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  1. "Sins of Sinister" is a 2023 comic book crossover storyline during the Krakoan Age published in the X-Men franchise of books by Marvel Comics. The event involves a dark future brought about by Mister Sinister's corrupt machinations and his experiment in creating a batch of Mutants called Chimeras.

  2. › wiki › ThanosThanos - Wikipedia

    Thanos is a supervillain appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Created by writer-artist Jim Starlin, the character first appeared in The Invincible Iron Man #55 (cover date February 1973). An Eternal – Deviant warlord from the moon Titan, Thanos is regarded as one of the most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe.

  3. In March 2022, the council headlined Immortal X-Men as part of the Destiny of X relaunch. The series also served continuation of Inferno (vol. 2). It was written by Kieron Gillen and drawn by Lucas Werneck, building plot points for the event Sins of Sinister .

  4. Immortal X-Men #1 "Part One: The Left Hand" Release date: March 30, 2022 Cover date: May, 2022

    • Overview
    • History Unnatural Life
    • Personality
    • Attributes
    • Paraphernalia
    • Notes
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    • See Also
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    Am I not Thanos! Did I not butcher the woman who gave me birth, who force-fed me into this hell called life?! Is not the wake of my passing crimson with the blood of my enemies and allies alike?! Death is with me every second of the day! My every moment is spent in either dealing out death or worshiping it! So tell me, who under the stars is better suited than I to be Death's consort? 


    An Eternal with Deviant genes, Thanos is the scourge of the universe. Born on Titan to Mentor and Sui-San, Thanos murdered his own mother as a child and began an unhealthy, fruitless pursuit of winning Mistress Death's love. To appease his mistress, the power-hungry, genocidal Mad Titan indiscriminately murdered countless lives and sought higher powers, such as the Cosmic Cube and the Infinity Gems. Infamously, he once eradicated half of the universe's population and usurped its cosmic beings with the Infinity Gauntlet. Thanos has come into conflict with the Marvel Universe on serveral occasions, but he developed a closeness with his sometimes enemy, sometimes ally Adam Warlock.

    After having participated in conflicts with the Annihilation Wave and then the Cancerverse, the Mad Titan became trapped in the latter universe with heroes Nova and Star-Lord when the Fault was closed. They managed to return to their original reality thanks to Nova utilizing a broken Cosmic Cube. Back to terrorize the universe once more, Thanos gathered his generals, the Black Order, to raze worlds and to kill his own secret children that he had regretfully spawned over the years. However, in his invasion of Earth, he was defeated by his Inhuman son, Thane. Freed by Namor, he joined the Cabal to face the threat of the incursions, but he ended up being killed by God Emperor Doom in the patchwork planet Battleworld. In time, he returned after the Multiverse had been restored, and he later dealt with his son Thane using the power of the God Quarry.

    Unnatural Life

    The origins of the Mad Titan Thanos are the result of the schism that tore the Eternal society. The Eternals are immortal beings designed by the Celestials to be part of the Machine that is Earth, but they are unable to reproduce true Eternal offspring that can be added to the Machine. The Eternal A'Lars challenged this condition and wished to expand the Machine through true reproduction. In what became known as the Titan Schism, A'Lars was separated from the Eternal community on Earth and established himself in the ruins of a colony in Titan. There, he met Sui-San, the last exile of the original settlement of Eternals in this moon who had been banished due to her participation in the Uranite Heresy. As Mentor, A'Lars rebuilt Titan as a wonderful and heterogenic society alongside Sui-San. Love also blossomed between the two exiles, who attempted to have children. With the aid of Mentor's father Kronos and the Quantum Bands, they succeeded. The baby boy was to be named "Thanos" to symbolize their triumph over death. Tragically, the birth of Thanos was a painful and traumatic event. Sui-San was driven mad by the experience and attempted to kill the baby claiming he would represent death. The baby was terribly disfigured by Deviant genes. Despite this disaster, Sui-San was willing to have another child with Mentor, one that would be the embodiment of love instead, as she had planned. The second boy, who was a successful result, was named Eros. After that, the Cosmic Ghost Rider from an alternate future came to kill the baby, but when the Penance Stare didn't work on Thanos, the Rider decided to take the baby under his wing and change the future. The Rider tried to convince Galactus to help him raise the baby, but the cosmic being refused and instead wanted to kill the baby himself. With the Watcher bearing witness, the Rider vowed to raise the baby on his own, creating an alternate timeline where Thanos grew to become an interplanetary dictator. The Guardians of the Galaxy of said timeline tried to prevent their future by stopping Frank, but he, and eventually baby Thanos, killed them all. They were subsequently greeted by Thanos' future self, who sported the same clothes Frank used as the Punisher. He brought both of them to his future, showing Frank the authoritarian world he had built on his example, including a past version of himself living with his wife Maria. Realizing the consequences of his intervention in his life, Frank killed the future Thanos and returned his baby self to the past, erasing the alternate timeline. Death appeared before Frank to confirm that his actions had nonetheless instilled the baby Thanos with the bloodlust that would make him her agent.

    The Birth of the Mad Titan

    The bizarre Thanos grew up to have an introverted nature, but, despite this and his unusual appearance, was well accepted by his peers. He was a mild-mannered intellectual that dreamed of becoming a scientist like his neglectful father. However, signs of his true nature started to creep up early on. For instance, he liked to draw dead animals despite vomiting at the prospect of performing a dissection. He shared his disturbing thoughts with his insane mother, who had been hospitalized. Thanos' life reached a tipping point when a mysterious girl convinced him to explore with his friends a dangerous cave to overcome his fear of killing. A cave-in separated Thanos from his friends for three days, during which he refused to even think of murdering the inoffensive creatures that lurked underground for sustenance. When he found his friends, they had been killed by the animals living in the caves. After Thanos returned to society, the same girl convinced him to go back to the cave and slaughter the critters in revenge. By the time he was a teenager, Thanos excelled academically. He secretly vivisected creatures to study his abnormal genetic makeup. The girl that had helped him overcome his fear of killing became his confidante. Thanos' search for answers escalated into killing fellow Titanians, carrying out the first murders in the history of Titan. Despite declaring that his first two murders were going to be the last, Thanos eventually killed again, and was elated by his actions. Although Thanos fell in love with his confidante, who enabled and further motivated and Thanos' actions, she rejected his advances. After murdering seventeen people in total, Thanos targeted his mother in hopes of finding in her body the key to who he was, both spiritually and physically. Following the murder of Sui-San, Thanos left Titan. At some point, Mephisto approached Thanos and convinced him to go to Earth and fight the Prehistoric Avengers. Thanos was later recruited by Doom Supreme from alternate universe alongside other powerful versions of notable villains into the Multiversal Masters of Evil. He and his fellow Masters would travel through the multiverse and destroy the Prehistoric Avengers of each universe in order to rewrite the future and conquer them despite the interference of the Deathloks. However, when finally invading Earth-616, they were met with resistance from the Prehistoric Avengers and the present day Avengers, leaving Doom to betray them and forcing both Thanos and Dark Phoenix Mystique to escape. Thanos informed Mephisto that their plan had failed but the devil merely laughed; the Masters were simply pawns to help him breach the God Quarry's barrier to the First Firmament. Following this, Thanos would return to his present time. Out of Titan, Thanos swore off killing and found a menial job with a pirate crew with whom he explored the cosmos. As years went by, Thanos became detached and unemotional. In many different planets, he would find a partner and mate with them in hopes to feel something again, to no avail. He always abandoned them and the babies they bore him. Thanos eventually came into conflict with his captain in the pirate crew due to his disinclination for murdering. In an act of complete instinct, Thanos slaughtered him, and subsequently seized control of his crew. Thanos decided to embrace his murdering nature and returned to Titan in secret. He was approached by his old confidante and tried to court her again. She demanded that Thanos proved he belonged only to her, so he embarked on a journey to kill all of his offspring and razed every planet they stumbled upon for the sake of his love for death. Additionally, Thanos experimented on his own body, granting himself a variety of powers. Thanos' confidante became his companion, and eventually declared that for her to love Thanos, he would have to become a god, a supreme destroyer above all else. After Thanos discovered that none in his crew could see her, she revealed her true nature, that she was the physical manifestation of Death itself. Driven mad by this revelation, Thanos gave in to Death's promises of romance and used his fleet to ravage Titan. Once his armada bombarded Titan, Thanos personally descended to murder the survivors. He was confronted by the elder A'Lars, who managed to make Thanos doubt whether Death was actually by his side or if he was simply demented. Thanos spared his father solely so he could watch his son defile the cosmos and prove his sanity. Death finally kissed Thanos, but he found her embrace to be cold. Without his thirst quenched, Thanos continued his journey of destruction.

    Cosmic Cube

    As part of his pursuit for power, Thanos amassed a huge armada of battleships. Having kept the planet Earth under surveillance since it first exploded a nuclear weapon, Thanos learned of a power-object called the Cosmic Cube brought into existence by the subversive organization, Advanced Idea Mechanics. Thanos seized control of the reality-altering device and commanded it to give him control over the universe. Transformed into a godlike wraith by the Cosmic Cube, Thanos battled the Avengers and the Kree Captain Marvel, the former of whom had already vanquished his armada. When Thanos carelessly discarded the Cube, believing falsely that he had drained it of all power, Mar-Vell struck the cube, willing it to restore the universe to what it had been. Robbed of power, Thanos reverted to mortal form in the center of the universe where his flagship Sanctuary II retrieved him under pre-programmed instructions. Revived, Thanos was dejected to discover that Death had abandoned him because of his failure.

    I am Thanos of Titan. I have conquered worlds. I have bent reality around my will. Men cower at the mere mention of my name. And now... now you have imprisoned me... mocked me... disrespected me. And here you stand, ready to take advantage to my condition. Ready to finish me. Well, if I am to fall, I will die showing you all that Thanos will not be disrespected. Thanos is still a conqueror. Thanos is still a warrior. Thanos is still a god. And you will either bow or be broken! 


    Thanos is extremely prideful, violent, deceptive, malevolent, treacherous and ruthless to the point that he doesn't care about sacrificing innumerable planets and civilizations, even his own race, in order to praise Death and gain its affection. Thanos also possesses an insatiable hunger for power, always seeking to obtain objects of incalculable might & influence, such as the Cosmic Cubes[161][125] or the Infinity Gems. However, Thanos often speaks in a sophisticated manner with a calm and collected demeanor, described by the Silver Surfer as professorial.[162] Thanos has also shown an appreciation for farming and seeking knowledge.

    Despite his overall megalomaniacal; if not outright omnicidal personality, Thanos doesn't wish to destroy everything. Even willing to join forces with heroes when he perceives a threat more dangerous than himself. He worked together with Adam Warlock to stop Magus and the Goddess, teamed-up with Thor and Genis-Vell to defeat Walker,[163] teamed up with Adam Warlock, Gamora, Spider-Man and the Defenders to defeat the Thanosi clones,[164] thwarted the Hunger entity with the help of Galactus,[165] aided the Avengers in stopping his and Death's wayward offspring, helped the Guardians of the Galaxy in order to stop an invasion from the Cancerverse, and worked with Deadpool to release Death from Eternity's prison.[166] He also has a genuine respect for Mar-Vell and Adam Warlock. Thanos even helped Mar-Vell in his journey to the afterlife,[167] and he once considered Adam his only friend.[165] In spite of all this, however; Thanos is still a rather malignant individual at his core. Taking a rather sadistic glee in how he goes about massacring as well as demoralizing whole planets and/or their individual life-forms from time to time.[168]


    Avatar of Death: Slated as the personal exemplar of the aforementioned conceptual entity. Thanos of Titan stands as Death's Avatar in the marvel universe. Christened as such by Lord Mar-Vell and hand chosen by The Mistress herself, Thanos acts as the equalizer to his counterpoint in Adam Warlock as the Avatar of Death.[170] Originally losing out such titles to others after various occurrences, Thanos now stands as the sole Avatar of Death in the main Marvel Universe. •Resurrection Augmentation: As an after effect of consecutive death's and revivals, Thanos grows gradually stronger with each resurrection; be it from outside sources like the Celestial derived Machine of Earth or the personification of his namesake, or under his own power as being who & what he is.[171] The Mad Titan not only cannot ever permanently die, but he invariably grows stronger after successive returns from death.[169] •Summoning: Thanos once stated as the right hand of Death herself, he too has an affinity for summoning and controlling the legions of the departed to fight by his side should he need it. Demonstrating what the paramour of said entity could do by summoning scores of undead warriors to battle the Annihilation Wave on his behalf. Infinity Tithing: As a former holder of the six Soul Gemstones and charter member of the Infinity Watch, Thanos has a pronounced psychic link with those whom were apart of said concierge of powers.[172] As such the Titan Eternal can sense, contact and even track those who he worked with in the past due to his special bond with other members of the watch, particularly, those which possessed a special affinity with the six Infinity Stones; such as Pip the Troll.[173] God Quarry Enhancement: After having incurred a fatalistic disease at the hands of his lady and been left stripped of his Eternal enhancements by his Phoenix empowered son.[174] Thanos took to the trial of the Witches of Infinity by placing himself within the well acting as a Divine Graveyard for fallen supremacies. Thanos would replace his lost pseudo-divinity and gain true godhood after undergoing the Quarry's trial and coming out of it renewed.[140] Making him more than powerful enough to challenge the likes of one whom stands as a host of the Phoenix Force power,[175] even battle and imprison his beloved Death singlehanded.[176] Hyper-Cosmic Awareness: Due to his repetitive dabbling in the phenomenally cosmic, Thanos has developed a pan-dimensional insight that stems well beyond that of the mere universal. Unlike typical holders of Cosmic Awareness, Titan Thanos can sense disturbances and imbalances within the space/time firmament and beyond its boarders. Having been able to grasp the sudden and abrupt change in his universal totality and that of another depleted universe adjacent to it, as was the case when he sensed a fundamental difference in a recently revitalized Adam Warlock when he next resurrected as with how he picked up Annihilus's sudden change into cosmic otherness after having imbibed on the Hulk's gamma essence. Cosmic Otherness: Due to his odd nature, either stemming from the fact he's a heavily augmented mutant Eternal or that sequential exposure to greater and/or outer powers of and beyond the main Marvel Universe.[177] Thanos is and is not of the cosmic firmament in any iteration he hails from and to it, posits himself alongside a select few others, as an irregularity living within it.[178] Both apart of and yet not truly of metaversal totality in all of its incarnations, as such certain bindings and regulations which hold reality together yet keeps all universes separate hold no sway over him and to it, he can accomplish the impossible and survive without fail thanks to that.[179] •Quantum Uncertainty: Due to the precarious nature of his state of being. The Mad Titan possesses a rather obtuse constitution that posits him square outside the astrological norm, even by Titan standards. Meaning he is not limited to the constraining physical and supertropical confines of the cosmos nor by its voluminous bylaws that keep reality percolating.[180] It is through this cataphysical oddity of his existential being that not only is Thanos incapable of ever truly dying, but is also capable of attesting towards anything he pushes his will above and beyond the limit of testament. Titanian Eternal Physiology: By far the strongest and most powerful Eternal from Titan, if not in general, Thanos is a superpowered mutant whose massive, heavy-bodied form was born with the capacity to synthesize cosmic energy for certain personal uses. The mad titan has increased his powers through bionic amplification, mystical enhancement, deep introspection as well as knowledge garnered from and the result of being resurrected by Death itself. He was deemed a Category 1 Life Ender by the Nova Corps, to be designated a "universal" threat level and to have been a one-time reality ender.[181] Being seemingly categorized as a Cosmic-level threat, being sent by the Shi'ar Imperial Guard to the core cell of a galactic gulag.[136] •Superhuman Strength: Thanos possesses vast superhuman strength the full limits of which aren't known. Death has increased his strength beyond the original limits to levels where he is far surpassing those of the physically strongest Eternals. He has proven capable of fighting Thor even when Thor had the Power Gem. His strength is so vast that he has been able to defeat the likes of the Silver Surfer, punch away an attacking Hulk,[110] physically subduing with ease Beta Ray Bill and Ronan the Accuser (as well as casually breaking apart the latter's Universal Weapon) and, most impressively, tango with the mighty Tyrant.[182] He was also able to beat in melee fight the Hulk power-enhanced Annihilus, and to knock the Hulk down long enough to accomplish his ends.[183] Thanos can also augment his strength with his cosmic energy when needed but doing it rarely as his own power is mostly enough. Thanos was also able to lift the Galactus Engine and recover it from the depths of Ego the Living Planet,[184] destroy a planet in a battle with Drax (in his first incarnation),[185] he was even able to fight hand-to-hand with a Phoenix Force empowered Thane with amped with the God Quarry. Thanos punched Thane into the planet they were fighting above and destroyed it by charging through him.[141] •Superhuman Agility: Despite his great size, Thanos' agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete. His agility is roughly equal to that of the average Eternal.[citation needed] He was able to dodge a Power Gem enhanced Champion of the Universe. •Superhuman Reflexes: Thanos' reaction time is enhanced to a level that is beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete. Like his agility, his reflexes are about average for an Eternal. •Superhuman Stamina: Thanos' musculature produces almost no fatigue toxins during physical activity. As a result, he has nearly superhuman stamina in all physical activities. Fighting off tens of thousands singlehanded and beside others, facing off against undying tumorous doppelgangers of Earth's Avengers from the Cancerverse for weeks, even fighting through the throneworld of the Badoon's spacefaring armed forces by his lonesome. •Superhuman Speed: Despite his bulky frame, Thanos is not only insurmountibly strong but surprisingly fleet of foot as he is quick witted. Easily able to outflank a blitzing Captain Marvel in midflight, snatch up his mobility superior brother Starfox before slamming him into a wall, spotted and outsourced an incoming Drax the Destroyer as he flew at him from behind, easily dodged and/or otherwise outflanked a Power Gem emboldened Champion of the Universe on top of snatching Iron Man clean out of the air while in midflight only to chuck him like a soda can as they fought in Fresno.[186][187][183] •Nigh-Invulnerability: Before his "death", Thanos possessed an impressive degree of resistance to physical injury, even compared to other Eternals. After his third resurrection, Death increased his ability to resist injury to a much greater degree and he is now all but indestructible. He has withstood, at point-blank range, planet-destroying attacks without any harm.[185] Thanos even withstood powerful blows from an enraged Hulk that sent him flying through the air.[183] He has withstood blasts from the Silver Surfer to point-blank range - unharmed.[162] He withstood a battering from an enraged, Power Gem-wielding Thor with nothing but a bloody nose, and withstood repeated strikes from an unrestrained Thor, remaining unscathed after being hit by two lightning bolts, and barely flinching after a point blank hit directly on the head.[110] Moreover, Thanos has withstood a powerful blast from the classic incarnation of Drax the Destroyer,[187] a phenomenal energy blast unleashed by Binary (Carol Danvers),[128] a point blank blow inflicted by Ronan the Accuser's Universal Weapon, and a high-powered punch from the Thing without even flinching. He possesses such an incredible resistance to injury that he has been shown to survive point-blank blasts from Odin (including blasts that staggered but didn't cause damage nor knocked him down), and Galactus.[188] Thanos has withstood three full screams from Black Bolt, one at point-blank range, without any significant damage aside from damaging his suit,[106] survived being subjected to an artificial 2-light year wide black hole,[189] and withstood being stabbed in the chest by Wolverine's Adamantium claws without exhibiting any discomfort.[190] Not even the specially crafted Godslayer blade could penetrate the mad titan's toughened skin and fibers when applying it to stop his rampage. Gamorra herself stating it was made to kill the divine, yet the blade shattered when she used it on her adoptive father. •Retroactive Immortality: Thanos, like all Eternals, is immortal in the sense that he is immune to all known diseases and infections and is immune to the effects of aging.[191] Thanos is banned by Death itself from entering its realm, rendering him truly immortal. He is able to die but he will always return, no matter the severity of any injury. •Regenerative Healing Factor: Despite his extraordinary durability, it is possible to injure Thanos. Like all Eternals, however, Thanos is capable of regenerating damaged tissue with much greater speed and efficiency than a human being.[191] His healing powers aren't considered as developed as those of some Eternals. With many are capable of regenerating any destroyed tissue. Given the circumstances of his death at the hands of Drax the Destroyer during the Annihilation event, Thanos is unable to regenerate missing organs, such as a heart. This is contradicted however, by how he can reintegrate himself from total annihilation itself. Thanos's body having regrow from charred skeletal remains once or twice,[192] even going so far as to materialize a new self from dipping in universal oblivion beyond that. •Force-Field Manipulation: Thanos can project defensive barriers for personal welfare or to hobble enemy offenses and support. Having used such facets to stop the attack path of beings of power such as the Incredible Hulk, or even block city killing orbital salvos from ground zero. The protective walls erected are so potent that they can even halt the advance of the nigh unstoppable Power Gem enhanced Champion of the Universe, for a short while in the least. His control of which is so complete he could even form obstructive bubbles and entrapments potent enough to incarcerate objects or enemies of any make. •Energy Manipulation & Projection: Thanos has displayed great versatility in the use of his energy projection abilities. He has demonstrated the ability to project pure energy as a concussive force,[citation needed] "magnetic" energy, infrared heat-beams from his eyes,[193] and disruptor beams,[citation needed] unilaterally striking separate targets with his optic blasts,[188] as well as using his mental link to his techno-mystical chair to form vastly powerful energy shields, barriers, and force-fields but proven himself to be able to project some form of shields and barriers on his own.[193] The exact extent of Thanos' energy projection abilities are unknown, but his blasts have been capable of knocking down the likes of the Hulk[194] and Thor, and to temporarily defeat four alternate incarnations of the Silver Surfer with a simple casual blast.[195] He was also able to graze Galactus armor and blast the Devourer of Worlds off his feet and send him across the moon.[188] By collaborating with the In-Betweener they together released the latter from his prison created by Master Order and Lord Chaos. •Trajectory Manipulation: Thanos can likewise manipulate his own cosmic energies in such a way that he can bend and twist his force blasts in myriad directions so as to hit and attack multiple targets at once. Whether causing singular ray bursts to break up into six consecutive beam emissions to strike multiple targets at once, twist & curve to hit enemies at their back without realizing till its too late or Bankshot his lasers off consecutive targets at once are all within Thanos's skill range.[186] •Energy-Enhanced Punch: Thanos can likewise fuel his melee with the very same cosmological forces he's mastered to strengthen his attack strength. Coating his fists in energy in order add extra force behind each blow landed. Such tactics are so effective that it can even down or stagger the likes of Thor, The Thing or even a heavily cybernetics augmented and divinely powered Beta Ray Bill in a flurry of blows. •Power Amplification: Through as of yet unknown means, Thanos can amplify and even reinvigorate the powers of other beings using his powers as an Eternal. Having once cleared the fatigue of an alt. universes Adam Warlock while also modifying his unique physiology, as well as temporarily augmented Pip's teleportation power to move whole ships across vast universal distances. Even giving impartial boosts to members of the Zodiac in exchange for reliquary found on Earth that would enable them to match the power of Thor Odinson.[196] •Telepathy: Thanos possesses strong psionic abilities. His mind is invulnerable to most forms of psychic attack and proven to be immune to mind gem.[citation needed] Thanos has demonstrated the ability to successfully defend himself against psychic assaults from Moondragon,[186] and Mantis.[citation needed] He also managed to shut down the Maker's mind,[197] turned the Fallen One into his herald[198] made the Hulk attack his fellow Avengers,[161] and forced Conner Sims (the Anti-Man) to destroy his surroundings.[127] Thanos also once attempted to destroy the mind of Drax the Destroyer with a powerful psychic attack called the Time-Mind Sync Warp, that plunges the victim's mind into a psychedelic dimension of insanity, causing death or incapacitation.[199] •Matter Manipulation & Transmogrification: Thanos has demonstrated some ability to manipulate matter on the atomic level, similarly to Earthborn Eternals. On one occasion, he turned the Skrull Skragg, into stone. He also used his matter manipulation ability on Moondragon to purge the muscle controlling parasites implanted by Annihilus from her body. Thanos also showed he could be articulate in using such a skill, selectively effecting and/or even undoing changes he'd made to whatever or whomever the mad titan chooses to reconstitute. Such as burning the skin clean off of Heathers left arm to reveal the control worms infesting it. •Healing: Thanos can apply his mastery over material substance to heal and recuperate those suffering from crippling injury. Pointedly stating he can and would undo his work if so inclined.[200] •Telekinesis: Thanos has shown he can telekinetically alter the trajectory of matter or energy with the power of his mind as easily as he can deviate thought processes through it.[198] Once having repelled the Fallen One before sending a slew of space rocks towards him with a gesture of his being. •Mystic Capabilities: Thanos is skilled in magic,[201] as he once taught T-Ray how to curse Deadpool with immortality as his vassal.[202] •Self-Sustenance: Thanos has proven many times he can thrive without need of nourishment in the form of rest, hydration or consumptive intake.[203] Given his nature as a Titanian Eternal, Thanos can go indefinitely without need to replenish his physical being provided he has access to his phenomenal cosmic dynamism to fuel his space god anatomy.[141] •Flight: Thanos has shown that he is capable of flying or simulating a form of levitation.[200][203][141] •Teleportation: Thanos can teleport himself across unknown distances either through his link with his techno-mystical transport chair or under his own power, as with all Eternals who're also able to teleport by their wills. When stranded in space with Terraxia, he could neither fly, nor teleport to her rescue, presumably because his chair got destroyed in the struggle before.[204] Paradoxically, whence his Space Throne was still inoperable he once blasted Tryco Slatterus; the Champion Elder, to an undisclosed corner of the cosmos with a simple energy ray launched via his finger.[205] Doctor Richards once commenting Thanos's ability to traverse Space-Time uninhibited to get wherever or whenever he wants too, without aid from his floating chair.[176]


    •Super-Genius Intelligence: Possibly Thanos' most dangerous ability is his mind. Thanos' intellect is dedicated to enhancing his own powers and to the annihilation of all life. Thanos is a genius in virtually all known fields of advanced science and has created technology far exceeding contemporary Earth science.[citation needed] He has also shown to quickly adapt to new battle situations, as shown in his fight with the Champion of the Universe, who outclassed him physically and whom he beat by dancing around him, blasting him with energy attacks and tricking him into destroying the planet they fought on. Thanos has remarked that, compared to himself, Bruce Banner's intelligence is only great for human standards.[194] •Skilled Unarmed Combatant: Although he typically avoids physical combat, Thanos is a highly formidable hand to hand combatant, having been trained in the Arts of War on Titan and having millenia of combat experiences.[206] He is particularly skillful at using a combination of his physical and energy manipulative abilities during combat.[207] He is also a skilled swordsman, being able to overwhelm a Mjolnir-wielding Silver Surfer.[144] •Mystical Knowledge: He also has great knowledge of arcane and mystical lore.[208][202]


    Robotic Drones: Thanos has designed several different types of robotic drones to serve his needs. These drones carry out many functions, including maintenance, manual labor, record-keeping, and security. These robots come in many shapes and sizes dependent on their purpose. Time Machine: Thanos has been shown to have possessed a time machine, which he referred to as a "Time Probe".[209] The present-day status of this machine is unknown.


    Stasis Rifle: An experimental weapon capable of generating a cube of pure force, which envelops the target and places them into near-complete physical stasis. This stasis cube was capable of holding the insane, power-gem enhanced Thunder-God Thor. The experimental version of this weapon carried charge enough for only one blast. Former Weapons Infinity Gauntlet: Thanos once possessed a gauntlet specifically designed to hold the Infinity Gems, possessing god-like powers. With this item, he was Nigh Omnipotent. The Infinity Gems are: •Space Gem •Soul Gem •Reality Gem •Power Gem •Time Gem •Mind Gem


    Thanos has access to his own fleet of starships which have included: •Space Throne ••Dreadnaught-666 •

    •Despite being an Eternal, the Deviant Syndrome he was born with makes him look more like a Deviant in appearance.

    •Thanos' name comes from the Greek personification of Death Thanatos.

    •All Titanians were initially shown being purple-skinned like Thanos in Iron Man #55. The idea of Thanos being different looking from the rest of his people wasn't established until later on. The aforementioned issue was modified in reprints so only Thanos was purple.[210]

    •Before going insane and naming her son Thanos, Sui-San planned to name him Dione; a fact she would reveal only to him on the day of her death.

    •Thanos was born on a Wednesday.

    •Thanos and his brother Eros call a truce once every year to meet and exchange gifts.[211]

    •Once a year, Thanos returns to the ruins of Titan to reminisce on his early life.

    •399 appearance(s) of Thanos (Earth-616)

    •22 appearance(s) in handbook(s) of Thanos (Earth-616)

    •156 minor appearance(s) of Thanos (Earth-616)

    •300 mention(s) of Thanos (Earth-616)

    •20 mention(s) in handbook(s) of Thanos (Earth-616)

    •713 image(s) of Thanos (Earth-616)

  5. Nov 5, 2021 · Thanos' origin story is deeply connected to the Eternals in Marvel Comics, and that relationship could translate to the Marvel Cinematic Universe in the future. In the comics, Thanos actually is an Eternal.

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  7. Nov 9, 2021 · What if Thanos really was right all along? A new fan theory about 'Eternals' turns the Mad Titan into a good guy.

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