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  2. We often think of particle か as "the Japanese question mark," but it's actually a marker of the unknown. It can be used to mark a sentence as a question, or to express alternatives, like "either … or …" in English. We can also add か to a question word to form an indefinite pronoun, as in 誰 (who) + か = 誰か (someone).

  3. Sep 29, 2020 · ka – か : an adverbial particle put after a word, phrase, or clause to express its uncertainty. ka – か : a sentence-ending particle put at the end of a sentence to show understanding or agreement softly.

  4. In Japanese grammar, the Ka particle is primarily used for two purposes: to indicate a question and to express alternatives or choices. Let’s examine these two facets of the Ka particle more closely. Indicating a Question. When used at the end of a sentence, the Ka particle turns the statement into a question. For instance, compare these examples:

    • Japanese Subject Marker Particles: は (wa) and が (ga) In English, we have only a “subject” as the main focus of the sentence. In Japanese, they divide it by subject and topic.
    • Japanese Question Marker Particle: か (ka) か (ka) is so simple. In Japanese, it works as the ? at the end of a sentence. So you can change any sentence to a question by adding か to the end.
    • Japanese Direct Object Marking Particle: を (wo) を is romanized as wo but is actually said as “o”. It’s used to mark the direct object of the sentence, the object that receives the action of the verb.
    • Japanese Possessive Particle: の (no) We already talked about this one a bit, but let’s review it more in-depth. の (no) is the possessive particle. It turns pronouns into their possessive form.
  5. Apr 16, 2020 · 1) Used For Real Questions. 2) Used For Not-Real Questions. 3) Can Be Used For “Or” 4) Used With Question Words. 5) Any Questions? Used For Real Questions. The most common way that か is used in Japanese is as a spoken question mark (?) which then turns the entire sentence into a question.

  6. Learn Japanese grammar: か~か (ka~ka). Meaning: the particle か is used to say “or”. It is used when trying to decide between 2 or more choices. Sometimes, it may only be written one time. よい か 悪い か わかりません。 yoi ka warui ka wakarimasen. I’m not sure if this is good or bad. か can also be used as a question ...

  7. Jan 21, 2022 · か (ka) Particle. The particle か (ka) can be used in two ways. It can be used as a question marker or a choice marker. The first usage of か (ka) is a question marker. The particle is placed at the very end of a sentence turning a statement into a question.

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