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  1. The Godzilla in 2019 is the exact same Godzilla we see in 2021. There's nothing to indicate that he changed at all between KotM and GvK. Sure, he got nuked in KoTM, but all of that excess energy went away when he nuclear pulsed Ghidorah.

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    King Ghidorah (キングギドラ,   Kingu Gidora?), also dubbed Monster Zero, Titanus Ghidorah or just simply Ghidorah, is a giant extraterrestrial three-headed dragon daikaiju created by Legendary Pictures.

    The main antagonist of the MonsterVerse, Ghidorah was first alluded to during the final moments the 2017 film, Kong: Skull Island, became the main antagonist of the 2019 film, Godzilla: King of the Monsters, and was one of the overarching antagonists of Godzilla vs. Kong.

    A rival alpha predator to Godzilla, Ghidorah was discovered by Monarch lying dormant inside an Antarctic glacier. In 2019, he was freed by Emma Russell and Alan Jonah's eco-terrorist paramilitary as part of their plan to manipulate the Titans and renew the world's ecosphere; unaware that Ghidorah was an alien who was incompatible with Earth’s established natural order. Proving impossible to control with the ORCA, Ghidorah temporarily succeeded in usurping Godzilla’s dominance, spontaneously awakening the other Titans and commanding them to begin destroying both humanity and the world's ecosystems. Ghidorah managed to cause worldwide destruction and loss of life before he was defeated and killed by the combined efforts of Godzilla, Mothra, the military, Monarch and the Russell family.

    Following Ghidorah's apparent demise, the skull of his leftover severed head was converted by Apex Cybernetics into a semi-organic psionic control system for Mechagodzilla. This unwittingly enabled what remained of Ghidorah's consciousness to reincarnate into the Mecha for a brief time, before it was destroyed by Godzilla and Kong with the aid of Madison Russell, Bernie Hayes and Josh Valentine.

    Ghidorah's full name is likely based on Zmey Gorynych from the 1956 Soviet film Ilya Muromets, the inspiration source of the monster who was called King Dragon in Japan. The word "Ghidorah" itself is a direct translation of the pronunciation of Hydra in the Russian language.

    This incarnation of Ghidorah is initially primarily referred to by the characters as Monster Zero, until they discover legends indicating its alien origin which call it "Ghidorah, the One Who Is Many". From then on, the characters of Godzilla: King of the Monsters primarily call the alien monster "Ghidorah". He's only ever referred to as "King Ghidorah" by Diane Foster and by a label on a digital map during the military Castle Bravo meeting after Ghidorah has become the new reigning alpha. It's indicated following Ghidorah's death that the original name "Monster Zero" is the name which most humans apart from those who personally fought him have remembered him by.


    Like most of his past incarnations, Ghidorah is larger than Godzilla. Ghidorah's wings are much larger and more bat-like in appearance than most incarnations - the membrane of each wing is supported by four bat-like phalanges extending from Ghidorah's wrists, and an additional three phalanges that extend from the sides of Ghidorah's torso. All these phalanges end in blade-like tips that emerge from the wing membrane. Though Ghidorah takes on a bipedal stance when standing still, unlike past incarnations, Ghidorah is able to move on his legs and uses his wings as forelimbs to support his massive body for crawling or even running when needed. Ghidorah still has his traditional twin tails with spiked bludgeons at their tips that can rattle as an intimidation display. His legs are digitigrade and stocky with avian-like feet, similar to the 2001 incarnation. When Ghidorah's left head is ripped off, his blood is shown to be black and oil-like. Each head has a crown of ten horns similar to the Heisei incarnation, which tend to flare depending on Ghidorah's current mood. There are subtle differences in each head's horn array. The horns of the middle head are notably longer, more curved, and more decorative than the other two, while the left head has straighter horns than the right head. Furthermore, one of the right head's left horns is chipped. The left head appears to have a slightly more rectangular facial structure with slightly further-apart eyes than the other two. The middle head's neck has two rows of spines while the left and right necks only have one. Ghidorah's heads each have crocodilian-looking jaws with flaring nostrils, forked tongue, and brows with a generally furrowed appearance. His eyes are beady and have a fiery reddish-orange color and circular pupils, and they tend to glint or glow blazing yellow at a distance (particularly noticeable in the dark) or when he prepares to fire his gravity beams. Ghidorah's necks also emit golden light of electricity from within whenever he charges up and fires his gravity beams.


    Ghidorah is portrayed through a mix of motion capture and CGI. Jason Liles, who starred in Rampage, performed the mo-cap for Ghidorah's middle head, with Alan Maxson and Richard Dorton portraying the other two, while unnamed colleagues play the monster's body. When designing Ghidorah, the VFX crew studied wolf packs and based the heads' movements on how wolves move around their pack alpha (the middle head). Rather than using direct motion capture to create Ghidorah, the animators merely used the actors' movements and facial expressions as references.


    Ghidorah possesses a high-pitched, wailing roar with an underlying scratching quality. Some of the deeper vocalizations are similar to that of the Vastatosaurus rex in Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie, such as when he is struck by Godzilla's atomic breath upon entering Boston. He also at times produces serpentine hisses, and low growls not dissimilar to a lion's. According to Michael Dougherty, Ghidorah's roar in the MonsterVerse is meant to emulate his original high-pitched cackling roar from the Showa series, but far more intense and louder. The unique point of this incarnation's roar is that sometimes Ghidorah's heads will roar one by one continuously three times. The filmmakers recorded sounds of snakes such as pythons and rattlesnakes to emulate Ghidorah's serpentine traits, along with some growls of a lion. Prior to his landing in Boston, Ghidorah's high-pitched ringing from the Showa films can be heard. During his fight with Godzilla in Boston, Ghidorah uses a roar from his Heisei incarnation.

    Ghidorah is arguably the most malevolent and hostile Titan encountered so far. Unlike the other Titans, who attack humans or cause damage due to provocation, carnivorous hunger or merely by being indifferent to the humans and structures surrounding them, Ghidorah displays true malice. He willingly tries to kill as many humans as he can, whether they're trying to pose a threat to him or not, and there are glimpses of all three of his heads seemingly smiling when he's just killed or is about to attack (more information on that below). Ghidorah also initially displays a willingness to toy with or curiously investigate humans before killing them, such as when his heads attempted to slowly crush the human-filled Osprey in Antarctica. Ghidorah notably prefers killing humans with his gravity beams, despite this being overkill for such comparatively small creatures.

    Ghidorah actively seeks to usurp command of Earth's Titans from Godzilla, and upon successfully doing so, he immediately commands the other Titans to join him in creating natural disasters and wreaking destruction on a global scale, to a point where the likely end result if the global rampage continues will be the eradication of all multicellular life except for Ghidorah within a few years. Upon becoming aware of Ghidorah's extraterrestrial nature, Rick Stanton compares him to an invasive species and suspects that the purpose of his apocalypse is terraforming (xenoforming) the planet into a more ideal place for Ghidorah to live. Ishiro Serizawa, Mark Russell and Emma Russell all run with the same assumption; but Mark at one point alternatively speculates that Ghidorah perhaps simply hates every living thing that isn't him and desires to destroy it all as a motivation and an end-goal in and of itself. Upon usurping Godzilla's position as the reigning alpha, Ghidorah seems to exhibit a controlling streak and possessiveness of his new position that he didn't have before; whereas he'd previously disregarded the ORCA's Alpha signal in Antarctica as soon as it ceased broadcasting, during the Boston battle to maintain his control of the other Titans, Ghidorah instead went as far as immediately abandoning the fight with Godzilla once he sensed the ORCA signal challenging his dominance.

    Ghidorah possesses a strong rivalry with Godzilla, the reigning alpha of Earth's Titans. Ghidorah's right and middle heads were particularly confrontational and exchanged scowls with his ancient enemy when Ghidorah and Godzilla met again after Ghidorah's awakening, and the Titans attempted to size each other up before engaging. Ghidorah likewise maintained a one-on-one battle against Godzilla for the position of alpha in Boston despite Mothra's interference, allowing Rodan to keep Mothra occupied.

    Each of Ghidorah's three heads, though capable of working in sync towards Ghidorah's overall goals (particularly in combative situations where they work as a single creature), has a level of independent thought from each other and a distinct personality.

    The middle head (Ichi) is the most dominant and intelligent-seeming head of the three and appears to be the leader over the other two. It's also debatably the most gleefully sadistic of the heads and the most determined to go out of its way to be cruel; pulling a lopsided smirk directly before obliterating the G-Team, likewise seemingly grinning when Ghidorah was attacking the Argo, and targeting and devouring Vivienne Graham in Antarctica. The middle head appears to be quicker-acting and more focused on Ghidorah's priorities than the other two heads; being the most attentive head when Ghidorah first sensed Godzilla's approach in Antarctica and upon Emma Russell's apparent death, and twisting its neck slightly quicker than the other two heads when pursuing Emma and the ORCA. Because of this, the middle head appears to take Ghidorah's rivalry with Godzilla more personally than the other heads when challenging the terrestrial Titan. The middle head is somewhat creative in battle, such as when it bit down on a power station in Boston. The middle head was only known to show fear at the end of Ghidorah's life, being visibly terrified by a thermonuclear Godzilla's advance after the latter destroyed the other two heads.

    The right head (Ni) is the most irritable and aggressive of the three, often sporting a crooked, grimacing expression which sets it apart from the other two heads. It appears to be particularly bloodthirsty and eager for battle, such as when it feebly attempted to fend Godzilla off while the other heads were incapacitated by Mothra's webbing. The right head displays pragmatism and better spatial awareness of its foes while fighting, such as when it was attempting to free the other heads from Mothra's webbing (first checking Mothra wasn't in a position to immediately strike again before the head got to the task, and quickly noticing Godzilla's approach in a building's reflection); and also at Fenway Park, where it was the first head to notice and begin disabling the Fenway Park speakers broadcasting the ORCA's signal (although this may have been frustration). Despite being mainly known for its angry-seeming disposition, the right head smiled sadistically when watching the middle head devour Vivienne Graham. This head is an obedient follower towards the middle head and is capable of interacting with the middle head without violence; often chirping suggestively to the middle head or being consulted by the middle head first (such as when Ghidorah was confused by the ORCA's deactivation in Antarctica). The middle head in turn seems to be less violent towards this head than towards the left head, such as when it didn't berate the right head for getting distracted feeding on the G-Team's ashes the same way it berated the left head. With all this in mind, the right head appears to rank second on the trio's pecking order, devouring the crushed ice falling from the middle head's jaws (after flicking its tongue seemingly in a request) when it devoured Graham.

    From the Hydra to the Rainbow Serpent, myth was the compass that led us to the resting place of the three-headed Titan. A name, unspoken through millennia of whispered nightmares. A living extinction event, named "the One who is Many". We call it Monster Zero.

    At a Monarch containment facility deep in the frozen tundra of Antarctica, a three-headed winged serpent of ancient yet unknown origin lies frozen within a glacial tomb of ice. This is without question the largest superspecies ever discovered, easily dwarfing Godzilla at a height of over five-hundred feet tall.

    Cranial scans reveal a divergent frontal lobe density in the brains of the three heads, denoting each head has disparate levels of cognitive functions and possibly even independent thought.

    Monster Zero's dermal layer is gilded with trace amounts of aurum (See Ark Record # 73.126). Metallurgical studies theorize the scales act as a conductor capable of carrying bioelectrical currents through the creature's body. Injuries have been discovered on several locations on the beast's body, reminiscent of claw and scorch marks. Exo-Forensics are currently investigating.

    Muscle tendons on the wings are so hyper-tensile that their massive aerodynamics could generate hurricane-force winds when in flight. Coupled with its body's electro-receptor molecular biology capable of conducting electrical currents, water vapor in the air would be heated at extreme levels creating its own localized storm system as it travels. Simply put, if Monster Zero were to fly again, the stratosphere would be torn open by an otherworldly tempest of thunder and lightning our sky has never seen. Cryptolinguistics has analyzed translations of every worldwide case study of Monster Zero in the Monarch database across tens of thousands of years. The ancients called it Ghidorah.

    ― Monarch Creature Profile

    Alpha call

    When Ghidorah became the alpha, he let out an extremely loud and powerful call that could be heard by the other Titans all around the world. Upon hearing the said call, the Titans would immediately come to Ghidorah's aid, assisting him in destroying the Earth, minus Kong, who chose to ignore the call, not wanting anything to do with it. Additionally, his call did not affect Godzilla, who was a rival alpha, or Mothra, who was loyal only to Godzilla.

    Bio-electrical nature

    Ghidorah had electro-receptor molecular biology, and his skin was covered with traces of gold that acted as a conductor that carried bioelectrical currents throughout his body. Besides his Gravity Beams and Meteorokinesis (see below), this seemingly enabled him to draw his storm's lightning to himself as a living conductor, as he seemed to do when fighting Godzilla in Antarctica. Immediately after absorbing electricity directly from a city transformer, Ghidorah blasted lightning bolts from the bladed tips of his wings, disabling numerous aircraft in the surrounding skies and injuring Godzilla.

    Consciousness transferal

    The skull of Ghidorah's decapitated, decomposing left head retained not only Ghidorah's telepathic abilities, but also at the least some marked vestiges of Ghidorah's consciousnesses and murderous personality traits, and it transferred them into Mechagodzilla via its telepathic link to the Mecha; causing the machine to operate independently of a human pilot and exhibit a Ghidorah-like murderous personality.

    Freezing temperatures

    Ghidorah was neutralized by freezing solid in ice after being rendered inert by Godzilla in Antarctica - being frozen rendered Ghidorah dormant for centuries to millennia, and he only recovered when he did due to human interference deliberately freeing him from the ice.

    Thermonuclear pulses

    Despite Ghidorah's immense durability, he could not withstand the thermonuclear pulses that Godzilla released in his burning form, which incinerated Ghidorah's wings and two of his heads in a matter of seconds.


    Since Ghidorah's physical structure was that of an airborne creature, he was not entirely suited to move underwater. When Godzilla dragged him into the ocean near Isla de Mara, Ghidorah struggled to fight back and got his left head easily decapitated by the former.

    •This is the first incarnation of King Ghidorah to appear in an American-made film.

    •In the official Monarch timeline posted on the Facebook page for Kong: Skull Island, the label given to Ghidorah is 'Monster Zero', which was the name given to him by the Xiliens in Invasion of Astro-Monster.

    •The trait where monsters had inspired humanity to create mythical creatures from the real world is very similar to the cases seen in Shusuke Kaneko's Gamera Trilogy and his Godzilla. Both incarnations of King Ghidorah have bird-like with three large claws and a smaller fourth digit, and wings with phalanges that can be folded at the side. They also possess electrical abilities along with the traditional gravity beams. Shusuke Kaneko also pointed multiple similarities between his GMK and King of the Monsters including "King Ghidorah in ice" and "a father in a submarine".

    •This is the largest live-action incarnation of Ghidorah as well as the second-largest next to the anime incarnation.

    •Monarch Outpost 32, where Ghidorah was contained, functions as a reference to Outpost 31 of the 1982 film The Thing. This is backed up by his location that is set in a tundra environment.

    •Additionally, it is a more subtle homage to 1964, the year Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster was released (as 32 is half of 64).

  2. It depends monster zero will be very weak in the first 30 levels and Godzilla won’t be as weak but as you level up monster zero he gets way stronger but I would just go for monster zero becuase you can get Godzilla 2021 at any time after that. Reply reply. moonyxpadfoot19. •.

  3. I’m going with monster zero because mega kaiju would need back up because who knows how many pilots could stop it while monster zero almost took over the world alone (besides the help of Rodan) and if the never revived Godzilla who knows how long it would be until he takes over the world

  4. Monster Zero vs Godzilla 2021 Beam Clash Update ! | Kaiju UniverseKaiju Universe is a PvP / Sandbox experience owned by the group Prometeo Games. ... You can...

    • 1 min
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  5. Aug 31, 2024 · King Ghidorah (キングギドラ Kingu Gidora), also known as Monster Zero (モンスター・ゼロ Monsutā Zero), is a three-headed Titan who first appeared in a cave painting in the 2017 Legendary Pictures Monsterverse film Kong: Skull Island, and was later featured in the 2019 film Godzilla: King of the Monsters.

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  7. In the 2021 sequel, Godzilla vs. Kong, set 5 years after the events of King of the Monsters, Ghidorah's severed head is being used by Apex Cybernetics' Ren Serizawa (portrayed by Shun Oguri) to telepathically interface with Mechagodzilla 's body.

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