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  2. Jun 19, 2020 · The Bible makes it plainly clear through several verses, include Proverbs 3:5-6, Philippians 4:6-7, Matthew 6:34, and John 14:27. Fear causes your mind and judgment to be clouded, leading you to make decisions that you wouldn’t have made if you had a clear head about the situation.

  3. In the New Testament the chief words are phobos, "fear," "terror," "affright" (Matthew 14:26; 28:4,8; Luke 21:26; 1 John 4:18, etc.), and phobeo, "to put in fear" (both used of ordinary fear) (Matthew 1:20; 10:26; 28:5; 2 Corinthians 12:20, etc.); of the fear of God, the noun (Romans 3:18; 2 Corinthians 7:1), the verb (Luke 18:4; 23:40, etc ...

  4. Apr 18, 2023 · What does the Bible say about fear? Answer. The Bible mentions two specific types of fear. The first type is beneficial and is to be encouraged. The second type is a detriment and is to be overcome. The first type of fear is fear of the Lord. This type of fear does not necessarily mean to be afraid of something.

  5. Dec 15, 2023 · In biblical times, fear was a natural human emotion just as it is today. People in the Bible faced various fears, from the fear of enemies to the fear of the unknown. However, they also learned to trust in God’s faithfulness and rely on His strength to overcome their fears.

  6. Fear is a natural and, in its purpose, beneficent feeling, arising in the presence or anticipation of danger, and moving to its avoidance; it is also awakened in the presence of superiors and of striking manifestations of power, etc., taking the form of awe or reverence.

  7. Jan 4, 2022 · When the Bible tells us, “Do not fear,” it means we are not to allow anxiety or fretfulness to rule our lives or take root in our hearts. We are not to be people of panic. We are to be people of faith. Having been justified by God, we need not fear divine condemnation ( Romans 8:1 ).

  8. May 3, 2023 · The Bible often says things like “Do not fear,” “Do not be afraid,” and “Fear not.” Jesus’ words “Do not fear; only believe” meant that Jairus was not to allow anxiety or worry to take root in his heart. Jesus’ command indicates that fear and faith cannot peaceably coexist.

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