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  1. Dec 30, 2010 · Metadata Agent for Open Movie DatabaseThis is a Metadata Agent for the Open Movie Database. It uses the existing Freebase Agent to lookup the IMDb id, then retrieves movie info from Open Movie Database. The Agent will get the following information (English only!): title, year, MPAA rating, release date, genres, directors, writers, actors, plot, rating (IMDb and/or Tomatometer), duration and ...

  2. May 21, 2020 · What is it and what’s new? We’re working on some upgrades to our movie metadata infrastructure, and we’d like to give you a peek at what’s in store. The major changes are a brand new scanner and agent, rebuilt from the ground up to be lean and super speedy, and a cloud-based metadata service that does all the heavy lifting to bring together multiple metadata sources such as IMDb ...

  3. Question: WEEK4 - HOMEWORK 5 Extra Points 1. In the IMDb Movie Database (Found in "Templates" in the Reading and Study Section of Week 4 in Badboard), complete by answering the questions the following a) Set up a view to show Budget by Title (as rows), with filters for Country (set to Japan) and Language (set to English).

  4. Feb 14, 2021 · Server Version#: Player Version#: 4.52.1 When I try to fix a Match with “Search Options”, the only option I’m shown is “Plex Movie”. Is there a way to match against TMDB anymore?

  5. Question: in JAVA,IMDB Movie Database Red-Black Binary Search Trees and HashingThe assignment is about design and development of a movie database for IMDB movie data. You are given a .csv file which stores the following information for each movie.

  6. Question: Write a program that would allow the user to interact with a part of the IMDB movie database. Each movie has a unique ID, name, release date, and user rating. You're given a file containing this information (see movies.txt in "Additional files" section).

  7. Write a program that will allow the user to interact with a subset of the IMDB movie database. Each movie has a unique ID, a name, a release date, and a user rating. Your program will read in the movie data from a file and then display the data in the format requested. The file is called "movies.txt", and contains the following information for each

  8. May 25, 2024 · UNFORGIVEN’s release date is shown here and does not match that shown in IMDB or the Movie Database. Where is this coming from? I frequently see odd choices showing up in the refreshed metadata but this one is off by almost a year and doesn’t make sense. (2 cents more: As a Plex enthusiast, I’d like to be able to rely on a metadata field that tells me the “year the movie came out ...

  9. Movie Data Navigator (4 5 points) Using the IMDb movie database, write VBA code to perform the following tasks. Notes: Ensure each button functions as intended (e. g., pressing Button 2 should automatically complete both subtasks a and b ). Feel free to customize your button's appearance.

  10. The data is in a text file called "imdb.txt'. The information was extracted from web pages returned by the Internet Movie Database ( It consists of films nominated for the Academy Award for Best Picture, all films in the 500 top-grossing films listed on IMDB, and the 250 top-rated films and the films complete cast.

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