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  1. In Illinois during FY 2020, 30% of adult abuse reports allege financial exploitation; approximately 20% allege physical abuse; 18% allege active or passive neglect; and 20% allege emotional abuse.

  2. To report suspected abuse, neglect, exploitation of and self-neglect of an older person, call the statewide, 24-hour Adult Protective Services Hotline: 1-866-800-1409. For deaf and speech-impaired communication over the telephone, dial Illinois Relay at 711.

    • Disclaimer
    • Session Objectives
    • With Age Comes ...
    • Significance of Demographic Changes
    • Significance of Demographic Changes — Case Complexities
    • What is Elder Abuse?
    • “Disabled Person”
    • Investigative Significance of Setting
    • Investigative Mindset – Co-Occurring Forms
    • Victims
    • Perpetrators
    • Indicators of Abuse (continued)
    • Ageism and Ableism
    • Beliefs = Implicit Biases
    • Misconceptions About Financial Exploitation Crimes
    • If victim gave consent, then there is no crime.
    • Working with Adult Protective Services (APS)
    • Future Presentations

    This presentation is provided for general information purposes only and does not constitute legal or professional advice. The views expressed in this presentation are those of the speakers and may not necessarily represent the policy interpretations and procedures issued by the Adult Protective Services Program at the Department on Aging.

    Define abuse Review forms of abuse, settings, and indicators Discuss impact and costs of abuse Describe beliefs and misconceptions that can be barriers to an effective investigation

    Greater likelihood of More chronic medical conditions Increased rates of occurrence of dementia More need for assistance and increased dependency These changes are risk factors for abuse, neglect, and exploitation.

    More reports and calls for service New state crimes for law enforcement to investigate Different training needs for law enforcement and other professionals

    Understanding dynamics of victim-perpetrator relationship Complying with legal/mandated reporting duties Working with allied agencies such as Adult Protective Services (APS) Locating and securing evidence Interviewing victims Dealing with issues of dementia and disability Reviewing legal documents such as advanced directives, POAs, and guardianship...

    No single definition in use across the nation. The Elder Justice Roadmap engaged practitioners and experts in the elder abuse field in developing a framework for defining elder abuse. Not a legal definition. “Elder abuse includes physical, sexual or psychological abuse, as well as neglect, abandonment, and financial exploitation of an older person ...

    Financial Abuse: person with a physical or mental impairment resulting from disease, injury, functional disorder or congenital condition that impairs their mental or physical ability to independently manage own property or financial resources, or both. Abuse and Neglect: person with a physical or mental impairment resulting from disease, injury, f...

    If abuse occurs in institutional settings, consider if additional victims; multiple suspects; and witnesses on staff, contractors, other residents, visitors Possible evidence sources: Minimum Data Set Facility records for resident: administrative, care plans, physician/nursing notes, medication administration, dietary, therapies, etc. Contracts Pe...

    If one form is present, consider if other forms are occurring: Is one form the way to commit another form (e.g., abuse to obtain assets)? Always consider financial exploitation when report is for another form. Cascading Abuse – was the response to the report of abuse the commission of a different form of abuse by a different perpetrator?

    Across a continuum of abilities Most live in community and are independent Key risk factor is social isolation — important to offer information about available services in the community through the Aging and Disability Networks in Illinois May be targeted for abuse Many have assets Perceived as “low risk, high gain”

    Often a person known, trusted, and perhaps loved by victim May have substance use disorders, mental health conditions, and may be dependent on the victim Motivations vary by type of abuse: Power and control Greed Anger Entitlement Stress

    Always be concerned if: Access to see or speak with an alleged victim is being impeded Implausible, inconsistent, or evasive explanations are offered for incident Alleged Victim’s hesitation in responding Demeanor – anxiety, fear, etc. Deferral to the suspect or someone else for responses “Coded” responses about suspect Suspect engages in victim-bl...

    What are your beliefs about older adults and people with disabilities? All have dementia or cognitive deficits. Being old or disabled means a person cannot recognize abuse because they do not experience pain. They are not capable of learning new information. None are tech savvy. Most are helpless and in need of assistance. Age and disability mean s...

    People are dehumanized and seen as less important members of society. Crimes are not perceived as being serious cases. Many crimes are not investigated or prosecuted. Assumptions are often made in cases of unattended deaths that the decedent died of natural causes simply because the person was older or had a disability. Thefts from an older person ...

    A case is civil (and not a crime) if there is a power of attorney/guardianship. A fiduciary has a duty to act in the best interests of the Principal/Ward. Breach of fiduciary duty may be criminal conduct: Personal use of victim’s funds Self-dealing at expense of the victim Investigate when a substitute/surrogate decision-maker withdraws significant...

    Did victim have capacity to consent (i.e., did victim have legal capacity to understand nature of agreement and did victim act voluntarily)? Even if victim had capacity to consent, was consent obtained by undue influence? Did suspect use deceit, misrepresentation of key facts, or fraud to obtain consent?

    Cases are complex and require multiple responses APS Expertise in working with older adults and adults with disabilities Investigation = risk assessment and interventions, if consent provided Not criminal investigators Refer suspected criminal conduct to law enforcement Need support by law enforcement for welfare checks, gaining safe entry, maintai...

    Short segments on: Medical issues Capacity and consent Powers of attorney Interviewing Abuse Investigation Case Study

  3. Aug 11, 2023 · In Chicago, elder financial exploitation is especially prevalent in predominantly Black neighborhoods, records show. Experts cite a variety of factors, including a lack of police response in those neighborhoods.

  4. Responding to Elder Abuse in Illinois How Can I Report Suspicion of Elder Abuse in Illinois? To report suspected abuse, neglect or exploitation in Illinois, call the statewide, 24-hour Adult Protective Services Hotline: When placing a report to APS, reporters should be prepared to provide the name of the alleged victim, location

  5. OIG investigates all reports of abuse, neglect, and mistreatment in a timely manner, to ensure humane, competent, respectful, and caring treatment of persons with mental and developmental disabilities.

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  7. Elder abuse is a social issue that plagues society with victims suffering silently. This topic was one that required extra care due to its complex nature. This study helped

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