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  1. Many such movies possess supernatural elements including demonic possession, spiritual activity, and evil incarnate. Let us consider that type of horror film. Christians know that our true enemy is a spiritual one and that the enemy's goal is to "steal and kill and destroy" ( John 10:10 ). The evil depicted in many horror movies is real.

  2. First, a movie is simply a story on a screen. The story can be good or evil, beneficial or harmful. The wise choice is to take time to evaluate whether the movie will be good and beneficial for your life. This will vary some from one person to the next, but it is helpful to invest a little time to know what the movie will include before ...

  3. Jun 8, 2022 · Answer. Movies are a powerful medium, and they have a profound impact on culture. And the sad truth is that many movies these days, including those outside the scary “horror” genre, are either completely antithetical to Christian values or at the very least are at odds with God’s divine standard of holiness.

  4. Jul 31, 2023 · As a Christian, you may be wondering if it is a sin to watch horror and scary movies. While the Bible does not explicitly mention horror movies, it does provide guidance on what is appropriate for Christians to watch. Ephesians 5:11-12. “Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.

  5. It Desensitizes Christians to Sin and Evil. According to 1 Cor. 15:33, “bad company corrupts good character.”. So some argue that horror films with sinful content numb believers over time to what God calls evil, damaging their discernment and holiness. The shocking gore also trivializes what should appall us, further eroding biblical morality.

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  7. William Friedkin’s Best Picture winner adapted a novel based on the true story of a St. Louis boy. The film (and novel) make two notable changes to the true story: the possessed child becomes a girl, and her parents are divorced. Regan grows up without a father, leaving her open to demonic possession (and needing rescue from two Fathers).

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