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  1. Oct 28, 2022 · The answer, according to most of the top results, is: “No.” And, yet, in what other genre could the only thing to save the day against unimaginable terrors, from vampires to demons, be . . . a member of the clergy? It’s strange how the Church seems ambivalent at best about this misunderstood genre.

  2. Jun 8, 2022 · Answer. Movies are a powerful medium, and they have a profound impact on culture. And the sad truth is that many movies these days, including those outside the scary “horror” genre, are either completely antithetical to Christian values or at the very least are at odds with God’s divine standard of holiness.

  3. When we consider viewing a movie, we should ask ourselves if it glorifies Jesus. There are some Christian movie producers who intend to show the spiritual battle, the evil of this age, and the need for Jesus. But most horror movies are interested in just frightening the audience.

  4. Should Christians go to movies? The believer is not prohibited from watching movies. Instead, Christians are called to a higher standard regarding which movies to watch and how many movies we watch. First, a movie is simply a story on a screen. The story can be good or evil, beneficial or harmful.

  5. According to 1 Cor. 15:33, “bad company corrupts good character.” So some argue that horror films with sinful content numb believers over time to what God calls evil, damaging their discernment and holiness.

  6. Oct 29, 2013 · A sin is a sin, no matter how you want to call it or justify your action. Every sin will have its consequences, and you can never escape the fact that watching horror movies has its adverse effects on our emotion and thinking.

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  8. Jan 4, 2022 · Answer. For a Christian, the question is not so much "is watching this movie a sin?" but "is this something that Jesus would want me to do?" The Bible tells us that many things are permitted, but not all things are beneficial or constructive (1 Corinthians 10:23).