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Jun 10, 2013 · Grojband is a 2013 animated series that first aired on June 10, 2013. It was created by Todd Kauffman and Mark Thornton as well as a multitude of others. The show aired on Teletoon in Canada, Cartoon Network and Boomerang in the United States, Pop...
Grojband (portmanteau for "garage" and "band") is a Canadian animated television series created by Todd Kauffman and Mark Thornton for Teletoon in Canada and Cartoon Network in the United States.
Grojband: Created by Todd Kauffman, Mark Thornton, Vishnu Athreya. With Bryn McAuley, Sergio Di Zio, Lyon Smith, Graeme Cornies. The story about 12 year old Corey that emotionally torments his sister so that she will write the ultimate lyrics for his garage band.
- (1.5K)
- 2013-06-10
- Animation, Adventure, Comedy
- 22
This is a list of the episodes of Grojband, a Canadian/American animated television series which premiered on Cartoon Network on June 10, 2013, and on Teletoon on September 5, 2013. All of the season 1B episodes have been released in the Cartoon Network website, and later aired on Boomerang on...
Grojband is a 2013 kids series on Cartoon Network. It is created by Todd Kauffman and Mark Thornton. 13 year old Corey Riffin starts a garage band with his three best friends and quickly realizes that their band sucks. It's not their music or ever-changing image that's the problem.
Grojband is a Canadian animated television series. It is created by Todd Kauffman and Mark Thornton, and co-directed by Kauffman and Thornton. The executive producers are Tom McGillis and Jennifer Pertsch, creators of the animated reality franchise Total Drama.
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When did Grojband come out?
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Where can I watch Grojband?
What time does Grojband premiere on Cartoon Network?
Is Grojband back in season 1b?
Who makes Grojband?
Visit the TV show page for 'Grojband' on Moviefone. Discover the show's synopsis, cast details, and season information. Watch trailers, exclusive interviews, and episode reviews.