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  2. Jan 16, 2020 · A good morning routine has plenty of mental health benefits. Build your own routine with these self-care ideas.

  3. Oct 2, 2023 · Transform your day one routine at a time. Learn to structure your day for less stress and more success with healthy habits for your morning, evening, and workday. Setting up a daily routine filled with healthy habits can help you avoid feeling like your days are flying by in a blur.

  4. Nov 8, 2022 · A morning routine boosts happiness, increases productivity, reduces stress levels, and gets you grounded and settled for the day. It’s about getting started on the “right foot.” A morning routine also allows you to start your morning with intention rather than letting the day run away from you.

    • Prepare the night before. Setting yourself up for success starts the night before. Here’s how you can prepare your morning for maximum energy, productivity, and success
    • Find your optimal waking time. Some prefer to wake up at 7 am. Others swear by a 5 am approach. And some vouch for a late morning wake-up time. Your current waking time may feel like your sweet spot.
    • Start with a quick win. Quick wins provide a sense of accomplishment, improve motivation, and boost confidence. It also ignites momentum, setting you up for more daunting tasks.
    • Do what inspires you. The goal of your morning routine is to empower you, make you feel amazing, and spark momentum to drive you into bigger tasks.
    • Wake up at YOUR right time. “Morning people” are supposed to be the high achievers. The early bird is supposed to catch the worm, right? And a cold shower to wake up?
    • Prepare the night before. Many productivity experts and successful people spend evenings preparing for the next day. Their reasoning: It leaves mornings free for an early start on important work (and breakfast).
    • Focus on what matters. Erik Fisher is the voice behind the Beyond The To-Do List Podcast. He’s interviewed over 100 different productivity experts on topics like lifehacking, work-life balance, and creativity.
    • Move around and hydrate. When you feel great, it makes it easier to handle the morning alarm clock. If it’s hard just get out of bed, you probably won’t be excited to run to the gym—and that’s ok.
  5. Jul 27, 2021 · Mornings can be rough, but a good routine can help you change that. Here’s how to build a healthy morning routine that suits your needs.

  6. Jan 10, 2024 · The best morning routine promotes both wellness and productivity for your whole day. Check out 21 steps for creating your own healthy morning routine.

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