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  1. › wiki › SynthwaveSynthwave - Wikipedia

    Synthwave (also called outrun, retrowave, or futuresynth [5]) is an electronic music microgenre that is based predominantly on the music associated with action, science-fiction, and horror film soundtracks of the 1980s. [2] Other influences are drawn from the decade's art and video games. [3]

    • What's in A Name?
    • What Is Synth Pop?
    • Early Synth Pop
    • Early Synth Pop’s Broader Context
    • Synth Pop, Industrial, and Dark Wave
    • So, Why Is Everything Else called Synth Pop?
    • Is Synthwave The Same Thing as Synth Pop?
    • There’S Some Overlap Between Synthwave and Synth Pop, Right?
    • Conclusion

    Using the terms “syn­thwave” and “synth pop” inter­change­ably obscures under­stand­ing of the music. This makes it more dif­fi­cult for fans to loc­ate music that appeals to their spe­cif­ic tastes, gen­er­ates con­fu­sion in con­ver­sa­tions, and glosses over import­ant cre­at­ive dif­fer­ences between artists in both genres, dis­reg­ard­ing dec­...

    To under­stand how and why the genres are dif­fer­ent, it’s of course neces­sary to estab­lish what each of them is in the first place. I've already writ­ten a full his­tory of syn­thwave along with descrip­tions of its sub­genres in What is Synthwave?, so if that genre seems murky or unfa­mil­i­ar, check there first. This art­icle will primar­ily ...

    Although much of ‘70s-era Kraftwerk was not yet synth pop in its full sense, the group helped to spark a grow­ing interest in syn­thes­izers as instru­ments, an interest that was shared by young artists in the UK in the late ‘70s and early ‘80s. It's there that synth pop (ori­gin­ally hyphen­ated as “synth-pop”) developed a stronger iden­tity and f...

    In the late ‘70s and early ‘80s, synth pop was fun­da­ment­ally a sub­genre of new wave, which referred to a massive cul­tur­al shift in song­writ­ing styles com­ing from Britain, and shortly after, the US. There are sev­er­al dis­tinct facets of new wave, and the label is more rel­ev­ant as a descriptor of music innov­a­tion from the era than for ...

    Significantly, syn­thes­izers were often frowned upon by the estab­lished music world of the late ‘70s. They were not ser­i­ous music­al instru­ments in the eyes of many pro­fes­sion­al song­writers, pro­du­cers, and crit­ics of the era, and so the artists who embraced them — and the ven­ues and labels who sup­por­ted the artists — often held a cou...

    Although synth pop blends evenly into many dif­fer­ent styles of music, its defin­ing char­ac­ter­ist­ics are often easy to identi­fy. Yet the term is applied to an enorm­ous range of music whose cre­ations often hold no styl­ist­ic con­nec­tions to one another. Like many oth­er pop­u­lar music genres – such as heavy met­al– fans, journ­al­ists, an...

    Synthwave is not the same genre of music as synth pop, nor is it a sub­genre of synth pop. It is also not a reviv­al of the older genre. Once again, there is a full his­tory of syn­thwave avail­able here, but for the pur­poses of this art­icle, it's enough to say that syn­thwave largely grew out of EDM of the mid-‘00s, and it tends to have softer p...

    Absolutely. As with nearly all genres, there is some over­lap in styles between syn­thwave and synth pop, and there are clear examples of music that can be accur­ately clas­si­fied with­in both genres. In these cases, it is pre­dom­in­ately the song­writ­ing and per­form­ance of the music that makes it synth pop while the retro synth tones and oth­...

    Using the terms "syn­thwave" and “synth pop” inter­change­ably causes real con­fu­sion for listen­ers of both genres, com­plic­at­ing the pro­cess of con­nect­ing inter­ested fans with artists they will enjoy. Synthwave has its own name and identi­fy­ing char­ac­ter­ist­ics, and there’s no need to ret­ro­act­ively bor­row the name of a dif­fer­ent ...

  2. Jul 23, 2020 · To celebrate the cult-like rise of a slant of music characterised by danceable, ethereal beats that are often minimalist in nature, revered filmmaker and editor Ivan Castell has brought us a documentary that’s quintessential to the genre, The Rise of the Synths.

  3. Nov 25, 2019 · Written by synthwave pioneer and fan-favorite artist Mitch Murder, along with Grammy-nominated songwriter Jörgen Elofsson, the track is an aggressively kitschy earworm that pays tribute to ’80s...

  4. › wiki › Warren_JeffsWarren Jeffs - Wikipedia

    Warren Steed Jeffs (born December 3, 1955) is an American cult leader who is serving a life sentence in Texas for child sexual assault following two convictions in 2011. He is the president of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, a polygamous cult based in Arizona. [8]

  5. May 17, 2024 · While synthwave may have emerged in the 21st century, its roots can be traced back to the early '80s and the rise of synthesizer-based music. Acts like Kraftwerk and Giorgio Moroder were pioneering electronic music at the time, paving the way for the genre that would come to be known as synthwave.

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  7. May 12, 2021 · As such, synthwave’s relevance is unusual in electronic music terms. You’d be hard pressed to name a high-profile synthwave club night or even a major synthwave label that has crossed over from cult status to become a household name in broader music circles.

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