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8 Man (8マン) or Eightman (エイトマン, Eitoman) or 8th Man (8人目, 8 Hitome, in the US) is a manga and superhero anime created in 1963 by science fiction writer Kazumasa Hirai and manga artist Jiro Kuwata. [2] 8 Man is considered Japan's earliest cyborg superhero, pre-dating Kamen Rider. [3]
- The Story
- Original Japanese Manga Story Titles
- Original Japanese TV Episode Titles
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Murdered by criminals, Detective Yokoda's body is retrieved by Professor Tani and taken to his laboratory. There, Tani performs an experiment that has failed seven times; Yokoda is the latest subject to have his life force transferred into an android body. For the first time, the experiment succeeds. Yokoda is reborn as the armor-skinned android 8 ...
- Novella Stories - 怪人ゲーレン - Mystery Man Gehlen サタンの兄弟 - Satan's Brothers 怪力ロボット007 - Super-Powered Robot 007 光線兵器レーザー - The Laser Beam Gun 超人サイバー - The Cyber Superbeing 人間ミサイル - The Human Missile 殺人ロボット005 - Killer Robot 005 魔女エスパー - The Witch Esper 超人類ミュータント - Superhuman Mutant 魔人コズマ - The Demon Kozuma-Jiro Kuwata was imprisoned for possession of...
1.エイトマン登場 - Introducing Eightman 2.殺し屋ゲーレン - The Hitman Gehlen 3.サタンの兄弟 - Satan's Brother 4.死刑台B3 - The B3 Gallows 5.暗黒カプセル - The Capsule of Darkness 6.黄金ギャング - The Gold Gang 7.消音ジェット機 - The Stealth Jetplane 8.超小型ミサイル - The Micro Missile 9.光線銃レーザー - The Lazer Ray Gun 10.ロボット007 - Robot 007 11.まぼろしの暗殺者 - The Phantom Assassin 12.海底のウラン - Undersea Ura...
The 8 Man franchise was revived in the early 1990s by a live action film, video game and new animated series.
8 Man at the Internet Movie Database(1963)8th Man at the Internet Movie Database(1965)8 Man - Subete no sabishii yoru no tame ni at the Internet Movie Database(1992)8 Man After at the Internet Movie Database(1993)Now called 8 Man ("Eighth Man", in English, because according to the dub he was the eighth cyborg attempt — and the first one to work!), he has the usual array of powers: Super-Strength, Super-Speed, plus Voluntary Shapeshifting and the unusual ability to detach and remotely control his limbs.
8 Man (8マン) or Eightman (エイトマン, Eitoman) or 8th Man (8人目, 8 Hitome, in the US) is a manga and superhero anime created in 1963 by science fiction writer Kazumasa Hirai and manga artist Jiro Kuwata. 8 Man is considered Japan 's earliest cyborg superhero, pre-dating Kamen Rider. Quick Facts エイトマン (Eitoman), Written by ...
8 Man is Japanese superhero from the manga and anime series 8 Man. Detective Yokoda was a policeman nearly killed by criminals but had his memories put into a powerful cyborg body which he used to fight crime as 8 Man.
- Kazumasa Hirai, Jiro Kuwata
- No information
- 8 Man, Chapter 1 (1963)
He is considered Japan's earliest cyborg superhero, predating even Kamen Rider and Shotaro Ishinomori's Cyborg 009. It produced 2 liv-action films, a 4-episode OVA titled 8Man After , and a few novel and manga remake spinoffs.
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Is 8 man a cyborg?
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In reality, 8 Man is a robot who assumes the identity of Azuma, a detective who works with the Metropolitan Police. 8 Man has abilities such as super speed, and the ability to shift his appearance.