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Lobster is a programming language that tries to combine the advantages of static typing and compile-time memory management with a very lightweight, friendly and terse syntax, by doing most of the heavy lifting for you.
Though starting on page one with command-line instructions doesn't make sense, as Lobster is multi-platform, and command-line instructions is a good way to scare off Windows users :) Existing command-line instructions are here (under CMake / Linux): but yeah, I guess that is ...
- Using The Compiler
- Learning The Language
- About Lobster
A quick getting startedguide. More detailed: using Lobster from the command line, or setting up editorssuch as VSCode, Sublime Text, Notepad++ or vim as IDE. Lite-XL has a syntaxhighlighting plugin.
If you already know how to program in at least one C-style language(C/C++/C#/Java/JavaScript etc), then a way to get a quick idea of whereLobster is different is by looking at the C-stylelanguage Cheat Sheet. Useful for reference: allbuiltin functions(this part of the documentation is auto-generatedby the compiler). Tutorials: How to build a 2Dshoo...
Lobster was designed and implemented by Wouter van Oortmerssen(aardappel at gmail dot com / It has been released under the Apache v2 open source licence. Read about the design philosophy, historyand future.
Lobster is a language that relies heavily on type inference and generic types, and generally not requiring you to specify types, the order in which things get type-checked sometimes matters. Lobster type-checks function calls in call order, but type declaration in the order in which they are specified in the source code, or imported.
The most important over-arching reason behind everything in Lobster was to make it a pleasant language to use for one single person: me, the author. I've designed a fair number of languages in the past that had a particular goal or should appeal to a particular target group, or were even commercial. Lobster is not such a language.
Aug 20, 2020 · Thinking about learning to code but not sure where to start? One of the most common questions we hear is, “Which programming language should I learn first?” The answer is: It depends. As Web Developer Pat DePuydt explains in the video below, the tech industry changes fast.
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Jul 27, 2021 · Each language comes with its own advantages, and many of their functions overlap. And with over 600 languages to choose from, it can be hard to figure where to start. The good news is, there are a few languages that stand out amongst developers as go-tos for beginners.