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  1. Jan 10, 2024 · Yahoo - Statistics & Facts. Yahoo is a California-based, multinational online company brand known worldwide for its search engine, Yahoo Search, and the Yahoo web portal, which brings...

  2. Dec 18, 2023 · It is estimated that in 2022, the number of e-mail users worldwide stands at a record 4.26 billion, and by 2026, this figure is projected to reach approximately 4.73 billion.

    • General Email Usage Statistics
    • Mobile Email Usage Statistics
    • Email Marketing Statistics
    • Email Usage Statistics For Marketers
    • Email Marketing Effectiveness
    • Email vs Instant Messaging Statistics
    • Downsides of Email Usage

    1. How many email users are there in the UK?

    (Statista) 85% of British adults had sent or received emails in 2020, making it the most common online activity in the country. The popularity of emails had remained almost unchanged since 2017 but has drastically increased compared to ten years previously when only 57% of Brits used emails.

    2. 99% of email users check their inbox every day.

    (DMA) People tend to check their personal email every day, with 46% opening their inbox two to three times within 24 hours. Work emails, however, are a different story, with half of respondents saying they open their work-related messages less than once a day. What’s more, only 12% check their professional email every 60 minutes and 10% log on to their workplace email accountstwo to three times a day.

    3. Most people have one to two email addresses.

    (DMA) 37% of those surveyed by the DMA said they have two email addresses and 17% have at least three. Not only do email usershave more than one address, they also rarely deactivate their account. In fact, the same research revealed that 59% of consumers have never deactivated an email account. Even among those who would stop using emails, the address is kept active for an average of 26 months.

    9. 40.22% of emails were opened via a mobile device in 2018.

    (Statista) The percentage of emails viewed on mobilein the UK dropped by 7.20% compared to 2017. The highest rate of emails viewed via a mobile device was recorded in 2015 when it stood at 55%. However, given that mobile makes up almost half of all internet traffictoday, this rate is bound to increase.

    10. 42% of users spend approximately an hour checking email on mobile a day.

    (DMA) 61% of users check their email on mobile devices every day, up from 51% who did so the previous year. Despite this, desktops are still the preferred method of checking inboxes. A 2017 survey found that 55% check their personal email from desktops, while 27% access it from mobile. Furthermore, 30% reported using their workplace email account from computers and laptops compared to 13% who do the same via mobile phone or smartphone.

    11. Emails from the events and music sector had the highest open rate on mobile.

    (Statista) At 58.5%, emails from the music and events industry were opened most frequently on mobile devices. Messages from retail and travel companies, each with 57.5%, were ranked second and third, 2018 data from Statista on mobile email usagein the UK report.

    14. 91% of advertisers rate email as the most important marketing channel.

    (DMA) Email remains the leading marketing channel for the majority of organisations in the UK, followed by social media, rated “important” by 83% of the advertisers in DMA’s 2019 survey. But it’s not just marketers that see the value of email to their organisation. 59% of consumers also prefer this channel, higher than others, including traditional methods like face-to-face, phone and mail.

    15. 14% of UK companies spend more than £100.000 on email marketing.

    (Statista) 30% of businesses surveyed by Statista spent up to £5,000 on email marketing in 2018. At the same time, 14% of the companies revealed to have spent more than £100,000, an increase of 4% in email marketing spendingfrom 2017.

    16. Advertisers expect email marketing budgets to increase to nearly 17%.

    (DMA) Judging by the results of DMA’s survey, 63% of companies believe that they will increase their email marketing budget in the future and a third of them expect to invest over 21% of their total marketing budget into email campaigns.

    20. The most useful type of email content for consumers are discounts and offers.

    (DMA) 75% of consumers like receiving emails focusing on discounts and offers. Well, who doesn’t like a bargain, right? Next on the list of the most useful email content for consumers are e-receipts, favoured by 61%, and advanced notice on new products or sales, chosen by 58%. Emailing statisticsfrom a marketer’s point of view are not that different. 78% of marketers see advance notice of sales as the most useful type of content to achieve their campaign goals. 73% value non-promotional conte...

    21. 49% of recipients would open an email if it is sent from a brand they recognise.

    (DMA) A little more than a quarter (26%) referred to the subject line as the most important factor when opening an email, emphasising the importance of the customer knowing who is emailing them and why. Regarding content, emails with texts and pictures are the favourites of consumers, cited by 59% and 50% of interviewees, accordingly. Articles and infographics also rank high on the list, whereas videos and GIFs are among the least popular (less than 15% mentioned these as their favourite cont...

    22. Targeted emails generate the most revenue.

    (Constant Contact) Targeting list segments pays off! Targeted emails are currently generating the most profit or 36% of all email marketing revenue. Moreover, email personalisation statsindicate that unsegmented emails make up just 14% of total revenue, one more proof of the effectiveness of targeted campaigns.

    26. Email marketing ROI stands at £42 for every pound spent.

    (DMA) This sum represents an increase of £10 compared to the previous year, which only goes to show the increasing profitability and popularity of email marketing. Seen by organisations, B2B organisations report a little less than £36 ROI from email marketing. By contrast, B2C companies have an average return of almost £48. ROI estimations are higher among B2C organisations, but only because these companies measure the effectiveness of email campaigns more regularly than B2B enterprises.

    27. The average email open rate was 16.4% in 2020.

    (Campaign Monitor) The averageemail open ratesdropped to 16.4% in 2020, as did the average click-through rate—declining to 1.6%. Overall, 2020 was a difficult year for marketers, with most metrics used to measure the effectiveness of campaigns witnessing a decline. In fact, the only silver lining was the decrease in unsubscribe rates, which went down to 0.1%.

    28. The Wellness & Fitness sector had the highest open rates in 2020.

    (Campaign Monitor) With an average open rate of 40.5%, the Wellness and Fitnessindustry had the highest email marketing success rate. Next up is the Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting sector with a 38.9% open rateand Educationwith 33.2%.

    31. Online messaging services are more popular than SMS and email.

    (Ofcom) Ofcom’s latest report indicates that UK online adults use online messaging services, like WhatsAppand Facebook Messenger, more frequently than they do mobile messages and email. More specifically, 52% of Brits used instant messagingservices on a daily basis compared to 41% and 26% who said the same about SMS and email. However, this trend was not always present. When asked, 89% of internet adults in the UK said they used email in the past, higher than the percentage of users of online...

    32. People in the UK open 95% of the SMS they receive.

    (Esendex) On top of that, almost 75% of Brits read every text message they get, regardless of the sender. Compared to the open rate of emails, which is less than 17%, it becomes clear why advertisers favour SMS. Nevertheless, emails are the preferred marketing channel for longer messages, especially content that includes video, images and infographics.

    33. Globally, spam messages made up 28.5% of total email traffic in 2019.

    (Statista) (Beaming) Email spam statisticsshow a decrease in these kinds of messages in 2019, going down by 16.8% from a year before. The level of spam emails was highest in 2008 when 92.6% of all messages sent constituted as spam.

    34. In the UK, spam complaints were down in 2019.

    (DMA) Ever since the GDPR came into effect in 2018, emails statistics show opt-out rates and spam complaints to have decreased. Despite predicting adverse effects, 56% of advertisers see the new legislation as a positive thing, while only 20% have negative feelings.

    35. UK office workers waste five hours of productivity a day by checking email.

    (The Independent) A 2019 study of 2,000 office workers across the country discovered that 230 hours of productivity a year are lost due to employees constantly checking emails. Most of the time, the survey concluded, is wasted on re-reading emails, needlessly refreshing the inbox and sending emails to colleagues when the message could just as easily be passed on personally. 54% also admitted that constantly checking their inbox has had an adverse effect on their concentration and productivity...

  3. In 2022, the number of global e-mail users amounted to 4.26 billion and is set to grow to 4.73 billion users in 2026. In 2020, approximately 306 billion e-mails were sent and received every...

  4. Apr 9, 2021 · We analyzed nearly 3 billion email opens in January, February, and March of 2021 to find out the most popular email clients, apps, and devices. Top 10 email clients overall. Apple iPhone increases its stronghold as first place in email client market share—up almost 5 percentage points since last year.

  5. Jan 3, 2024 · A distribution list in Yahoo Mail is like a contact list with all important contacts in one place, letting you quickly send emails to them. Using a distribution list, you make a group of recipients and send individual or group emails to everyone in that group.

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  7. The total number of business and consumer emails sent and received per day will exceed 319 billion in 2021, and is forecast to grow to over 376 billion by year-end 2025. • The number of worldwide email users will top 4.1 in 2021, and is expected to grow to over 4.5 billion by the end of 2025.

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