift 2.2 quintillion tons. •Survived Darkseid's Omega Beams and defeated Darkseid. •"Killed" Superman. •Superman defeated the Anti-Moniter, who can destroy infinite numbers of universe, and saved the Multiverse. •Kang the Conqueror regards the Hulk as the strongest Avenger ever, and the victory of a robot powered by the Hulk's abilities over the Avengers (including Thor Odinson) gives credibility to this understanding. •During the World War Hulk event, was stated to be stronger than ever before. •Namor admits he avoids to encounter Green Scar. He also stated there is no power on Earth to stop Green Scar, and if his cousin Namora •tries to help humans, Green Scar could bring doom to atlantis. •Hulk's one of best friend Amadeus Cho states if Hulk loses control, nothing can stop him, including Hercules. •Amadeus Cho admits that the Hulk could have killed them all during his war against the planet Earth. •As Green scar, was able to overwhelm and beat down Hercules. •Overpowering fully empowered Bi-Beast and Wendigo, who were stated to be a thousand times stronger than before. •This would mean that Green Scar Hulk is 2000× stronger than Savage Hulk Since he had to overpower both Bi-Beast and Wendigo who each got 1000× stronger he himself would need to get 2000× stronger at least, to be able to match them. •Seriously injuring Arm'Cheddon, who withstood the Silver Surfer's energy blast at twice its maximum level. •Way stronger than before (Multi-Universe level). World Breaker Hulk won against Arm'Chedon, who was able to match and defeat the Silver Surfer. The Hulk is far more powerful than Arm'Cheddon, who is comparable or more powerful than Silver Surfer, Hulk didn't struggle to defeat him. •The Silver Surfer defeated Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner). •Green Lantern's ability to kill Mandrakk proves his ring can damage higher-dimensional beings. •During the Immortal Hulk series, it was shown that the Devil Hulk persona is even stronger than the Green Scar (World War Hulk). •Devil Hulk over 100 times stronger than the Green Scar (World War Hulk). •Devil hulk is stated consistently to be stronger then Emma frost, Ant man, Kang the conqueror, and current god of stories Loki. •Was able to overwhelm an amped Abomination by getting angry enough. •Was able to match blow for blow with Galaxy Master, a foe with planet-splitting power. •His optic blast could: •Obliterate one of the Abominations apart. •Abomination's skin is said to be stronger than the Hulk's. •Damaged the Hulkbuster Armor the size of a Celestial. •The Celestial Hulkbuster floored one of Knull’s Celestials with a punch. •Scales to Gladiator's heat beams, which can reach temperatures hotter than a star. •Comparable to Jackie McGee's optic beam that harmed the Leader while he was possessed by the One Below All, allowing Joe and Savage Hulk to separate him from the One Below All and unexpectedly depowered him as well. •Explodes a machine by screaming. •Spider-Man compares Hulk's roar fighting Black Bolt, Hulk's Breath is one of his powers. •Hulk has not only strongest body but He also has strongest organs and limbs in existence. •Knocks out Doc Ock with a flick. •His claps are much stronger than a nuke. •The most powerful nuke, the Tsar Bomba can reach over 50-58 megatons of TNT. •The clap itself is swift enough that even catches Quicksilver off-guard •If needed, Hulk can clap and use the shockwave to fly. •Easily overpowered Red Hulk with a single powerful clap. •Red Hulk strong enough to strike the Watcher down. •Able to blow back and extinguish Human Torch's flames and also knocks him unconscious. •Sends Blastaar and the armies of the Negative Zone flying with a thunderclap. •Sends Fin Fang Foom flying with a thunderclap, turning him into a projectile that shatters a barrier capable of withstanding the Mindless Ones. •Was able to kill hordes of Mindless Ones, something Dormammu and Umar themselves aren't capable of. •Disintegrating an amped Fin Fang Foom, Arm'Chedon, Bi-Beast, Wendigo, all the Mindless Ones, demons, goblins, trolls, monsters, Tyrannus, Amadeus Cho and Dr. Sofia Di Cosimo. •Destroyed a planet and a surrounding moon as a side-effect of a direct collision with the Red She-Hulk. •The energy required to effectively destroy the nearby moon would destroy multiple planets. •Strong enough to hurt Hyperion's ears with a single thunderclap. •The Hulk's Thunderclap puts the fiercest hurricanes to shame. •Performed a Fastball Special with Colossus, destroying the Triskellion from the Ultimate Marvel universe. •Threw a 20-ton Fin Fang Foom to the moon. •Threw the Soul Gem through the interior layers of the planet K'ai, into its core. •Able to hurt physically hurt the Challenge, who’s a cosmic being on the same level as the Grandmaster, who can reality on a cosmic scale as they see fit. •Able to physically overpower one of The Celestial Order beings who were powered by the Heart of the Universe, same ones who were strong enough to one-shot Doctor Strange and Namor. •Doctor Strange hold the omniverse together when man thing was weakened. •Doctor Strange defeated gods in the entire multiverse in a tournament. •Doctor Strange defeats House of M Scarlet Witch. •Scarlet Witch eliminated the mutant gene throughout the omniverse. •Matching the Scarlet Witch, prior to House of M, and Wonder Man, Iron Man, and the Vision, while the narration establishes that Hulk's power is greater than their combined might. •Matching and overpowering Drax the Destroyer (who was in possession of the Power Gem). •Physically contended with Gladiator and Hyperion, and defeated them. •Gladiator one hit knocked out Thanos. •Thanos has defeated top-tier Celestials and Cosmic Entities, [including the One-Above-All, and enslaved 12 cosmic beings. •The Hulk battles and defeats the Zom-possessed Dr. Strange, causing the demonic entity to flee. •According to writer Greg Pak, in regards to Zom's release during World War Hulk: "In Strange's defense, he didn't release Zom in the flesh the way he did back in the day -- instead Strange channeled Zom's power through his own body. That's probably one of the reasons the Earth remains on its axis." •The Green Scar Hulk is stronger than Zom. •Zom is an extra-dimensional monster created by unknown parties. •Zom has mystical power greater than even Umar and Dormammu. Using these powers he destroys everything around him. •Zom is a being that had to be imprisoned by Eternity. And while it's true that Strange wasn't accessing Zom's full power, he lost control of the power he was using and wasn't holding back. •World Breaker Hulk is outerversal scaling of Zom and Sentry. •Matching the full power of the Sentry, and defeating the latter. So generating Physical Force corresponding to one million supernovas (WOG confirms Sentry wasn't holding back, as Hulk was holding back the entire time because of the fact that he was around innocents). •Sentry has casually ripped apart Ares, who in the past has been shown to be roughly comparable to Thor and Hercules. •Sentry has been shown to be strong enough to one-shot a symbiote-possessed Celestial. •Sentry is strong enough to tear apart the Negative Zone with his bare hands. The Negative Zone is described as an infinite dimension that is beyond the Marvel Multiverse itself. •Sentry has been said to have the power of a million exploding suns. •Devil Hulk fights Nyx Goddess of night who's powerful than entire greek pantheon and withstands her blast which was stated she wasn't holding back at the time. •Nyx is above Skyfather level being. •Devil Hulk shattered a shard that contains Nyx’s power and absorbs its power without any harm; for comparison, a weakened Nyx with no shards killed Zeus. •Smashed down the Avengers Tower during his fight with a Hulkbuster Iron Man. •Destroyed the Hulkbuster Iron Man later on. •Green Scar hits harder than Thor while sparring. •Smashes 'around a thousand times harder' than She-Hulk. •Takes down She-Hulk with one punch. •She-Hulk causes a massive crater with a strike while underwater. •She-Hulk stops Blue Marvel's son when boosted by Photon's Gamma Radiation. For reference, Blue Marvel's son was the size of a mountain. •She-Hulk downs a Celestial with a strike. This was during the time She-Hulk and the other avengers were imbued with Celestial power, making them grow in size to that of a Celestial. •She-Hulk defeated a clone of Thanos. •The clone bore all the same strengths and abilities of the original Thanos. •Was able to tore Titan apart. •Hulk writer/artist states Titan Hulk even more powerful than Rune King Thor. •Thor tore out his eyes and sacrificed himself to gain the full power of the Odinforce and the runes. •If Thor was given the Odinforce/Thorforce, he would exceed in greater power, scaling to Odin in Multiversal-power. •Rune King Thor destroyed Yggdrasil, and defeated Those Who Sit Above In Shadow, who exist outside all realms and all realities, inside nothingess. •Sent Emma Frost, who had half of the Phoenix Force, down through an entire island. •The Phoenix Force is one of the oldest known cosmic entities, representing life that has not yet been born, as well as the forces of creation and destruction. The Phoenix Force is said to predate darkness and is stated to be the fire from which all things were born. The Phoenix Force is an immortal, indestructible, and mutable manifestation of the prime universal force of life. Born of the void between states of being, it is the nexus of all psionic energy which does, has, and ever will exist in all realities of the Multiverse. •The Phoenix Force is one of the most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe, possessing the unlimited power to create and destroy anything and everything. •The Phoenix Force is practically omnipotent, however it is limited in undetermined and undefined ways as seems to suit its current mission/purpose. •Physically matched Onslaught and destroyed his physical armor with a single punch. •Hulk's strength has been depicted as sometimes limited by Banner's subconscious influence; when Jean Grey psionically "shut Banner off", Hulk became strong enough to overpower and destroy the physical form of the villain Onslaught. •Onslaught has shown to be able to effortlessly stomp Juggernaut. •Easily contains Franklin Richards inside of himself, same Franklin whose powers are so great that he has been able to create pocket universes and his abilities have been described as equal to the Celestials. •Onslaught's Armor was able to take several assaults from countless superheroes. •Hulk hit Onslaught so hard that he disintegrated. The air range with atomic thunder. The universe exploded and Marvel's heroes were gone. •During a battle with "War Hulk", the mutant Apocalypse increased the Hulk's strength by grafting Celestial tech to him, which allowed Hulk to increase his strength at will, thereby enabling him to stop the Juggernaut. •Can punch hard enough that the heat lights up the cosmos. •Performing a thunderclap that destroyed Dark Crawler's pocket-universe. •Battled Nightmare in his dimension and rendered it asunder to such a degree as to cause nightmares to cease. •According to Umar the Unrelenting, devastating the entire realm of the Dark Dimension, frequently ruled by Umar and/or also by Dormammu. •The Dark Dimension has more spatial dimensions than the Earth-616 universe, which makes it exponentially more vast in size in comparison to an infinite three-dimensional conventional universe. •Absorbed the explosion of six gamma-bombs and the mystical power of 17.34 Hercules blows from Fin Fang Foom after crushing him underfoot, Hulk along with Red She-Hulk, A-Bomb, and She-Hulk become 300 meters tall titans that tower over the landscape. Unlike the others who have gone insane, Hulk retains his intelligence and holds back, fearing that if he unleashes himself in his current powerful state, he would annihilate everyone and everything, quite possibly causing destruction far beyond that of anything thought possible. •His strength increased as more and more energy from an alternate universe was channeled into him, giving the Hulk greater power that could destroy the universe. •Can channel enough to destroy two universes. •Him and Umar making love was so strong it sent shockwaves and bent reality across the multiverse to where the Silver Surfer knew something was wrong. •Claps hard enough to take down Dormammu, who existed beyond all time and space. •Dormammu calls himself an equal to Odin and Zeus, and Zeus and Odin are shown to be equals. •With the help of Umar, Dormammu was able to defeat Multiversal Eternity. Stated that he could conquer the multiverse and melt all creation into a pool of cosmic slag. He later absorbed the power of Multiversal Eternity, and threatened to destroy the entire multiverse. Umar own states Dormammu has stole Eternity's power after trick him. Multi-Eternity is easily outerversal. •After being engineered to eat magic instead of radiation, he absorbs Dormammu's full magical might, and then produces a continental sized explosion that breaks apart Dormammu and propels Dr. Strange riding Surfer's board through time. •Hulk's rage reached a critical point, causing him to unleash a gargantuan gamma energy explosion with the power of approximately 3000 Gamma Bombs wrecking Iron Man Armor Model 72, a Hulkbuster Armor the size of a Celestial. •Was able to defeat an amped Absorbing Man who was possessed by the One Below All, with Hulk being weakened at the time, this supports Hulk scaling to the One Below All. •This version of the One Below All is "far stronger than" Mephisto. •The One Below All is as powerful as the One Above All. •Forced The One Below All to retreat in his dimension. •Full power Devil Hulk scales to Outerverse level and a nerfed version of the One Below All, who is "far stronger than" Mephisto. •Mephisto caused omniversal Armageddon while fighting hela it makes ragnarok pale in comparison. •Mephisto is referred to as an equal to Odin, who shook the world sitting above Earth's cluster of dimensions in his fight with Zeus. Earths Cluster of dimensions is referred to in earlier stories as containing six dimensions. •The One Below All is the dark side and a part of the cosmic being known as the One Above All, the entity believed to be the supreme being/creator of the Omniverse. •The One Above All is above Eternity and others, the One Below All is on the other side dark side of the coin so "above" Mephisto, Oblivion, etc. •Hulk's full power is estimated to be one of the One Above All’s strongest creatures. •Hulk should be outerversal. He gained his power from Geburah who wields Above All Others power. Above All Others is an avatar of the One Above All. He is also the embodiment of The One Above All’s rage and anger. •The Hulk is the son of the One Above All. The One Above All admits to creating the Hulk as the counterweight in reality. •When possessed by the One Below All, was able to kill both Franklin Richards and Galactus, as well as absorb Metatron, the Sentience of the Eighth Omniverse, to become the Breaker-Apart and then managed to kill the entirety of the 9th Cosmos as well. •While they are named “___th Cosmos”, they are actually far more than universes. Far more than multiverses even! So much so that Al Ewing considers them omniverses and for good reason. They contain transcendentally powerful outerversal realms within them and become more powerful with each rebirth. •The Living Tribunal himself is a part of the 8th Cosmos and the 9th Cosmos is far more powerful, yet the Breaker-Apart was able to destroy 9th Cosmos Eternity and become the sole survivor of all of existence, implying he killed other abstract beings as well such as Molecule Man or the Beyonder. •Unlike Galactus, the Breaker-Apart doesn't seem to feed on the energies of planets as he still possesses his connection to the One-Below-All and the Below place. Galactus Needs to feed on worlds to survive and live but gamma mutates draw their power from the One-Below-All and cannot truly be killed or die so long as they are infused with gamma energy. The Breaker-Apart has the cosmic power of Galactus and the Inexhaustible energy of the Hulk. •Hulk was confirmed to be one of The One Below All's chosen avatar.


    •The Hulk can go to speeds up to 770 miles per hour. •Has been described to have lightning-fast reflexes. •Has jumped out of Earth's Orbit in less than 0.1 seconds. •At least Mach 3000. •Is more than twice as fast as a fighter jet (Mach 5). •Moves with 'lightning speed'. •He thwarts a crowd of minions, "moving with uncanny speed for one so huge, the green behemoth suddenly tears up an entire section of the stone floor". •Special weapons and tactics squads try firing bazookas at Savage Hulk "but unfortunately, that 'somethin' isn't quite as fast as the Hulk!" •Scales to She-Hulk, who can outrun bullets. •The average bullet travels at at 2,500 feet per second. •Hit a demon-possessed Quicksilver (Who could move beyond the speed of light). •Fast enough to tag Quicksilver. •Quicksilver can run around 671 million miles per hour. •Was able to tag the Silver Surfer while in a fight. •The Silver Surfer is impossibly fast, traveling near 500,000 light years per second, putting him over three trillion times faster than light. •Was able to catch up with Spider-Man, who should be faster than Hawkeye and Black Panther at the very least. •They both reacted to a girder thrown by an alternate universe Hulk. •The feat itself has been calced at around Mach 9029.063446. •Was fast enough to hold off two Neutron Stars. •Neutron Stars have the escape velocity of Mach 3000. •Tagged Spider-man, whose reflexes are 40 times faster than an average human. •Tagged Daredevil, who has a striking speed of 122.7 feet per second. •Punches out a beam from a tank. •Grabbed a missile out of the air. •Can catch Spider-Man in numerous occassions. •Spider-Man can easily dodge Cyclops Optic blast, which stated to be traveling at the speed of light. •Spider-Man reacts faster than the speed of thought. •Blitzed Thor, Captain America, and iron Man. •Can swat an artillery shell out of the air. •Was shot point blank in the face and caught the bullet with his teeth. •Easily blitz a supersonic gunmen. •Evaded a point-blank ambush from Wolverine. •Dodged a mech suit's swing and MODOK's mental bolt. •Dodged Doctor Doom's beam. •Caught a rocket mid-flight. •Caught Danny Rand's Iron Fist with no visible strainc. •Iron Fist delivered a punch with the power of 150 Megatons of TNT. •Noted Iron Fist to have faster than lightning reflexes. •Capable of moving and fighting at blurred speeds. •Intercepted an aircraft point-blank at FTE speeds. •The Mandarin alludes to the fact that the Hulk's reflexes are without equal. •A temporarily in control Banner, ends up using his strength to vibrate a chemical sample " Thousands of times faster than the centrifuge could". •Speed-blitzed multiple gunmen. •Appeared in front of the gunmen without noticing him beforehand. •Has consistently tagged and kept up with the likes of Thor and Silver Surfer. •Thor can consistently travel from Earth to Asgard “in moments” (1.579 Quintillion c - 15.793 Quintillion c) and has flown to the edge of the infinite towards the void beyond the furthest reach of thought itself. •Silver Surfer could travel half a million lightyears in short time (3.15 Trillion c) and time travel through speed alone. •Silver Surfer outrace the destruction of the Never Queen, the conceptual abstract of possibility across all of time and space, including the possibility of him and Dawn being unable to escape the wave of destruction. •Dodged Thor’s Mjolnir and catches Silver Surfer’s board, both of which can travel at MFTL+ speeds. •Hulk can also keep up with Thor’s Mjolnir his speed. •Mjolnir travelled through all 10 realms of Yggdrasil in a short amount of time (44.4 quadrillion c - 26 quintillon c). •Mjolnir is faster than Silver Surfer. •Silver Surfer outrace the destruction of the Never Queen, the conceptual abstract of possibility across all of time and space, including the possibility of him and Dawn being unable to escape the wave of destruction. •Dodged Vision's laser. •Vision uses a solar reserve laser, so this potentially implies that Hulk knew to dodge something that would have affected him. •Dodges and one-shots Ares, who can fight within Planck time (70 quadrillion times faster). •Runs down and catches two soldiers wore armor (similar to Iron Man) developed by Tony Stark and U.S. Armed Forces. •The armor can typically reach speeds in excess of Mach 10, however Iron Man has been recently depicted as able to reach orbital escape velocities (5 miles per second) and up to speeds that can outrun black holes. •Ripped out Vision's gem before he could turn solid. •Blitzed Sentry, Gladiator and Hyperion. •Punched down Sentry mid-blitz and has fought him on even grounds. •The Sentry is fast enough to demolish Ares. •Since Hulk could take contend with Sentry, who could demolish Ares moving within planck time, Hulk would be over 80 quintillion times faster. •Speed-blitzed Armageddon before he could react. •Dodged Red Creel's ball and chain, and tags him with a speed-blitz. •Catches Captain America's shield, which Cap can throw fast enough to slice through tanks. •Catches up to Jack of Hearts, who can use the Zero Energy to open hyperspace warps while in space allowing him to travel at speeds faster than light. •Catches up to Hypnos and snaps his neck. •Hypnos was able to intercept Hermes with his hypnosis and kill him. •Note: Hermes can travel from Mount Olympus to Earth in a short time and is the god of speed/fastest of the Olympians, Heralds such as the Eternal being; Makkari was stated to be even in speed with him and Thor has been shown to be fast enough to catch him on many occasions (525.9 Quadrillion c - 3.15 Quintillion c). •Venus whom Hermes is equal or superior to displays a similar feat where she travels from Earth to Mount Olympus and back to Earth between worlds without her boss noticing (If Mount Olympus functions like Asgard, should be in a separate Universe and that’s supported by the “countless Millions of Light years” statement) (352 Quintillion c - 15.15 Sextillion c). •Comparable to the Tiding-Flies in his Breaker of Worlds state, who are capable of transmitting messages not just across light-centuries, but against the flow of time itself.


    •Tanked hits from Thor, Wolverine, and the Hulkbuster armor•Kept on fighting Vector even after being turned into a walking skeleton. •Tanked hits from Thanos' energy projection, which blasts Galactus, sending him flying and destroying his helmet. •Gets hit with massive amounts of radiation poisoning. •Takes a surprise hammer throw from Thor in a relaxed state, to the chin, as well as lightning as Thor professes trying to kill him. •Mjolnir is strong enough to knock the extremely powerful Galactus over. •Thor knocked out the Phoenix Force with one hammer throw. •Adamantium crushing teeth done nothing to Hulk. •Hawkeye's arrow can't pierce his eyes. •Valkyrie's magic sword was unable to pierce his skin. •Doesn't get knocked out by gas. •Resists mustard gas. •Has resistance to shrink-rays. •Resists the effects of The Thinker’s take on Ultron’s “Quantum Molder”, which he used to mold Adamantium. •Resists being BFRed into another dimension. •Hulk negates being turned to stone. •Resists being turned to glass. •Can't be devolved. •Venus, the very Goddess of Love, cannot calm Hulk down, for reference, she could calm down Ares, Thor, and Zeus (and Amadeus Cho). •Hulk’s body cannot be destroyed by antimatter. •Was completely no-sells a speeding subway train to the face. •The Heaviest Train is 12,000 tons. •Can leap endless miles for a straight twenty-four hours without being tired. •Can swim for days on end. •Fights in hell for days on end. •Fights non stop for four days. •Match Thor's strength for 1 hour. •Hidden out on a frigate for three entire weeks. •Climbs a mountain for "endless weeks". •Implies that Hulk can fight for eternity. •Can survive inside of a Kiber Fusion Reactor . •Withstood being drained of his energy by suns eaters for seven hours straight. •Withstood a Gamma-Bomb Blast. •Tanked six Gamma Bombs to the face and only gets stronger from it. •Withstand a gamma explosion with the power of approximately 3000 Gamma Bombs. •Takes the full power of the sun midget. •Survives the full detonation of the Cobalt Man's armor which lit up the night sky. •Impact that would atomize any other creature startles Hulk; Hits the ground hard enough to melt. •Survived being punched into orbin by an amped Spider-Man. •Survives an atmospheric re-entry back to Earth. •Survives pure energy moving at the speed of thought. •Survives 50,000 volts of electricity. •Survives Blip, who has "billions of megavolts", blasts which could incinerate a city. •Withstood 100's of G's without suffering damage or harm. •Wasn't given any visible injuries when Thanos punched him. •Thanos shattered Captain America's shield. •Captain America's Shield is made of Proto-Adamantium, which is even stronger than regular adamantium. •Stood up after his son, Skaar, punched him with a hundred trillion tons of shifting lithosphere. •Before he got punched, Hulk can match that power. •Withstood a mighty blow from Green Lantern (Hal Jordan). •Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) punched Sinestro hard enough to shatter reality. •Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) punched a God. •Takes many, many punches from Hercules. •A suppressed Green Scar survived absorbing the power of Pandora's box, which is equal to 133.45 x Hercules’ maximum output. •Survived several hits from Thor on numerous occasions. •Thor has created shockwaves powerful enough to shatter planets thousands of miles away (682 septillion tons of TNT). •Survived a powerful lightning from Thor. •Can take Hyperion's laser vision, which is capable of generating up to at least 12,000 degrees Fahrenheit. •Can shrug off Ghost Rider's hellfire. •Ghost Rider’s hellfire burns the soul. •Can easily walk through lava without any problem. •Can resist a raodiactive aura that has the heat of a miniature sun. •Survived Man-Thing's burning touch long enough to fight it off. •Man-Thing's touch was implied to kill Hyperion. •Tanked a blast of 99.75% pure energy. •Tanked gravity two billion times stronger than the gravity of Earth. •Was able to resist the planet-busting energies of Galaxy Master. •Walked through and resisted Cyclops' optic blasts. •Scott's blasts have been stated to split a small planet in half at its peak. •Cyclops' optic blasts stated to be capable of pulverizing Adamantium. •Cyclops' optic blasts cracked Apocalypse's celestial armor. •Resisted Phoenix's empowered Cyclops' optic blasts. •More powerful than ever thanks to Cyclops' trauma with the Phoenix Force, capable of harming Dormammu (Solar System level). •Phoenix's empowered Cyclops' optic blasts matched Gladiator’s heat beams hotter than the sun. •The Sun can be over 27 million degrees Fahrenheit. •Survived being uppercutted by Dark Phoenix Cyclops, which sent him from Sydney to Sacramento. •Dr. Strange can't affect his gamma genes. •Darwin (X-Men) attempted to absorb gamma radiation from the Hulk only to find that the Hulk's gamma radiation supply was far more than he could drain. •Absorbing Man failed to absorb the Hulk on multiple occasions due to the Hulk's massive Gamma power. •Green Scar Hulk resists having his soul drained. •Took hits from the Juggernaut. •Is tough for Wolverine to cut as Green Scar, who was able to stab Hyperion, and Thanos while wearing the Infinity Gauntlet. •Hyperion survived the collision of two universes. •Thanos survivied a singularly with a radius of 2 light years that closely resembled a black hole. This would release its total mass-energy, a total of 274 septillion tons of TNT. That's enough to destroy a galaxy. •Black Bolt's whisper only throws Green Scar backwards. It doesn't stop him. •A whisper could level a city, cause distant dormant volcanoes to become active once more, shake entire continents apart and generate tremors on the far side of the planet. •Black Bolt's voice knocked out an alternate universe herald of Galactus. •Healed around 90% of his body mass within seconds, including his eyes. •Ripped out an alien Spike from his body before healing up. •Explodes with only a skeleton left, and has seemingly healed immediately. •Withstood Fin Fang Foom's fire breath. •Flames of life turns humans into dust and could beat "an army of super beings". Hulk overpowers it and didn't even show any sign of injury. •Survived clashing with a Warrior's Madness Thor. •Survived a nuke specifically designed to kill him. •Survived a one megaton bomb from the Ultimate Marvel universe. •Tanked a blast from the World Killing Galactus. •Galactus' lasers capable of destroying at least three solar systems. •Gladiator tried to burn Galactus with his powers (which was augmented by magic), but was burned to death by the optic blast of Galactus. •Galactus' lasers can defeat beings with The Celestials. •A Thanos amped by dimensional forces incinerates Savage Hulk, "searing the skin right from his bones" but he heals in moments to renew his assault. •One of the Hulk's sons, Hiro-Kala, has the power to throw a planet at the earth with planet-busting force with the use of two power sources known as the "old-power" and "new-power" but the Hulk resists his power. •In a calm state, Hiro was able to bust a planet as big as Mars. •Iron Man insists that he's pumped enough tranquilizer gas to "knock out Galactus" and even when combined with a strobe-light effect, Hulk resists it. •The martial arts master, Temugin, who has torn apart Iron Man's armor with his bare hands, finds that even his chi-enhanced pressure point strikes only make Savage Hulk angrier. •Shrugged off being blasted by the Mindless Ones. •Shrugged off hits from the Celestial Order as Savage Hulk. •The Celestial Order powered by the Heart of the Universe, destroyed Namor and Dr. Strange while Savage Hulk shrugs off those same blasts. •Withstand a blast from Thanos who absorbed the Heart of the Universe, a similar blast that shattered Ziran the Celestial. •Withstood attacks from Iron Man Armor Model 72, a Hulkbuster Armor the size of a Celestial. •Survived being in the epicenter of Zarathos' hellfire explosion. •Survived and walked through the combined power of Human Torch's Nova blast and Storm's Lightning. •Human Torch's Nova Blast is 1,000,000 degrees Fahrenheit. •The Torch has claimed that he can destroy a small moon with his nova-flame. •Storm's lightning is powerful enough to match Polaris, who once used her powers to punch through earth´s crust all the way to the planet´s core. (15.88 teratons of TNT) •The "power of a million exploding suns" is finally unleashed in a tornado of energy at the climax of World War Hulk. The Green Scar survives it. •Survived energy blasts from the Silver Surfer himself. •Survived the great apocalyptic war. •A nuclear war has killed almost all of Earth's superhumans and has taken the world to the brink of extinction. •A future version of the Hulk, called Maestro, has seized control, driven insane by the nuclear radiation he has absorbed and the bitterness he feels towards the world at his continued treatment. •Survived a punch from a Power-Gem wielding Drax. •Normally, Drax can cause stars to rupture with strength alone. •Impervious to bullets. •Survived nuclear explosions on a daily basis. •Remained relatively fine despite his internal organs being twisted. •No sold all of Lightning's power in a blast. •No sells an attack from Silver Surfer. •The Power Cosmic has inherent astral properties as it stems from the Astral Plane. •Unfazed by Red Hulk’s attack. •Unharmed from a thunderclap from Red She-Hulk. •Thunderclap is capable of destroying the entire universe. •Tanked Vision’s phasing. •Took hits from Hercules, Thing, Colossus, Wonder Man and Yellowjacket all at once. •Able to withstand hits from She-Hulk, and Zom-possessed Dr. Strange. •Has taken blows from the likes of Thor, Hyperion, Gladiator, Sentry and Silver Surfer on a regular basis. •Pushed back against a wave that repelled reality itself and everything in the crossroads of infinity. •Powered through huge amounts of punishment from the Gods and Minions of Olympus including Zeus himself. •Survived several hits from Zeus, who is a Skyfather level entity. •Zeus is easily comparable to Odin. •Sustained and survived several hits from Onslaught. •Onslaught was able to physically stop Juggernaut. •Survived a full-force attack from Iron Man’s Helios Cannon, although he was reduced to a skeleton. •Surviving the entire Avengers. •Survived getting stomped on by Godzilla. •Godzilla's static strength is classified as Class M-Y (10^12 kg/110,231,131 tons - 11.90×1027 kg/2,092,800,000,000,000,067,108,864 tons). •Survived having sex with Umar, Dormammu’s sister. •Survived and resisted the force of a Black Hole. •In one occasion, survived being sucked into one. •Took a God-Blast and it only shoot him into orbit. •Thor’s God-Blast is so immensely powerful and destructive that it has proven capable of destroying beings as large and as powerful as Galactus. •The God-Blast K.O. Ego the Living Planet. •The God-Blast "rip the fabric of the universe", banishing Ymir and Surtur to another dimension. •The God-Blast one-shot Zelia, who had twice the strength and power of Odin. •Tanks blast with the brightness of a star. •Withstood the weight of a star. •The weight of an average star is around 333,000 Earths. •Survived in a realm with infinite density. •Survived battling with Dark Crawler. •The ensuing battle had destroyed the universe around them. •Survived the concussive forces of an infinite number of dimensions. •Withstood more pain than any other mortal can withstand.

    •Gamma Radiation Draining:

    •The Hulk is sometimes portrayed as vulnerable to gamma radiation draining by sufficiently powerful energy manipulators. Reverting to human form may be necessary for the Hulk to recharge his gamma energy. However, the Hulk is eventually characterized as possessing high degree of immunity to this weakness. For example, the mutant Darwin was unable to drain his gamma radiation, and Hulk deliberately transferred his energy into an entire race of absorbing entities without collapsing. Even previous to these events the Hulk has displayed this potential. For example, the hero Rom was unable to cure Banner from his condition, and the Hulk intentionally overloaded the Armageddon absorption mechanism.

    •Cosmic radiation:

    •Cosmic radiation is the "opposite" of gamma radiation. X-Ray used this fact to weaken Hulk or even transform him back into Banner. The U-Foes once even killed the Hulk with these "anti-gamma" rays and sent him to the Below-Place, but they made the mistake of constantly feeding him cosmic rays. The cosmic rays seeped into the Below-Place, got absorbed by Joe Fixit, and turned him into a Red Hulk. The Red Hulk then smashed through the Red Door that was keeping him in the Below-Place and Hulk came back to life, empowered by cosmic rays.

    •Gas Inhalation:

    •Great doses of gas can temporarily neutralize the Hulk. However, it is not an insurmountable obstacle, since the Hulk can dissipate the gas with a powerful thunderclap, destabilizing the opponent with the resulting shockwaves. The Hulk has also occasionally resisted that.

    Hulks And Banners Relationship

    Despite the fact that there have been many incarnations of the hulk, the one thing that almost never changes is the hatred Hulk and Banner have for each other. The Banner/Hulk relationship is a lot like Dr. Jekyll's/Mr. Hyde's. it revolves around The good vs bad, Order vs Chaos concept, however, Banner and The Hulk has a far more intriguing connection in comparison to Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde. The main difference is that Hulk is not a bad guy, he is not the villain, he is misunderstood, and in fact, when given the chance, he has done the right thing many numerous occasions. Hulk's hatred for Banner was manifested when Banner's mother died at the hand of their father, Brain Banner. Hulk acknowledges the fact that he and Banner are one and the same, hence he blames Banner for being weak and not being able to defend their dear "Mommy", and as any kid would traditionally do, Hulk blames a part of the incident on himself, and so he takes his anger out on Bruce, same way his father did to him out of fear. Their relationship can also be considered ironic, seeing as how a small frail intelligent man gets turned into a green behemoth who is potentially one of the strongest beings on earth. But there are more to Banner that meets the eye, Banner represents will, because he is in charge of controlling a very powerful being. despite no being physically weak, Banner the strongest when it comes to inner strength of the mind, because even though Banner had taken hell as a child and still managed to turn out relatively normal. Hulk on the other hand is not Banner's dark side (that would be Devil Hulk), he represents many aspects of Bruce, the traditional Savage Hulk represents Banner's angry child self who was abused by his father, he is very strong due to the fact that most kids view themselves sometimes as an unstoppable force, while the Grey Hulk represents the wild teenager Banner never got to be. Banner and Hulk have cooperated before, but no matter how hard they try they still seem to hate each other. Over the years Banner has learned to use Hulk sometimes as a weapon, in fact, most recently, Banner has joined shield because he has some unknown plans of his own, so instead of a gamma bomb, Hulk will be more like a targeted UMD. They seemed to learn to accept each other in a series that's not too old, after they had been separated completely. Banner turned insane without the Hulk, and they both later learned that they both need each other.

    •List of Hulk incarnations

    •Immortal Hulk

    • Stan Lee (writer)Jack Kirby (artist)
    • Lou FerrignoMark Ruffalo
    • The Incredible Hulk #1 (May 1962)
    • 3 min
  3. Dr. Robert Bruce Banner, Ph.D.[4] a.k.a. the Hulk, is an American theoretical physicist, famed for his work in the fields of nuclear physics and gamma radiation.[63] He was recruited by General Thaddeus E. "Thunderbolt" Ross and the U.S. Army to develop the first Gamma Bomb. During its first live test he was bombarded with a massive dose of gamma rays while saving Rick Jones, a kid who had ...

  4. Apr 17, 2018 · The Incredible Hulk is one of Marvel's oldest and most recognizable icons. Created by comics legends Stan Lee and Jack Kirby and first appearing in 1962's Incredible Hulk #1, the Green (and ...

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