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- témoigner, attester, démontrer are the top translations of "testify" into French. Sample translated sentence: If you testify against him, we can put him behind bars for good. ↔ Si vous témoignez contre lui, nous pouvons le mettre derrière les barreaux pour de bon. testify verb grammar To make a declaration, or give evidence, under oath.
French translation of 'testify' testify. [ˈtɛstɪfaɪ ] intransitive verb. 1. (Law) [witness] témoigner. to testify against somebody témoigner contre quelqu’un. to testify that ... [witness] déclarer que ... to testify to something [witness] attester quelque chose. 2. (= be evidence of) to testify to something témoigner de quelque chose.
French translation of 'testify' Word Frequency. testify. [ˈtɛstɪfaɪ ] intransitive verb. 1. (Law) [witness] témoigner. to testify against sb témoigner contre qn. to testify that ... [witness] déclarer que ... to testify to sth [witness] attester qch. 2. (= be evidence of) to testify to sth témoigner de qch.
Many translated example sentences containing "testify" – French-English dictionary and search engine for French translations.
verb. / ˈtestifai/. past tense, past participle testified. to give evidence, especially in a law court. témoigner. He agreed to testify on behalf of / against the accused man. to show or give evidence of; to state that (something) is so. attester. I will testify to her kindness.
testify verb grammar. To make a declaration, or give evidence, under oath. [..] + Add translation. English-French dictionary. témoigner. verb. If you testify against him, we can put him behind bars for good. Si vous témoignez contre lui, nous pouvons le mettre derrière les barreaux pour de bon. French-English. attester. verb.
1. general. testify (also: attest, bear witness of, bespeak, give evidence, give proof of, show) volume_up. témoigner [ témoignant|témoigné] {vb} [ex.] testify (also: cast down, depose, deposit, drop, give evidence, leave, lodge, register, send in) volume_up.
Principales traductions. Anglais. Français. testify ⇒ vi. (give evidence in court) témoigner ⇒ vi. Two of her relatives were called on to testify. Deux personnes de sa famille ont été appelées à témoigner. testify against [sb] vi + prep.