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3. How to say morning, afternoon or evening: moments of a day . As in English, days can be divided into several parts : le matin: morning. midi : noon. l'après-midi: afternoon. le soir: evening. la nuit : night. minuit : midnight. le week-end: week-end. la matinée: morning time. la journée: daytime. la soirée : night time Example:
May 31, 2022 · The days of the week in French are: lundi (Monday), mardi (Tuesday), mercredi (Wednesday), jeudi (Thursday), vendredi (Friday), samedi (Saturday) and dimanche (Sunday). French days of the week (hold phone in landscape)
2 days ago · Daily French crosswords. You will find 17 new crosswords on this page every day (from midnight GMT). Click on one of the crosswords below to start solving it. Monolingual crosswords NEW! Daily French crosswords for multiple difficulty levels and topics. 15 new crosswords are available every day.
In the following phrases, lundi can be replaced by any of the other days: ce lundi. this Monday. je ferai ça lundi. I'll do it on Monday. lundi dernier. last Monday. lundi prochain. next Monday.
May 5, 2021 · We must understand “in the morning”, “in the evening”, etc. Example: Elle travaille les lundis soir She works Monday evenings (the word evening is considered an adverb, so it is invariable, do not add an -s). Je vais à la boulangerie les dimanches matin. I go to the bakery on Sunday mornings.
Jul 21, 2015 · In French, the parts of the day are: l’aube (dawn), le matin (the morning), l’après-midi (the afternoon), le crépuscule (dusk), le soir (the evening). This page provides a complete list of the various times of the day in French.
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this morning ce matin. in the morning (= in that part of the day) le matin. I work better in the morning. Je travaille mieux le matin. at 7 o’clock in the morning à sept heures du matin. (= tomorrow morning) demain matin. he’ll phone back in the morning il rappellera dans la matinée. every morning tous les matins.