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Citations by Google Scholar, SCOPUS and ISI Web of Science. NB Open Access versions of these publications, where available, can be downloaded from HERE.
1601. 2001. Assessing Damage of Reinforced Concrete Beam Using “ b -value” Analysis of Acoustic Emission Signals. IS Colombo, IG Main, MC Forde. Journal of materials in civil engineering 15 (3), 280-286. , 2003. 615. 2003. Operational earthquake forecasting: State of knowledge and guidelines for utilization.
Ian Main FRSE, FRSA, MAE, Professor of Seismology and Rock Physics. Research Ian is interested in the processes that lead up to catastrophic failure events, from earthquakes, rock fracture, and volcanic eruptions to failure of building materials and bridges, and in quantifying the resulting hazard. He is particularly interested in the ...
This includes the commonly-observed scale-free or ‘fractal’ scaling of such patterns, and how they can be correlated with mechanical (e.g. the fracture toughness), hydraulic (e.g. fluid permeability of fault gouge) and seismic (event statistics, velocity and attenuation) properties of fault and fracture systems.
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Ian G Main. In order to elucidate different properties of zones of deformation bands, we develop a numerical model of rupture using a multiscale cellular automaton that captures key ingredients...
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Ian G Main. Time-dependent brittle deformation is a fundamental and pervasive process operating in the Earth's upper crust. Its characterization is a pre-requisite to understanding and...